79 posts tagged with firefox.
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Metafilter Scroll Tag has disappeared

The "Metafilter Scroll Tag" Greasemonkey script has stopped functioning. As in, the tag no longer appears, and the unread count isn't shown. Just me or is anyone else experiencing this? [more inside]
posted by team lowkey on Apr 29, 2019 - 6 comments

PSA: "Stylish" browser add-on steals your internet history

The popular "Stylish" browser extension, which allows you to download custom styles for a given site (such as making text more readable, removing UI cruft, or adding a professional white background), has been silently logging its users web activity for the last year and a half. The new owners of the add-on at the time, SimilarWeb, offer products including “Market Solutions To See All Your Competitors’ Traffic.” [more inside]
posted by Riki tiki on Jul 3, 2018 - 12 comments

Calm MetaFilter extension

After posting my Calm Twitter extension to Projects, I figured I ought to make one for MetaFilter as well. Briefly, it is a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that guides you through a deep breathing exercise before confirming that you really want to submit that comment. Example GIF of it in action. [more inside]
posted by waninggibbon on Jun 4, 2018 - 14 comments

Filtering for favorited comments

Is there a Firefox extension or Greasemonkey script that will hide comments with fewer than X favorites in a thread? I want to see the best of the political threads without having to wade through thousands of comments.
posted by BuddhaInABucket on Jul 26, 2016 - 24 comments

Synch new comments on various devices with Firefox

I use Firefox on my Ubuntu laptop, and Android phone and tablet. I have FF sync set up, but it doesn't track new comments, so I read some of a thread on the laptop and then some at work on the tablet, and when I get home the new comments is out of sync. Is there any way to sync this up so I always get the same number of new comments for a thread?
posted by marienbad on Jun 23, 2016 - 6 comments

Firefox is not loading full pages

I've recently switched back to using Firefox as my main browser. I've noticed there are a few web pages that don't load completely, and either content is missing or functionality is broken. I could probably live with it, but... the site I see it the most on is Metafilter. This can not stand! Details Inside... [more inside]
posted by jazon on Apr 10, 2015 - 36 comments

Like browsing MeFi in a shrouded theater

A lot of people have complained about FanFare's professional white background. Well, DRUNK WITH POWER after somehow kludging together a successful CSS theme for /r/MetaFilter with zero experience, I decided to try my hand at giving our new subsite a makeover, too -- the layout is fine, but that glaring white is painful to read in a darkened teevee room. Inspired by the original soothing dark blue color scheme from film/TV review aggregator Metacritic (which discarded it for an unpopular redesign years ago), I put together a complete FanFare theme (screenshot*) that adjusts not just the background and text, but stuff like visited links, link hovering, the pop-up video button and lightbox, posting page notes, live preview area, and the sidebar and Deck ad box. You can install it in Firefox (with Greasemonkey or Stylish), Chrome (with Stylish or Blank Canvas Script Handler), and jailbroken iOS (with Userscript Loader, using this URL) -- it's tested and working properly on all three. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Aug 8, 2014 - 63 comments

How Did This Happen?

so I was perusing a thread, and noticed what looks like a formatting error, in this comment -screenshot. [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns on Feb 1, 2014 - 6 comments

Android, Firefox, and Metafilter commenting

More and more I find myself visiting Metafilter on my Android tablet. I am using Firefox 25.0.1 on a Nexus 7 with Android 4.3. Recently, commenting has become almost impossible - namely, any kind of HTML tags get very screwed up. Typically, I'll copy a comment I want to reply to, surround that with em tags and then reply. Lately, in the process of posting, Android or Firefox or Metafilter decides to empty the closing em tag (leaving two carats) and append a set of empty carats and a closing em tag to my whole post. Trying to clean it up leads to all kinds of problems - the cursor jumps around and deletes things on its own. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it Android, Firefox, Metafilter, or some combination of all three? Any help would be appreciated.
posted by Benny Andajetz on Dec 9, 2013 - 41 comments

Issue with the mobile site on Android 4.1.1

I have a new phone (Motorola Droid Razr M), running Android 4.1.1 and I'm using Firefox (looks like 20.0?). When I click the (X New) link to enter a thread rather than the X Comments / X Answers, nothing happens. If I press and hold, I can cut and then paste the link into the browser, but just tapping it to enter the thread and jump to the latest comment/answer doesn't work. This is also true of the favorite + and the flag !. [more inside]
posted by crush-onastick on Apr 10, 2013 - 16 comments

Greasemonkey hacks

Grease my monkey, guvnor: Greasemonkey scripts get talked about a lot in Metatalk comments, and they seem pretty useful. I would like to ask our more Greasemonkey-oriented friends to recommend the best ones and discuss their experience of installing and using them. [more inside]
posted by MuffinMan on Nov 27, 2012 - 72 comments

Trust me, it's research.

