June 2003 Archives (all archives)

June 30

MeFi in NYT

MeFi gets a brief (inaccurate) mention in the Times article the (not so) secret diary of a blogger today. "Any of the 171,151 members can nominate a link, but only those voted good enough by the others make it to the front page". Still, at least the author of the piece got his own weblog as part of the research.
posted by walrus to MetaFilter-Related at 6:21 AM PST - 24 comments

June 29

I'm proposing a voting method for taking FPP posts down in Mathowie's absence.

I'm proposing a voting method for taking FPP posts down in Mathowie's absence. Details inside...
posted by woil to Feature Requests at 9:11 PM PST - 44 comments

Clear, refreshing taste

It's Pepsi. And it's blue.
posted by Vidiot to Etiquette/Policy at 6:38 PM PST - 34 comments

TextAd graph is dead

The TextAd graph has gone belly-up. I want, nay demand, fancy graphs to go with my Ad expense, and all I got was this lousy error:

The chart could not be generated due to an error in the graphing engine.

The error occurred in C:\metafilter sites\www.metafilter.com\adsystem\log_report.cfm: line 218

216 :
217 :
218 :
posted by wibbler to Bugs at 9:41 AM PST - 7 comments

I'm an hour behind

I've got AEST (UTC+10) selected as my time zone on MeFi - but it's an hour fast. Any idea why?
posted by cheaily to Bugs at 8:48 AM PST - 8 comments

June 28

Laughing at you, not with you.

Over the line. Please kill this.
posted by squirrel to Etiquette/Policy at 10:51 PM PST - 10 comments

Popup Ad on MeFi

Am I the only one who has gotten a popup ad on the blue page?
posted by konolia to Bugs at 3:18 PM PST - 17 comments

130,000 hits per day! (2003)

Say no more about the overload, in fact I rather welcome having something like 130.000 hits in one day, something to brag about in the pub when things get a bit dull. That was after my link crashed Johnny Spencer's artchive of Jamaican and American R&B on the 23rd. In disbelief, I wrote and asked for real? and got: 23rd, June = 133,130 hits or 2.2 GB bandwidth. I had no idea we had that much impact.
posted by y2karl to MetaFilter-Related at 9:37 AM PST - 22 comments

June 27

Google has been very slow for the past few days...

Google has been very slow for the past few days (through WorldCom T1.) When loading MetaFilter, it has been hanging on the Google Ads. While I don't want to add ' pagead.googlesyndication.com' to my host file, I'm not sure of another way to resolve one site affecting another's ability to fully load.
posted by the fire you left me to Etiquette/Policy at 9:56 AM PST - 16 comments

The Search Engine Is Kinda Crap

When I search for the user "signal", I get one hit. I click on it, and see asterisk's home page. Surely that ain't right?
posted by andrew cooke to Bugs at 9:06 AM PST - 15 comments

June 26

this thread has no link

this thread has no link.
posted by crunchland to Etiquette/Policy at 9:35 PM PST - 46 comments

Matt cited in English 101

Matt has been featured in Shift, Slate, Forbes, Wired, and The New York Times. Now he hits the big time: a citation in a college freshman's English essay.
posted by Shadowkeeper to MetaFilter-Related at 11:40 AM PST - 16 comments

June 25

An unusual, good thread about religion.

Who said MetaFilter doesn't do religion well? This truly soul-searching thread bears witness to what can be accomplished when the thread-raiders and thread-destroyers are good enough not to intervene and users are good enough to actually weigh in with their considered feelings and thoughts. Isn't it therefore self-defeating to conclude, avant la lettre, that MeFi is only good at certain, non-controversial, non-polemic issues? Why shoot ourselves in the foot if, given the right circumstances - perhaps happenstance, luck or magic - our boots are often so clearly and movingly made for walking? [Please add a thank-you note to all the posters who truly enlarged my perception of a big, weighty issue as is belief or non-belief in God.]
posted by MiguelCardoso to MetaFilter-Related at 11:20 PM PST - 25 comments

Please use descriptive titles for posts!

RSS feed request: having recently set up the RSS feed plugin in Trillian, it has come to my attention that many people set titles which rather than being descriptive of their threads are just little comments. For example: "Yikes", "Listen Closely", etc.
Please, I'm begging you, use descriptive titles for your posts.
posted by signal to Etiquette/Policy at 2:27 PM PST - 14 comments

What do Mefites do for a living?

