53 posts tagged with quality and mefi.
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Down with slurp.

A single link to today's issue of your favorite webcomic or cartoon series is not appropriate for a Front Page Post. [more inside]
posted by solipsophistocracy on Sep 30, 2008 - 32 comments

I tried. I failed. Why?

My first ever MeFi post failed miserably. Where'd I go wrong? [more inside]
posted by alby on Apr 9, 2008 - 96 comments

Policestate Filter is not Best of the Web

Policestate Filter is not Best of the Web. [more inside]
posted by Cool Papa Bell on Feb 2, 2008 - 71 comments

Good Work FPPers!

As of the time of this post, the blue has had an unbroken string of 71 undeleted FPPs (numbers 68210 to 68280). That's almost three full days with no doubles, no self-linkers, no crappy stunt posts, etc. Good work, people! It got me wondering, though, what's the longest string (number-wise and/or timespan-wise) of undeleted FPPs on the blue? Does this mean we're all finally "getting" what makes a good post? Or are people getting better at following the guidelines? Or is this just an anomaly? [more inside]
posted by amyms on Jan 18, 2008 - 70 comments

Three Strikes, SLBOE

A good post to MetaFilter is something that meets the following criteria: most people haven't seen it before, there is something interesting about the content on the page, and it might warrant discussion from others.
What? [more inside]
posted by prostyle on Oct 30, 2007 - 90 comments

An Alarming Trend

Advertisments are not the best of the web.
posted by BeerFilter on Jun 8, 2007 - 76 comments

MeFi under siege

Exactly why did this stay up on MeFi?
posted by allkindsoftime on Mar 24, 2007 - 62 comments

yes, I would like to know what's in your mouth!

Hey everyone! It's Tuesday afternoon, I'm just chillin at home. Happy post-whatever-crap-you've-eaten-lately day.
posted by signal on Mar 6, 2007 - 55 comments

the front page has been incredible recently

I just want to say that the front page has been incredible recently. What's up as of this post is just stellar post after stellar post. I love you guys.
posted by shmegegge on Nov 27, 2006 - 61 comments

deletion, why?!

Loudon Dreps: self-link, no. Friend-link, yes. Was this post deleted because it sucked, or because I know the guy? If both, I concede. If only because of association, is that transgression articulated somewhere? I couldn’t find it.
posted by Milkman Dan on Nov 21, 2006 - 29 comments

Semen-eating monkeys aren't welcome on MetaFilter.

You knew it was coming, and here it is! Is this really what Metafilter is about? Matt almost got run out of town by a howling mob for allowing ads for a popular site with scantily clad women, but videos of monkeys eating their own semen is A-OK and best of the web?
posted by Justinian on Aug 19, 2006 - 74 comments

I want to be able to write a good FPP

I want to be able to write a good FPP (reposted from AskMeFi)
posted by talitha_kumi on May 24, 2006 - 84 comments

Axe-grindy Bush post.

This is a terrible, axe-grinding, (self-admitted) newsfilter post with editorializing in both the text of the post and the tags.
posted by trey on May 8, 2006 - 48 comments

Bad newsfilter post.

This is why single link newsfilter posts are bad.
posted by TedW on Apr 8, 2006 - 31 comments

Today has been quality

Today, February 17, 2006, has seen the most quality, well written posts ever, or for at least during my time here. The bar has been raised. I'll try to keep up. Thanks!
posted by The Jesse Helms on Feb 17, 2006 - 46 comments

If you don't like the post, at least tell me why.

What? Already. What are you people on about?
Can you be a more explicit in your sugestions for improving my post than just telling me it sucks? A hint, perhaps, to the nature of the suck, rather than just its degree?
posted by If I Had An Anus on Jan 31, 2006 - 46 comments

one link posts to one trick ponies

Christmas. Christmas. Smoke. We can do better than one link posts to one trick ponies, folks.
posted by frecklefaerie on Dec 15, 2005 - 52 comments

Click here to add a title.

I've trained remedial ferrets to make better FPPs.
And linking to the same thing twice doesn't make it less crap.
posted by klangklangston on Nov 30, 2005 - 41 comments

Are silly threads allowed now?

Has there been a slight shift in policy?

