46 posts tagged with MeetUp and DC.
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DC Meetup again?

I am going to DC this week. I have read there was a meet up around the 4th. Yet I'll ask anyway: anyone up for meeting up on this semi-special occasion? [more inside]
posted by JoeXIII007 on Jul 31, 2010 - 16 comments

D.C. meetup

Washington, DC meetup over the 4th of July weekend? [more inside]
posted by Stewriffic on Jun 13, 2010 - 9 comments

ALA 2010 National Conference Meetup

Mefite librarians! It is looking very likely that I, your friendly neighborhood graphic novel (etc.) editor, will be on a panel at the ALA conference in DC this summer. What say we meet up? [more inside]
posted by ocherdraco on May 12, 2010 - 88 comments

W-A-S-H-I-N-G-T-O-N, baby, D-C

Washington, DC mefites! I'll be in town next week for a conference, and would love to meet up with you all. [more inside]
posted by lunit on Feb 1, 2010 - 20 comments

DC Mefites play mini golf!

After the EPIC MEETUP FAIL that was this weekend's DC meetup, there seems to be interest in trying again next month. [more inside]
posted by youcancallmeal on Nov 9, 2009 - 58 comments


Let's hook up in DC on Saturday night, 7-Nov. WHO'S WITH ME! [Cue Sound FX: Crickets.] [more inside]
posted by ostranenie on Oct 28, 2009 - 48 comments

DC/Georgetown/Arlington Meetup, Friday, October 16th!

DC/Arlington/Georgetown Meetup, Friday, October 16th Anyone? [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Oct 5, 2009 - 41 comments

DC Meetup - No reason, just cuz

Does 9/20 Sound like a good time for a DC Meetup to anyone? [more inside]
posted by Navelgazer on Aug 20, 2009 - 146 comments

DC Area Meet-up Plans!

Plans for future DC area meet-ups! [more inside]
posted by Mrs. Pterodactyl on Aug 2, 2009 - 83 comments


DC area meetup this weekend? [more inside]
posted by little e on Jun 15, 2009 - 54 comments

ThePinkSuperhero saves DC from boredom.

DC Meetup! ThePinkSuperhero is finally coming to visit the nation's capital and we are obliged to celebrate her arrival. Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 25th. [more inside]
posted by mullacc on Apr 6, 2009 - 53 comments

Anyone going to SfN?

Any Mefites going to be at SfN 2008? With 10000+ attendees, some of you must be going... [more inside]
posted by dmd on Nov 14, 2008 - 6 comments

Inauguration meetup planning inside!

Hear Ye: Exploratory committee for the formation of an Inauguration Day meetup in/around DC. [more inside]
posted by brain cloud on Nov 5, 2008 - 221 comments

Election Watch '08

Do we need an (un)official election watch meetup thread? [more inside]
posted by MrMoonPie on Nov 4, 2008 - 92 comments

MetaFilter Mini Meet Up Now With Live Vintage Blues at the Marco Polo in Georgetown

So, after many a should I or should I not, I should edges I should not just now and, so, I hereby present the concept of a mini meet up this coming Saturday, a meet up with the most excllent live vintage blues at the most excellent Marco Polo Bar & Grill down there on 4th Avenue in Georgetown, as alluded to here. [more inside]
posted by y2karl on Oct 19, 2008 - 11 comments

Move along!

Since Metafilter will be down tomorrow, who wants to meet up at the White House at noon to gawk at Catholics and grab some pizza?
posted by parmanparman on Apr 17, 2008 - 29 comments

Artomatic 2008 in Washington, DC

Any other Washington, DC area Mefites taking part in this year's Artomatic? It's May 9 to June 15. I'd like to see your work and maybe meet. Registration is still open (800 artists so far). You should at least go and see it even if you're not taking part. [more inside]
posted by princelyfox on Apr 15, 2008 - 5 comments

DC/VA Obama meet-up?

