42 posts tagged with newyork and newyorkcity.
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What's the meetup record?

There are three (1, 2, 3) NYC meetups scheduled for next Saturday. Is that the same-day same-city record? [more inside]
posted by Jahaza on Oct 11, 2012 - 34 comments

NY World Cup Final Meet-up

Are people interested in meeting up to watch the World Cup final in New York City? It starts at 2:30 pm on Sunday, July 11th.
posted by Kattullus on Jul 4, 2010 - 28 comments

NYC Meetup? You can be the first to welcome me in town by mugging me for all I've got.

I'm going to be in New York City from the 13th to the 20th, and I was thinking... any mefites wanna meet up for a drink? [more inside]
posted by malapropist on Mar 2, 2010 - 62 comments

Mental Discretion Advised.

Live from New York, it's Saturday Night!
posted by Eideteker on Oct 3, 2009 - 22 comments

Fucked up?

So, I heard about the punk band Fucked Up from this post, and I'm excited to be going to the show today. Who else is going? Want to meet up? [more inside]
posted by fuq on Oct 14, 2008 - 7 comments

NYC meetup on April 4th or 5th?

I'm going to be in NYC for a conference the weekend of April 4th/5th--anyone up for a meetup on the Friday or Saturday evening? [more inside]
posted by hurdy gurdy girl on Mar 11, 2008 - 53 comments

NYC Meetup

NYCFilter: Do you have dinner plans in the city tomorrow night? Great, me too -- wanna have drinks together beforehand? Let's waste time together in that layover hour between your manhattan day job and the commute to the outer boroughs -- or whatever your situation is at precisely 5:30pm.

Would enjoy the company of any mefites in the area, especially if you're also occupying time before the next engagement. It would be like those happy hours in airports, that easiness between strangers when everyone's on their way to someplace else.

First-timers encouraged! I've learned so much here, but have yet to meet a single person from this community (that i've known about, obviously). I'll be at the Yuca Bar (EV) tomorrow night, 6-7:30. Drop by if you're in the hood! No social agenda, just a chance to say hello to some of you for the first time.
posted by milkdropcoronet on Feb 5, 2007 - 22 comments

NYC meetup!

Brooklyn/NYC meetup tonight- Barcade starting at 5 p.m. Previously
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Jan 6, 2007 - 34 comments

NYC Meetup

Remember, New Yorkers: Tomorrow we play taunt-the-foreigner at Welcome to the Johnsons. Begins at 6.
posted by dame on Dec 29, 2006 - 21 comments

NYC Meetup

Short notice NYC MeetUp? I'm holidaying in Manhattan from the 26th to the 6th, and I'd love to play the London Mefi Ambassador, and rendezvous with a few native New Yoikers.

Anyone fancy a pint?
posted by armoured-ant on Dec 23, 2006 - 54 comments

NYC Meetup

CONFIRMED: NYC meetup on Sunday, December 3, to celebrate the release of MeFiComp!

As first proposed here, we'll meet at Solas (232 E. 9th St., b/t 2nd and 3rd Aves., 1 block north of St. Marks). I know the management, and do a monthly event there already. They have a side room (The Coal Bar) that is normally unused on Sundays, so we'll have the room mostly to ourselves. I'm thinking 6 pm would be a good start time. More details within.
posted by Artifice_Eternity on Nov 16, 2006 - 29 comments

NYC Nintendo Meetup

Any other NYC-area MeFites going to the Nintendo Wii launch in Times Square this Saturday? I will be there, meeting up with some folks from another large online community, and figured I might as well poll here as well :)
posted by cyrusdogstar on Nov 16, 2006 - 4 comments

NYC Meetup

NYC meetup? The MrsMoonPie and I will be in NYC Friday, October 13, through Sunday, October 15, staying with a friend between Soho and Notila. Anyone interested in getting together? Since I know virtually nothing about the area, someone else will have to propose a venue.
posted by MrMoonPie on Oct 3, 2006 - 70 comments

Manhattan Meetup?

Hypothetically, if a MetaFilter member was taking his first trip to New York City on Memorial Day Weekend, and he set aside some time on the evening of Friday, May 26 for a Manhattan Meetup, hypothetically, where and when should such a meeting take place? [mi]
posted by ColdChef on May 12, 2006 - 21 comments

One of Astro Zombie's play at the Vital Drama League Alumni Directors Fest in NYC

Speaking of little shows in New York, I've got one of my own. And I will probably be there!
posted by Astro Zombie on Apr 24, 2006 - 15 comments

NYC Meetup

NYC Meetup Reminder Thread: Saturday, February 11th, at Revival, starting at 7 p.m.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Feb 9, 2006 - 28 comments

New York City Meetup

MefiNYC: Who wants to go see Grumblebee's play? There's already a meetup being planned for the 11th, so maybe we could go then, or another night altogether? The show opens Thursday.
posted by CunningLinguist on Jan 29, 2006 - 23 comments

NYC Meetup

Hey New York City! Let's have a Valentine's Day meetup on Saturday February 11th!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Jan 28, 2006 - 20 comments

NYC Meetup

NYC Meetup Reminder: Tonight (12/22), starting at 6 p.m., at 151. Cross your fingers, kid- looks like we could be celebrating the end of the transit strike ::knock on wood::
posted by ThePinkSuperhero on Dec 22, 2005 - 49 comments

NYC Meetup

At the last NYC meet-up, a number of us had mentioned getting together this Saturday for a post-whatthehelldoIhavetobethankfulfor meetup. Anyone interested in going to the Ding Dong Lounge this coming Friday or Saturday?
posted by Lola_G on Nov 21, 2005 - 19 comments

Brooklyn meetup?