The silly personality quiz and the infamous Mushroom post are both things I would have thought would have been flagged copiously and deleted, but they remain.
I am not having a hissy fit, and am perfectly willing to skip over or add to the stillness as I see fit.
This is just seeking some clarification as to if anything different is happening and can we expect more of the same.
posted by edgeways on Nov 16, 2005 - 46 comments

Fratboy Journalism

"This entire genre of editorials are so embarassing: the guy who won't stand for it anymore and finally tells it like it is, which inevitably means high-fiving his readers and foaming with vitriolic bigotry.... I propose the name 'Fratboy Journalism.' "
posted by namespan on Oct 23, 2005 - 62 comments

How about another Best Post contest?

I suggest we do another contest like amberglow's, on October 1 prehaps? There wouldd be no prizes from me but if someone else steps up and offers that would be ideal. I wont be posting anything because frankly I suck at posts lately. Anyone up to this? After all the crap/shit posts lately, we need happier MeFi days here!!
posted by wheelieman on Sep 19, 2005 - 28 comments

Poetic FFP screening.

Within AskMe I offered a link
To a site that's quite helpful, I think
And I threw in a line
re: a pet cause of mine
As a post to the blue, would this stink?
posted by stupidsexyFlanders on Feb 18, 2005 - 12 comments

These aren't really good posts.

Natalie dee now has her very own dog. It's too bad she had to " stone-cold quit my job".

Does This combined with This really belong on the front page?

What _is_ the best way to address this stuff without seeming like a jerk?
posted by edgeways on Feb 5, 2005 - 34 comments

best of the yawn

Here we have a short (and fairly dull) Wired article, a link to Google News, a repost, and a bandwidth-exceeded Geocities site. I'm new(ish), but, best of the web?
posted by alsorises on Jan 14, 2005 - 7 comments

post policing is the new troll

A thread about some irresponsible thing Bill O'Reilly said is followed with some pile on comments and a few insights. Then, ten comments and forty minutes later, this: "Jeebus, how does this qualify as a FPP?" It seems that on the new MetaFilter, post policing is the new troll.
posted by tomharpel on Dec 23, 2004 - 35 comments


Despite my penchant for terse front page posts, with as little interpretation as possible, I think this is a prime example of a frontpage post done right. Well done, NotMyselfRightNow.
posted by crunchland on Sep 8, 2004 - 24 comments

Worst FPP ever?

Worst FPP ever? There's plenty of marginally psychotic fetishes out there. This one is neither unusual nor entertaining. There are plenty of specialty sites for this crap (Stile, Rotten), so it would stand to reason that only the most entertaining of it, if any, should make it to Mefi, a more general-interest site.
posted by abcde on Aug 26, 2004 - 43 comments

What have been your best and worst links posted?

A what-makes-a-good-post question I'd like to see other MetaFilter dinosaurs answer along with me: What are the best and worst links you ever inflicted on the front page?
posted by rcade on Jul 29, 2004 - 66 comments

More and more Newsfilter, and boring Newsfilter at that

The pancakes are getting incredibly stale, people.
Metafilter used to be an addiction for me, but lately with more and more Newsfilter, and boring Newsfilter at that, can we really say we are the best of the Web anymore? Final straw was the posting of that Bush daughter photo.
Is this really what we want this place to be?
posted by konolia on Jul 21, 2004 - 250 comments

Posts with no context at all.

a b c's, 1 2 3's. Here's a thread to critique these.
posted by stonerose on Oct 27, 2003 - 72 comments

Quick and lazy newsfilter posts.

Double-posts leak in. (1, 2)
posted by insomnyuk on Oct 16, 2003 - 42 comments

I think it should be deleted. Am I wrong?

One of the worst posts I've seen in a long time. No focus or point of discussion, just a jumble of links. I think it should be deleted. Am I wrong?
posted by johnnydark on Oct 3, 2003 - 52 comments

pppppplllllllease i know it sucks but...!

Three-paragraph post plus pre-emptive plea from author for forgiveness equals a thread filled with crap.
posted by mr_crash_davis on Sep 1, 2003 - 43 comments

What can we do to encourage people to pad out their NewsFilter posts?