What do Mefites do for a living? I know we have just over A Trio Of Librarians, but is there a "most common" choice of career for a Metafilter member, or are most of us unemployed?
I imagine we have a gaggle of programmers & web designers, but are there any welders, boat builders, porn stars, farmers or bassoonists out there? What's the least common profession for a member?
I swear this was discussed once, I couldn’t seem to find it, but maybe it’s time to discuss again?
posted by Blake to MetaFilter-Related at 10:00 AM PST - 253 comments

MetaFilter Quizzing Game Show Contestants?

Let's say a MetaFilter member is going to be on a game show in a month... a game show where one answers in the form of a question...
Would it be wrong to ask the various MetaDenizens for great links to quizzes and other sources that might help one prepare for such an undertaking?
(Just a hypothetical question here, no real reason...)
posted by jpburns to MetaFilter Gatherings at 6:40 AM PST - 53 comments

June 23

Las Vegas Meetup

Vegas baby, Vegas! Where the drinks are free, the neon lights shine brightly and the streets are coated in a light dusting of high-quality cocaine (or so I hear)!

MeFiVegas is happening November 7th-10th, plenty of time to arrange booking off some vacation time and sending the kids off to grandma's house.

No churlishness allowed.
posted by Salmonberry to MetaFilter Gatherings at 1:49 PM PST - 54 comments

Posting form not available on thread

Am I the only one that can't post to this thread? Meaning, the posting form isn't available.
posted by Witty to Bugs at 10:41 AM PST - 8 comments

I keep getting an error message when I post a new thread.

I keep getting an error message when I post a new thread.
posted by crunchland to Bugs at 6:58 AM PST - 7 comments

June 20


posted by mikrophon to MetaFilter-Related at 2:21 PM PST - 11 comments

Comment goes beyond the pale of acceptable comments

"On the other hand, this girl just might wake up with a sore pussy the next day and not even worry about it..." Delmoi's post is offensive, disgusting, insulting, demeaning to women, really creepy, and IMHO, is simply beyond the pale of acceptable comments. I know you should be able to say what you want, but the thread just keeps getting worse and worse. And it's not just Delmoi who's being sickening. Shouldn't this thread be deleted? What's the policy on really offensive stuff?
posted by aacheson to Etiquette/Policy at 11:03 AM PST - 535 comments

AppleFilter. It's a new pc. And it's faster. Hold me.

AppleFilter. It's a new pc. And it's faster. Hold me.
posted by NortonDC to Etiquette/Policy at 7:44 AM PST - 57 comments

June 19

Am I the only one shaking my head at this?

So there's that Hello Kitty vibrator ad by nyxxxx, and now there's an ad saying he ripped Dean King off. I'd post the link to the page that the ad links to, but it apparently sends an email to nyxxxx every single time the page is reloaded. Am I the only one shaking my head at this? [more inside]
posted by angry modem to Etiquette/Policy at 5:33 PM PST - 39 comments

San Francisco Meetup

Time to put up or shut up. I propose, once and for all, an SF meetup.

More inside, baby. Don't be scared.
posted by padraigin to MetaFilter Gatherings at 5:00 PM PST - 45 comments

At what point does posting to a thread become pointless?

At the risk of sounding like a newbie (and my user# is embarrassingly large), I have to ask: How long do people read the threads? I often read MeFi in lurk mode, and sometimes don't get around to visiting for a day or two, at which time I will find a thread I would like to comment in, but no one else has posted to for a couple of days. I don't mind missing out on a chance to post a smartass comment, but at times I might have something intelligent to add to the discussion. At what point does posting to a thread become pointless?
posted by TedW to Etiquette/Policy at 4:45 PM PST - 19 comments

Request to update MetaTalk posting page for IE.

Dear Matt: given that most people here use IE, when will you modernize the MetaTalk posting page? You've known for ages that anyone hitting the "Back" button to edit their post will lose everything because of IE browser settings.

When will it be as easy as the MetaFilter one? How is someone who knows no HTML supposed to post to MetaTalk with the appropriate links, bold and italic emphases and whatever?
posted by MiguelCardoso to Feature Requests at 9:18 AM PST - 53 comments

June 18

"Page Has Expired" after preview

After testing links in preview of both Posts and Comments, I hit "back" and get "Page Has Expired". (Dingoes Ate My FPP!) Happens in IE6, but not in Mozilla. Yes, I've eaten all my cookies. Is this something I need a computer to know about?
posted by wendell to Bugs at 12:03 PM PST - 10 comments

em-dash rendering problem

My em-dashes in old posts are being rendered as "?" characters. New posts seem OK.
posted by nicwolff to Bugs at 4:50 AM PST - 4 comments

June 15

Rediff.com mentions the "ever-popular" MetaFilter in an not uninteresting article.