BrooklynFilter: Anyone interested in a meetup in west Brooklyn (Ft Greene / Clinton Hill / Boerum Hill / Prospect Heights / etc.)? Some of us feel excluded from the Manhattan meetups and want to rock the mefimeetup style. We're thinking Freddy's, Alibi (backyard bonus), Soda, etc... Nu? Any takers?
posted by pinto on Nov 18, 2005 - 49 comments

New York Meetup

nyc meetup photos: recent shoutouts and current tomfooleries. provide your own damned labels.
posted by dorian on Sep 25, 2005 - 53 comments

NYC Meetup

NYC mini meetup for a last minute traveler, anyone? I'm going to be in NY for a couple days next week & would love to meet any & all mefites for beers on Wednesday, September 21, 6ish at Max Fish. Bar suggestion thanks to Amberglow !
posted by mygothlaundry on Sep 17, 2005 - 32 comments

NYC Meetup

MeFiNYC: June 26 (Sunday), evening. Someplace with beer, hopefully not too far from Penn Station - but where? Help a girl out!
posted by caitlinb on Jun 15, 2005 - 24 comments

NYC Meetup

In the discussion of last month's NYC meetup, mention was made of another meetup to be held a month or so later, perhaps with a special guest star. Anything ever happen with that?
posted by UKnowForKids on May 20, 2005 - 10 comments

NYC Meetup

MetaTawk: Wasn't there to be an NYC Meetup this month? Special Guest? Etc? I see none listed. What is the deal?
posted by Eideteker on May 14, 2005 - 9 comments

New York Meetup

Where are you? We're at the NYC meetup! And I'm taking the JONMC SAYS HI opportunity to pop my Grey-cherry. Jon says I look like prospero. In attendance are: jonmc, vidiot, amberglow, adampsyche, cunninglinguist, SmartDalek, lilboo, chicobangs, naxosaxur, bingo, dame, ursus comitas, hellbient, TNLNYC, and a few "real" people. I might've left someone out. Sorry if I did. (is this the first post AT a meetup?)
posted by Eideteker on Apr 15, 2005 - 83 comments

NYC Meetup

NYC MeFi Meetup? Anyone interested?
posted by TNLNYC on Apr 5, 2005 - 99 comments

New York Meetup

New Yorkers: We have been asked out for beers. I know we all hate drinking, but maybe we can come together to greet a foreigner and suffer for his sake. Plus, if we plan ahead, perhaps even the perennially missing can make it.
posted by dame on Jan 11, 2005 - 95 comments

NYC Meetup

NYC Meetup reminders:
posted by adampsyche on Dec 10, 2004 - 25 comments

NYC Meetup

Quickie NYC coffee/drinks meetup? Weds. or Thurs night, and I'm calling out amberglow to suggest the venue. Your suggestions welcome inside.
posted by falconred on Aug 23, 2004 - 24 comments

NYC Meetup

As sort of a followup to the recent reminiscence of the ol' sound of the 'ol days, I was wondering if anyone was interested in a Micro Meetup in NYC.

It seems dkt/MC5 will be playing the Bowery Ballroom this Monday & Tuesday. It's short notice, and on a work/school night, but what say ye, MeFites?
posted by Smart Dalek on Jun 12, 2004 - 1 comment

NYC Meetup

The International meetup , NYC , dba , 3-4 pm start , peruvian jumpers , kilts and morris dancing galore !
posted by sgt.serenity on May 27, 2004 - 95 comments

International meetup ! Lower east side ! New york may 27th -29th !

International meetup ! Lower east side ! New york may 27th -29th !
posted by sgt.serenity on Mar 27, 2004 - 19 comments

NYC Meetup

MeFiNYC - June 6th, 2003 at Siberia on 40th bet. 8th & 9th Ave.s. We had cameras and ebk!
posted by riffola on Jun 7, 2003 - 45 comments

NYC Meetup

MeFiNYC - March 22nd, 2003 pictures via adampsyche's camera, chicobang's camera, and we're waiting to see the rest. It went fairly well, although we wrapped up fairly early, 'cause the out of towners had to leave early.
posted by riffola on Mar 23, 2003 - 15 comments

NYC Meetup

What day is the NY MeFi Meet? I signed up thinking it was in August, but I've just responded to an RSVP request from meetup. com with a date for this upcoming Thursday. Since the August date is still listed here, I'm mighty confused. So -- which day is it? Both? Neither? Anybody? Beuller?
posted by metrocake on Jul 13, 2002 - 4 comments

NYC World Cup Meetup

I believe I'll be watching the France-Senegal World Cup match at 7:30 a.m. at Nevada Smith's on Third Avenue in NYC on Friday 31 May. Would anyone like to join me?
posted by Mo Nickels on May 30, 2002 - 43 comments

NYC Meetup

Reminder: NYC MeFi gathering *tomorrow night* at Pioneer (218 Bowery btw. Prince & Spring. 212.334.0484) 8PM.
posted by lizs on Apr 24, 2002 - 32 comments

New York Meetup

OK. Getting back to the Mefi New York Get Together open question... ...
posted by ParisParamus on Nov 27, 2001 - 11 comments

NYC Meetup

Some good news in Manhattan: an NYC webloggers' get-together. We are assuming that south of 14th street will be open by Friday night, but if not we will find a good replacement, I'm sure.

It'll do us all a world of good to get out and live a little.
posted by anildash on Sep 13, 2001 - 6 comments

NYC Meetup

Again, a non-virtual Metafilter gathering in NYC should be proposed. Cool/odd/appropropriate location? Williamsburg, BK, or within line of sight of the computer. Does anyone know anyone who owns or has connections with such a venue?
posted by ParisParamus on Jul 30, 2001 - 27 comments

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