Anyone viewing MetaFilter at work or at school may want to take note of the release of Firefox 13.0; by default, every newly-created tab now "pins" a thumbnailed history of the sites you've visited. In Win7, the feature's part of the OS's taskbar.
posted by Smart Dalek on Jun 5, 2012 - 29 comments

MeFi Music navigation issue

MeFi Music Problem? [more inside]
posted by Navelgazer on Feb 13, 2012 - 8 comments

PNG logo for MetaFliter sites?

Has anyone made/can someone make higher-resolution logos for MetaFilter and related sites? [more inside]
posted by Senza Volto on Aug 5, 2011 - 31 comments

Deathalicious' scripts have been updated for FF5

Since the original post asking about this has fallen off the MeTa front page, I just wanted to let people know that Deathalicious (maker of cool scripts) has updated Metafilter MultiFavorited Multiwidth and Metafilter Heavy Discussion Count user scripts to be compatible with version 5 of FireFox. If you know of other scripts that were broken by FF5 and have been fixed, please post here. Thanks Death!
posted by marsha56 on Jun 28, 2011 - 2 comments

Bits of MeTa freezing in Firefox

Bits of MeTa freezing in Firefox [more inside]
posted by monkey closet on Jan 14, 2011 - 14 comments

Die blinky-cursor, what's up

There's a blinking cursor now, I swear there wasn't before...and I can't keyboard-navigate correctly: What's going on? [more inside]
posted by Bokononist on Nov 24, 2010 - 15 comments


Logging on is not dangerous, is it? Is it? [more inside]
posted by Omnomnom on Nov 5, 2010 - 45 comments

Why don't I stay logged into Metafilter anymore?

My computer used to stay logged into Metafilter. Now I got a new computer and it logs out every time I close firefox. I've checked my privacy settings. I do clear my history when I close firefox, but this doesn't include logged in sessions. I am not in private browsing mode. Oh also, I increase the font size on the site, but it doesn't stay increased. Site settings aren't supposed to clear either. What am I doing wrong? (Firefox 3.6)
posted by If only I had a penguin... on Mar 15, 2010 - 13 comments

bug? youtube embed disappeared

The embedded youtube arrow thingy has disappeared for me. [more inside]
posted by wilful on Feb 18, 2010 - 60 comments

Nostalgia for blue and green

What happened to the Mefi blue and the green on my Acer Aspire one netbook? All I see is white. [more inside]
posted by bad grammar on Dec 18, 2009 - 34 comments

Bottom bar on front pages?

Odd stationary footer bar on all front pages in Firefox? [more inside]
posted by Thorzdad on Jun 27, 2009 - 39 comments

New Greasemonkey hack for MeFi and other sites

This is a kinda cool concept applied to MeFi: background bars for posts and comments (based on favorites) [more inside]
posted by mathowie on Jun 15, 2009 - 76 comments

Bigger is not always better

OK, I've tried fixing this myself, and I give up. Why is AskMe displaying text at a different size font to every other part of Metafilter on my home computer? [more inside]
posted by Effigy2000 on May 9, 2009 - 20 comments

Tired of signing in

Whenever I quit Firefox, it loses my authentication so I have to sign into Metafilter again. It didn't always do this, but for some reason, it does now. [more inside]
posted by PeterMcDermott on Apr 14, 2009 - 29 comments

I don't know you

Cannot log in to AskMeFi under MacOS with Firefox. Can under Safari. [more inside]
posted by megatherium on Jan 21, 2009 - 12 comments

NoScript Please

If you are not using firefox you may skip this post, because it is about a tool that can help prevent comments like this and this [more inside]
posted by hortense on Aug 26, 2008 - 46 comments

Twisted pair

Ctrl-shift-t collision in Firefox. [more inside]
posted by Eideteker on Aug 22, 2008 - 18 comments

Help computer. Stop all the javascriptin.

FireFox. MetaFilter. A script on this page has stopped responding, do you want to stop the script, debug the script, or cry. Anybody else seeing this on Firefox 2.x? [more inside]
posted by cavalier on Aug 21, 2008 - 19 comments

Bizarre Firefox behavior: MeFi background colors get lighter hue over time.

Bizarre Firefox behavior: MeFi background colors get lighter hue over time. [more inside]
posted by Cool Papa Bell on Apr 27, 2008 - 21 comments

Can't get in to Metafilter with Firefox

I can't log in with Firefox, Safari's working just fine. Following Jessamyn's suggestions I deleted cookies & disabled greasemonkey, but just get directed back to MeFi homepage as not logged in. Anyone else having trouble? Anyone solved it? [more inside]
posted by tula on Apr 2, 2008 - 19 comments

Non-foxy Mefite delight?