Rohini Kapur of Rediff.com mentions the "ever-popular" MetaFilter in an not uninteresting article.
posted by MiguelCardoso to MetaFilter-Related at 5:57 PM PST - 21 comments

June 14


PettyGrudgeFilter. Part of the amusement of Mefi isn't just the content, but getting to know the personalities behind the posts (admit it - if it weren't, why not just make all posts anonymous?). More Inside</small.
posted by jonson to Feature Requests at 11:09 PM PST - 370 comments

June 13

I agree with the sentiments, but that's not a good post.

1. Bush is an assclown.
2. This is not a good FPP, IMO.

Nothing personal, but it has been linked in at least one thread already, and is only a funny picture. Am I wrong (I mean this time)?
posted by Ignatius J. Reilly to Etiquette/Policy at 5:51 PM PST - 97 comments

Argyle's Guide to Circumventing "Free Registration" Links

I'm fed up with the "Free Registration" links. There's a way to avoid all that. Read more if you want to know how.
posted by Argyle to Etiquette/Policy at 4:14 PM PST - 50 comments

Bring back the via!

Whatever happened to good old via? Lately attributions on MetaFilter have become rarer and rarer. Have we all suddenly started finding our own links the hard way or has the habit sadly declined?
posted by MiguelCardoso to Etiquette/Policy at 7:58 AM PST - 25 comments

June 12

Paper finished

Mefite squirrel's communications studies paper, as originally mentioned here, is finished, and interesting.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken to MetaFilter-Related at 10:29 PM PST - 18 comments

Can't get this posted...

I miss Pete Wilson, to be honest. But, apparently, I can only say it once in that particular thread. I've tried posting the sentiment multiple times in that thread, but when I hit "post" nothing happens. [more inside]
posted by WolfDaddy to Bugs at 9:00 PM PST - 12 comments

What happened to all the comments that got deleted?

MetaFilter has an editor? More importantly, what happened to all the comments that got deleted? At least delted posts remain in the database, and are accessible. My comment is gone. Apart from the vanity of really liking my comment, I'm not a fan of the now-missing "public record".
posted by eustacescrubb to Etiquette/Policy at 2:12 PM PST - 35 comments

Fat jokes aren't necessary.

Was this really necessary? [more inside]
posted by eilatan to Etiquette/Policy at 12:53 PM PST - 80 comments

Link check to prevent double posts?

Probably been mentioned before, but how hard would it be to link check on a post to ensure no double posting? You could even mock the poor soul!
posted by xmutex to Feature Requests at 9:13 AM PST - 18 comments

June 11

Truly over the deep end, again

The Jesse Helms has walked off the plank. This wouldn't be the first time.
posted by the fire you left me to Etiquette/Policy at 2:26 PM PST - 120 comments

suspicions of transfered username

I have my suspicious that a recently more prolific username is being used by someone other than the original registrant. Are we even concerned about people giving or possibly selling thier usernames?
posted by betaray to Etiquette/Policy at 2:17 PM PST - 25 comments

June 10

What happened to the CafePress/LGF thread?

I haven't had my coffee yet this morning, but unless I'm mistaken, the CafePress/LGF thread from yesterday is gone. What happened?
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken to Etiquette/Policy at 3:25 PM PST - 65 comments

My name is demo, for we are many

please oh please would someone enable new users on mefi again. the shame and humiliation of posting as "demo" is monumentally soul-destroying. Won't anyone think of the children?
posted by demo to Bugs at 6:37 AM PST - 134 comments

June 9

MetaFilter Offline

Was anyone else offline last night between 6 & 11 p.m. PDT besides me?
posted by Lynsey to Uptime at 11:35 AM PST - 11 comments

I think AskMetaFilter would really be a great site, said Jessamyn

Perhaps there should be a sub-site of metafilter where one could post topics without links when they need advice. There have been countless times I would have greatly valued the opinions of metafilter users when it comes to buying technology products, and advice with work and relationships. Sure you can always find some related link to throw in to make the question legitimate by mefi rules... but that's cheating.
posted by banished to Feature Requests at 7:09 AM PST - 24 comments

June 8

Timestamps in wrong timezone

I'm logged in, but I'm still seeing timestamps in PST (I'm in EST, and my customize page still says that.)