Anyone going to the Obama town hall in Alexandria on Sunday? [more inside]
posted by empath on Feb 8, 2008 - 47 comments

DC Meet-up: where were you, terrapin?

DC Meta Meet-up Sorry for the delay, here are the pictures (and the great pickles) from last Saturday's Washington DC picnic meet-up. I am never again lending out my camera when I still have photos to upload.
posted by parmanparman on May 25, 2007 - 19 comments

Midatlantic Meetup

DC/VA/MD Meetup Reminder - 6:30pm at Atomic Billiards in Cleveland Park. Possibly moving to the short-for-this-world Yenching Palace for some dinner. A good time shall be had by all.
posted by god hates math on Feb 2, 2007 - 24 comments

DC/MD/VA Meetup?

It is definitely the season for another DC/MD/VA meet-up since I was out of town for the last one. I might even give Terrapin a shout-out. I am thinking Dr. Dremos, Busboys and Poets, or perhaps somewhere in downtown DC. Let me know if anyone's available in February and we'll make something good happen. First round is on me, by the way.
posted by parmanparman on Jan 26, 2007 - 32 comments

DC/Baltimore Meetup Photos

First batch of DC/Baltimore meetup photos. Nice folks, cold beer, snackity food, and for a double bonus the Terps whiiped Purdue and Saddam got the dirt sandwich.
posted by nj_subgenius on Dec 29, 2006 - 31 comments


What do we want?
When do we want them?

Get your zombie on this Sunday on the Mall! Yes, it's the inaugural DC Zombie Lurch! [more inside]
posted by MrMoonPie on Oct 24, 2006 - 24 comments

DC Meetup

D.C. Meetup/gsteff music education reminder: Saturday, 9 pm, at the Rock and Roll Hotel.
posted by gsteff on Sep 28, 2006 - 13 comments

DC meetup?

DC Mefi community?

New in town, will be here for a while. When is the next meetup?
posted by milkman on Sep 16, 2006 - 12 comments

DC Jonathan Coulton meetup?

Jonathan Coulton is appearing at the Warehouse Theater in DC on Monday Sep 18th. Given that a number of us seem to be fond of him, anyone interested in meeting up before/after the show? I'm going with or without you clowns but I'm always happy to wander down the street to RFD for a drink...
posted by phearlez on Sep 12, 2006 - 5 comments

DC Meetup

DC meetup reminder: This afternoon. 2pm onwards. The Palace Of Wonders to welcome jessamyn to town.
posted by hugsnkisses on Aug 6, 2006 - 29 comments

DC Meetup

Jessamyn will be in DC this weekend, so I believe a meetup is in order. I'm thinking the ultra-hip Palace of Wonders, say, 2:00 on Sunday. Any takers?
posted by MrMoonPie on Aug 1, 2006 - 31 comments

DC Meetup

Attention Washington D.C. MeFites: "I'll be in Lafayette Park during daytime hours from July 4-6 . . . D.C. people I hereby invite you to come say 'hi' to me!"
posted by hangashore on Jun 29, 2006 - 15 comments

Washington DC meetup.

Saturday D.C. meetup reminder! 8 pm at Uno's. Plus, anyone else with a glacier fetish is encouraged to join us beforehand for the 6:10 showing of An Inconvenient Truth at the Georgetown Loews.
posted by gsteff on Jun 7, 2006 - 34 comments

Washington DC meetup

Hey, MeFiDC Culture Geeks! There's free classical music at the National Gallery of Art on Sundays. I propose an evening of Martinu, Beethoven, and Schubert on October 9th, possibly followed by a quick jaunt to Chinatown for dimsum and discourse. Those in favor, be at the fountain statue of Mercury at 6:30pm. If this turns the spinning gems over our heads green, perhaps it could be made a regular thing.
posted by brownpau on Oct 5, 2005 - 13 comments

DC Meetup

I'm coming to Washington, DC this week! Any Mefites wanna meet up?

I'll be in town the 14th-15th. I'll be available early afternoon on the 14th and morning and evening (but not afternoon) on the 15th.