Greasemonkey for non-Firefox browsers? [more inside]
posted by Blazecock Pileon on Mar 21, 2008 - 31 comments

Crazy like a fox

FYI: it took a while but last month, firefox finally surpassed IE as the most popular browser here (that's data for the month of November).
posted by mathowie on Dec 6, 2007 - 63 comments


does anybody else see this? (Firefox/ (Ubuntu-feisty))
posted by quonsar on Sep 14, 2007 - 19 comments

New Search Box on Blue / Horizontal Scroll Bar

The "Google Custom Search" box on the blue is causing a horizontal scroll bar to appear in Firefox/Windows. The input box is just too darn large. I'd guess 100 pixels or so too wide?
posted by maxwelton on Aug 22, 2007 - 10 comments

Metafilter sites not working in Firefox

I cannot access any of the metafilter sites when using Firefox. It works in IE (what I am using right now) but in firefox I get an error message page that reads as follows: [more inside]
posted by DetonatedManiac on Jul 16, 2007 - 8 comments

Inline images live!

A spiffy solution to the inline-images ban (if you use Firefox). [more inside]
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken on Jun 26, 2007 - 79 comments

Firefox reopen last tab issue

In Firefox 2+, if I am on a Meta page and I click ctrl + shift + t to reopen the last tab, it jumps me down to the comment text box and places opening and closing em tags in it. If this is a Meta shortcut, could it perhaps be changed to not interfere with the Firefox shortcut, since I think a lot of MeFites use Firefox?
posted by IndigoRain on Mar 29, 2007 - 14 comments

MetaFilthy hates me

Anyone else getting hit with constant error alerts when using MetaFilthy? I have an "NS_ERR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR" alert popping up on every thread in FireFox, for about the last week or so. (Yes, I reported a bug to the author. Yes, I know he doesn't spend all day every day coding MetaFilthy. I'm just wondering if this is an issue with just me, with a Metafilter re-code of some sort, or problems between MetaFilthy and FF
posted by caution live frogs on Mar 8, 2007 - 1 comment

href... slash... a.... dammit!

Is it just me, or did my autoformatting buttons vanish with my last Firefox update (I assume this is the cause, as the two coincided)? If I have to start hand-coding hyperlinks again I will probably just go into an unresponsive fugue state instead.
posted by nanojath on Feb 24, 2007 - 15 comments

Firefox & AskMe problem

I can't post on AskMe - on the preview page, hitting Post just reloads the preview page. Firefox Not seeing any error messages either.
posted by IndigoRain on Feb 13, 2007 - 11 comments

bug: can't submit an AskMe question

bug: can't submit an AskMe question. The final "post" button just reloads the page, like the "preview" button. Firefox
posted by scarabic on Feb 9, 2007 - 1 comment

Firefox Vulnerability Issue

New firefox vulnerability leaves people open to password theft:

Proof of concept here

Does metafilter strip out form tags?
posted by empath on Nov 22, 2006 - 22 comments

MetaFilthy replacement for Firefox 2.0?

Are there any programmers out there who would be interested in making a MetaFilthy clone/replacement for Firefox 2.0? [more inside]
posted by Bugbread on Nov 4, 2006 - 24 comments

Thread crashing Firefox on Mac

I've tried clicking on this thread four or five times using firefox on mac. Every time it borks everything - it doesn't crash, but it becomes totally non-responsive (cannot change tabs, even). Is there something evil in there, or is this just one of those things?
posted by absalom on Jul 18, 2006 - 14 comments

I have a small problem sorting the front page of MetaFilter

I have a small problem sorting the front page of MetaFilter. [more inside]
posted by tellurian on May 18, 2006 - 7 comments

Flags seem broken wiht FF 1.0.4

Flags aren't redirecting back to the thread (at least for me).
Firefox 1.0.4 (OSX)

(It's probably a simple fix, but it does mean that all those entertaining MeTa callouts and meetups that I had planned will have to wait until at least next week. You're all on notice).
posted by klangklangston on Mar 20, 2006 - 2 comments

Why is Metafilter "taking a massage" in Firefox?

Why is Metafilter "taking a massage" when I try to view the page on Firefox, but works perfectly fine when I view it in Internet Explorer? I should add that before this morning, Metafilter always worked fine in Firefox. And, despite MeFi's problems, AskMe and MeTa are working fine in Firefox right now.
posted by Effigy2000 on Feb 14, 2006 - 8 comments

Yahoo firefox search plugin for askme

The current firefox search plugins for Mefi were written ages ago for the built-in site search (hence they don't work anymore). Can any of our hotshot code cowboy members look into making one that uses the yahoo search? I'm particularly looking for one to search AskMe.
posted by Firas on Feb 10, 2006 - 5 comments

Bug when posting an FPP

Unable to post a FPP, I had to try several times. Firefox 1.5, Windows 2000. Error message inside.
posted by matteo on Feb 7, 2006 - 11 comments

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