What can we do to encourage people to pad out their NewsFilter posts? Yes it is an interesting piece of news, and yes I am sure some interesting comments may follow but surely some extra links to relevant elements of the story is not too difficult? C'mon folks, off your fat asses.
posted by Frasermoo on Jul 24, 2003 - 14 comments

It's not asshat, it's felchwit

That know-nothing neo-jazz-fusion asshat Pretty_Generic made a shitty first post, thereby crudding up a pristine, postless front page.
posted by lazy-ville on Mar 25, 2003 - 29 comments

a really, really, good day for Metafilter

Friday, January 17, 2003 was a really, really, good day for Metafilter.
posted by PrinceValium on Jan 18, 2003 - 11 comments

I want to break a rule here and propose a shoutout

I want to break a rule here and propose a shoutout - a cheerleader post, if you will indulge me. I note a immense upward jump in the quality of both MeFi and MeTa posts and comments, with a corresponding downward jump in noise, trolling and trash. I note comments by Matt have a more relaxed tone than in the past few weeks. I see discussions kept to a mostly civil if not downright respectful tone. I observe efforts running the gamut from herculean to humorous by members like frykitty, y6y6y6, waxy, riffola, adrianhon, et al, to help make this wondrous place ever more enjoyable and user friendly. I want to say thank you, to everyone. [*Cue Dorothy, who taps heels of ruby slippers 3 times, chants "There's no place like Metafilter, there's no place like Metafilter, there's no place like Metafilter...*]
posted by Lynsey on Nov 19, 2002 - 20 comments

recent posts not best of web

boobies and boobies and gay bashing... oh my! are we living through a mefi nightmare?
posted by mlang on Jul 18, 2002 - 39 comments

Chatfilter posts are bad posts.

You're kidding, right?
posted by Su on May 16, 2002 - 43 comments

Good link and good discussion

Good link vs good discussion: Which is more important? And why is it so difficult to find both in a FPP lately?
posted by dogmatic on Jan 14, 2002 - 31 comments

The Chilling Effect of Self-Policing.

The Chilling Effect of Self-Policing. Step inside, won't you? (more)
posted by solistrato on Jan 8, 2002 - 33 comments

Can't we do any better?

A troubling thread. Insulting in tone, shallow in content, this thread is an extreme example of a type of behavior that seems to be growing here. More inside.
posted by gd779 on Dec 4, 2001 - 36 comments

Was today just one big puke-a-rama?

Was today just one big puke-a-rama? A community brain dump? Therapy?
We better start clicking on that donation button.

posted by redhead on Oct 19, 2001 - 3 comments

back in the day, there was no snark

just another old-timer rant
(text inside..)

posted by sawks on Oct 19, 2001 - 16 comments

I'm sorry, this is not a tourist site.

Good Morning. Two front page posts, both "Best of City" sites. One with an ulitmatum. The other saying that Oklahoma City needs a front page post just as much as New York.
posted by eyeballkid on Oct 6, 2001 - 18 comments

No backsies

Can we just call a "do-over"or something today?
posted by Doug on Sep 26, 2001 - 15 comments

July 19 was goshdarnitall a GOOD day

Now introducing : a 'Metafilter is getting better thread'! Is it just me and my interests-tunnelvision, or were the posts on July 19 just goshdarnitall more high-quality than has been the case sometimes of late? A little heavy on the flash and alcohol (two great tastes that go great together), but nary a single post of the 'Big Brother/Survivor' variety to be seen!
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Jul 19, 2001 - 5 comments

There should be an automatic ban on anyone using the phrase "lol"

Fuck, I can't even post a decent link without morons taking over.
posted by Mo Nickels on May 15, 2001 - 29 comments

When is something "worth" posting?

I am wary of posting things from the new york times. I guess since many of the things in the times are discussion-worthy, it has to have some personal significance or other spin to be worth a link. also, it needs to be from the last week, even if it hasn't been posted before. that's my impression right now. any comments?

also what about posting this ted rall cartoon? it isn't the type of thing that would garner dozens of comments, i don't think. so i guess i can think about it logically and decide whether it's worth posting. at the same time, i would like to spark talk about ted rall's stuff. my personal website isn't really set up for that sort of thing and doesn't get enough visitors to get an actual discussion going. so what do i do?
posted by benjamin on Apr 29, 2001 - 4 comments

MeFi Posting Frequency

The posting debate has been thrown open. I've posted my response as a comment here, and would love to here other's comments about how frequently people should be posting and what constitutes quality.
posted by feelinglistless on Apr 27, 2001 - 22 comments

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