148 posts tagged with thanks.
Displaying 51 through 100 of 148. Subscribe:
Thanks to the community for the amazing commentary and analysis
Thanks to the community for the amazing commentary and analysis in this thread about employers asking for Facebook passwords. [more inside]
MeFi Connections
Missed MeFi Connection: me: This guy.
you: The MeFite on the crew who recognized my shirt and let me get a picture of the Daily Show set and Jon Stewart's pen. [more inside]
Thanks, Mefites
AskMe enriched my pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum experience (thus far). Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [more inside]
Doctor, eventually.
Thanks, Metafilter. [more inside]
Thank you for existing, and for Ask's habit of suggesting therapy.
I decided to take the common advice AskMeFi gives and seek therapy (again) to get my SSRI's changed. [more inside]
I posted anonymously to ask me and the advice and help offered, though some of it was very harsh, strengthened me to get out of a bad relationship. I read through the post over and over again when I start to weaken and it empowers me to stay strong. Your advice agreed with the advice of all my real world friends, but they were getting tired of reiterating it. Having the thread to re-read is powerful support. Thank you everybody! I'm in a safer, healthier place today than I would be without the support of many strangers on the internet.
Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
As a person, like many of you, whose friends, lovers, coworkers, parents, grocery clerks, insurance agents and all other myriad individuals we come across are fucking sick to death of hearing Arrested Development quotes, I'd like to publicly thank Rory Marinich for letting us shake out the sillies. [more inside]
Know of an artist named Art Seller? I do now.
I posted this question about 2 ½ years ago and I wanted to give a followup and say “thanks”. [more inside]
Thank You All
Thank you for being the most intelligent community on the internet. [more inside]
Thanks to the Hive Mind
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who commented in my AskMeFi thread about my slow iMac; you helped me narrow down the likely suspect. [more inside]
Rhomboid is an awesome teacher
Shout out to Rhomboid for awesome Ask awesomosity! [more inside]
Thank You Secret Quonsar!
I would like to thank my Secret Quonsar and invite others to as well and bask in the schmoopy. [more inside]
thanks thankyou AskMe question
What's the best way to thank people who answer an Ask Me question? [more inside]
Pony: Easier way to access mobile site
Pony: An easier way to revert to the mobile site. Current link is 1. tiny and 2. all the way at the bottom. [more inside]
Five years in the making and finally complete!
Thank you backtaggers! [more inside]
Best Flame Out Ever! (Or maybe not).
I go in for surgery in a couple of hours to have a tumor removed from my neck. I'm getting a parotidectomy (link not safe for breakfast). [more inside]
"Maybe, maybe, maybe this will be reprinted? A girl can dream."
I, too, have reason to thank MeFi today: Back in January, peep posted to Metafilter about Mel Juffe and Edward Gorey's The Recently Deflowered Girl, which had been long out of print. Through a delightful stroke of luck, I have become the editor responsible for bringing the book back into print, and the mefi thread about the book was pretty darn helpful to that end. [more inside]
Thanks, Metafilter
fixing ATX 10yr $ after falling off the planet
I need to know who ended up taking care of beers at ATX 10yr so I can give them the dosh sent to my paypal address. Also... [more inside]
I owe you all
This is a callout. I accuse each and every one of you of being awesome. [more inside]
Best $5 I ever spent.
AskMe saved me more than TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. Thank you! Thank you! [more inside]
Law to biology in about 900 easy steps with help from Askme
Local Askme Girl Makes Good [Thanks everyone!] [more inside]
MeFi prevents brain damage!
Hey, AskMefites, thanks for potentially saving my life. [more inside]
Editorializing about Optimalized Recent Activity
Changed interface in Recent Activity!
"78 total comments. 5 since the last comment you read. 20 since your most recent comment, last 10 shown below..." This? Is very cool! Thanks! Very much!
"78 total comments. 5 since the last comment you read. 20 since your most recent comment, last 10 shown below..." This? Is very cool! Thanks! Very much!
Thanks, AskMeFites!
Just wanted to thank the many MeFites who chime in to offer advice to travelers... [more inside]
Just thank you.
$5 is a bargain [more inside]
"V" is for "Valiant"
Thank you to all those who have sent kind words to us - they really do help us stay tough. And thanks as a whole to the MeFi community, which has kept me entertained, interested and mentally functioning the past weeks as I lurked, learning new things and following the drama.