(Win2K/IE6)...and at work so there may be firewall issues.)
posted by Vidiot to Bugs at 5:47 PM PST - 4 comments

Global MeFi meet-up

MeFiCon 2004: After the raging success of previous Mefi Meetups, ain't it time we lifted our vision?

Let's play Global Metafilter Meltdown!

Mefi members +
Venue of international interest +

Oh, yeah, and someone to organise it....
posted by dash_slot- to MetaFilter Gatherings at 3:31 PM PST - 84 comments

June 7

NYC Meetup

MeFiNYC - June 6th, 2003 at Siberia on 40th bet. 8th & 9th Ave.s. We had cameras and ebk!
posted by riffola to MetaFilter Gatherings at 8:17 AM PST - 45 comments

June 6

Similar usernames confuse some readers

On a recent MeTa thread, Vidiot got mixed up over crunchburger and crunchland. Earlier, someone else had done the same with specialk420 and dejah420. Obviously it's imperative that Matt immediately ban similar-sounding user names. [More inside...]
posted by soyjoy to MetaFilter-Related at 10:09 AM PST - 71 comments

500,000th comment on MeFi.

Behold, MetaFilter's 500,000th comment (!).
posted by Ufez Jones to MetaFilter-Related at 8:33 AM PST - 11 comments

June 5

Local notices beneath our notice?

Should local concert cancellations be FPP worthy? How about traffic jams? Weather conditions? Other transitory localized phenomena?
Or maybe I really am snarky...
posted by jpburns to Etiquette/Policy at 3:33 PM PST - 40 comments

Date problem when not logged in

A helpful lurker pointed out to me that when you aren't logged in, there are multiple "June 5th"s on the front page.
posted by crunchland to Bugs at 2:00 PM PST - 8 comments

June 4

Textad too stimulating

You've cum a long way baby!
posted by anathema to Bugs at 6:38 PM PST - 31 comments

Dean may well be the bee's knees, but still.

Another post praising Howard Dean leads to charges of DeanFilter. There may be something to those charges: there have been several uncritical and laudatory Howard Dean posts on MetaFilter over the past few months, some of which seem interchangeable. And, as matteo points out, it's probably only going to get worse. We complain (rightly) when a post reeks of viral marketing; why shouldn't this be any different? Shouldn't we be more skeptical of breathless posts that coo over politicians? Aren't we (well, not me per se, but American voters) being sold something? Dean may well be the bee's knees, but still.
posted by mcwetboy to Etiquette/Policy at 5:23 PM PST - 17 comments

The Return of I/P Filter!

The Return of I/P Filter! And the main link is just a CNN.com story. Can we say Newsfilter? The poster doesn't even try to be objective, rattling on about his "opinion" on (yawn) Bush. And...
posted by Stan Chin to Etiquette/Policy at 10:15 AM PST - 43 comments

Washington Post mention of FPP on chef refusing special orders

Metafilter makes Page 1 of the Washington Post. (Food section, that is.) The author quotes comments in this April 30 thread about a Washington chef fed up with her customers' special orders.
posted by PrinceValium to MetaFilter-Related at 8:28 AM PST - 10 comments

June 2

I miss newbies.

Newbies. I miss newbies. Are there still any newbies out there? Remember newbies? I miss newbies. [More inside.]
posted by MiguelCardoso to MetaFilter-Related at 3:07 PM PST - 90 comments

Cfquery Errors

It's getting to the point where metafilter is unusable due to all the cfquery errors. It's almost as if there's a 50/50 chance the query will time out and bomb.
posted by crunchland to Bugs at 10:31 AM PST - 37 comments

June 1

Update text re Iraq

Just a quick quibble - as the war in Iraq is no longer "impending", can we (well, you) edit the Post a Link page to either remove or update the warning to potential warfilter posters?
posted by jonson to Feature Requests at 10:30 PM PST - 5 comments

A Pony made of (Kevin) Bacon

There are so many interesting relationships here. I would enjoy a search function that queried two users and parsed them for shared threads. The output would contain all the threads that both user A and user B posted to--possibly with other criteria, such as key words? If this has been suggested before, I haven't been able to find it.
posted by squirrel to Feature Requests at 6:33 PM PST - 15 comments