We could have coffee, food, beer.. go to the Smithsonian...
posted by By The Grace of God on Sep 12, 2005 - 4 comments

DC Meetup

Proposed: DC Meetup 9/23-9/26

I'll be in DC from the evening of the 23rd to the early afternoon of the 26th. I've already heard about a DC MeFite wedding going on that weekend, does anyone else know more so we can plan a date that doesn't conflict?

Activity votes: brunch, afternoon beer, potluck picnic, latenight rant session
posted by cior on Sep 10, 2005 - 19 comments

DC Meetup

Extremely short notice: I'm in DC for one more night and I have nothing to do. Anyone in the area want to meet up? I'm in Arlington and close to a metro stop...
posted by knave on Jul 13, 2005 - 7 comments

The DC Meetup took place yesterday

The DC Meetup took place yesterday. Terrapin has the hot pics.
posted by brownpau on May 23, 2005 - 31 comments

DC MeFi Meet Up on Sunday?

DC MeFi Meet Up on Sunday? Is it still "on"? Original post here

(I apologise if this isn't "done"... I'm really new to the MeTa.)
posted by indiebass on May 18, 2005 - 20 comments

DC Meetup

I'll be housesitting in DC from Christmas until January 6th and would love to meetup with some MeFites. Anyone up for grabbing a drink in the mid (or post)-holiday lull?
posted by amandaudoff on Dec 17, 2004 - 21 comments

DC MeFi/MoFi Meet Up with filmgeek TODAY from 6:30pm on!

DC MeFi/MoFi Meet Up with filmgeek TODAY from 6:30pm on! Location change to the Big Hunt in DuPont (1345 Connecticut Ave). More details at the wiki, and previous MeFi thread here (sorry to post again).
posted by onlyconnect on Sep 2, 2004 - 6 comments

DC Meetup on September 2, 2004

DC Meetup.
I'm Selfish. I'm going to be in DC tomorrow thru fri. Any interest in a meetup on Wednesday night? I'll be in the downtown region (near Farragut West.) We could make it a happyhourish thing. I've never been to a meetup. And I know all you DCites want to meet a real philadelphian.
posted by filmgeek on Aug 29, 2004 - 12 comments

DC/Baltimore Gaming Meetup

I just wanted everyone to know we're still trying to arrange a DC/Balitmore Board Gaming MeFi Meetup over on the Wiki. It's been a while since we've discussed it over there, because we had some roadblocks with vacations and such, so I though I'd mention it here again. If people are free, we'd even be interested in doing it this weekend.
posted by emptybowl on Jul 20, 2004 - 15 comments

Anyone in the Baltimore/DC area interested in having a meetup?

Anyone in the Baltimore/DC area interested in having a meetup?
posted by Grod on May 3, 2004 - 1 comment

DC Meetup

DC MeFi meetup! Per this AxMe thread. [more inside]
posted by MrMoonPie on Mar 26, 2004 - 34 comments

DC Meetup Photos

At the DC meetup last night, we had cameras. [More inside.]
posted by arco on Aug 8, 2003 - 39 comments

DC meetup proposal

Now that we have the nifty zip-code identifier, I see that there is a decent crowd here in DC. Any want to do a gathering? This is the time of year....patios and roofdecks are open, its light late, perfect time for picking a bar and going to meet a bunch of strangers.
posted by pjgulliver on Jul 8, 2003 - 57 comments

Midatlantic Meetup

Organizing a D.C./mid-atlantic MeFi gathering, part two. (more inside)
posted by danOstuporStar on Apr 2, 2002 - 12 comments

MidAtlantic Meetup

Those Southern Californians are having their own get-together - so why not the mid-Atlantic region? I'm not exactly volunteering to organize, but if any DC/Baltimore/etc are Metafilterites would be interested in such a scheme, perhaps here would be a good place to post about it.
posted by GriffX on Mar 11, 2002 - 18 comments

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