Vivienne passed away in her sleep last night - I guess she was waiting to make one final point.
He knows about the dwarf in the box.
Eisenkr is a lovely person who helped my Turk problem. [more inside]
Thank you for deleting me. [more inside]
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?
Its been a tough month, but you are good people. I would like to thank you. [more inside]
jessamyn, cortex, mathowie, thanks for your patience
Just wanted to say thanks to the mods for their patience with the links in my post about Indian architecture. [more inside]
Thanks, mattbucher!
I'd like to publicly thank MeFi user mattbucher for helping make last night a wonderful experience. [more inside]
Sideblog snaps and props
Oh snap, I made the sideblog.. I'm relatively new here, so it's a bit of an honor for me to be selected for the sideblog for my recent MuFi post.. [more inside]
Yeah, I got my answer, but fuck you.
AskMe vent: Is it just me, or does anyone else get frustrated when they answer questions and the asker never comes back to say "Hey, thanks, that's what I was looking for" or "That's not what I meant, but let me clarify" or never comes back to give feedback to the answers in any way? I'm not talking about "anonymous" askers who obviously can't follow up. I mean regular/mundane/normal questions whose askers never bother to respond at all. [more inside]
Forty Three Thousand untagged posts DONE.
Holy crap, the back tagging project (recent update) is complete! 43,000 old posts have been keyworded by a team of hundreds of volunteers here. A huge thanks to all, I never thought we'd finish up all those old MeFi posts. [more inside]
Thank you, admins.
This holiday season (yes, I said it), I'd like to give thanks for the wonderful deletions of our ruling triumvirate. By deleting mediocre junk posts, you guys make MetaFilter a better place. Thank you. Really. [more inside]
God Bless Ye Merry GentleMefites
Lots of people seemed interested in my Christmas music question. With your help, I've finished the job. Thanks so much everyone!
Big, sloppy thank-you to MetaFilter! [more inside]
Oh man am I stoked
Just wanted to give massive shout-outs to everybody at MeFi who have patiently answered many of my questions about moving from the US to Canada. I'm a week away from that move, way nervous, but infinitely better prepared due to your valuable feedback. Thank you!
Uptime is hugely improved
Uptime and performance have been awesome for me lately. In particular the days of long downtimes when the admins are asleep seem to be over. On behalf of UK mefites, thanks.
The new Favorites page kicks ass!
Hot damn, Matt! I love the new "Favorited by others" page! Beautiful work, sir.
Last August, I asked Metafilter about launching model rockets with my young son. I received lots of encouragement and some good advice. This past weekend, we finally launched our first rockets (photos, short video) and I wanted to say thanks.
Removing Favorites At Point Of Origin = YAY!
I've noticed it's now possible to remove favorites directly at the post/comment. Very cool! Thanks mathowie!
User Shoutouts
Callout time- I'd like to publicly thank both Aidan Kehoe and Your Time Machine Sucks for taking time from their busy lives to help me remember some good times and help bring some memories for me into better focus.
Adding Favorites
This is the thread where we say that the "add favorites from page" icon being tested rocks.
I hope this is the right place to do it... I just would like to give a great big shout-out to everyone who took time to answer my newspaper job interview and tryout questions.
I'm hired!!!
You all rock, but CunningLinguist, croutonsupafreak, frogan, M.C. Lo-Carb! and game warden to the events rhino rock lots.
And thanks Mr Haughey for making a place where, within minutes, people who had the exact answers I needed were chipping in advice, reassurance and perspective from all over the world. That's pretty damn amazing. You rock too.
I'm hired!!!
You all rock, but CunningLinguist, croutonsupafreak, frogan, M.C. Lo-Carb! and game warden to the events rhino rock lots.
And thanks Mr Haughey for making a place where, within minutes, people who had the exact answers I needed were chipping in advice, reassurance and perspective from all over the world. That's pretty damn amazing. You rock too.
Hello. I just want to thank everyone who responded to my Ask Metafilter question about spouse/fiance immigration.
AskMe Sidebar Thanks
Thank you very much for putting the sex in space Ask.Metafilter thread on the sidebar.
User Shoutout!
I just want to thank y2karl for making MeFi amazing and interesting. His posts never cease to impress me. Thanks Karl!!
Thanks for adding resolved tags to your AskMe posts
Related somewhat to the post below, I'd like to thank everyone who has started adopting the custom of adding "resolved" or "updated" tags to their questions. Browsing those tags can be very interesting.