August 2018 Archives (all archives)
August 31
talkin' rockin' poffin boffin
This is a shoutout to poffin boffin, who in the last month has made 23 posts on the general topic of Indigenous Peoples, ranging from herring fisheries to sign languages to neologisms to cuisine to high steelworkers. Some of these posts didn't get many comments, but collectively they are an admirable corpus on an important topic.
End of another long week filled with awful politics/news. Let's talk about something else instead. Tell me about your shoes. They can be the ones you're wearing (feel free to share photos), or maybe there's a story about an old pair that you'd like to tell us about. Or maybe you want to brag about that fancy pair that you wear when you go out dancing, or maybe you want to talk about the comfortable crocs you slip into at the end of the day. Sandals, slippers, running, or casual, whatever kind you have, your shoes brought you here, so let's talk.
August 29
Mefi Fantasy Football Anyone?
We've done it every year for a while now; and I haven't seen a post about it yet. Those of us still active from last years are asking if anyone wants to jump in a league this year?
We're on Yahoo; standard scoring (no ppr); standard/default team composition.
No money, all in good fun & bragging rights.
We're thinking of drafting 1pm EST on Sunday 9/2. If you're in, and that works (or doesnt work, we're flexible) drop a line here or memail me and we'll get you in.
August 25
Metatalktail Hour: Hilarity!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I'm on an airplane getting ready to take off, so tell me hilarious stories (the ones where you giggle so hard you have trouble telling them) to read when I land at 2 a.m.! [more inside]
August 24
End of another long week filled with awful politics/news. Let's talk about something else instead. Tell me about a time you did a thing and were filled with immediate regret, some decision or action where you realized, “I regret this decision immediately.” It can be serious or silly, but should you feel so inclined, share with the community some of your instant regrets. :)
August 23
Mefi Cookbook available!
I've gotten enough recipes to make this doc worth sharing. It can be found directly on Google Docs as well as through the wiki. Please let me know if any changes, additions, or corrections need to be made!
What secrets lie within?
Wanna know something neat? Click here. ▼
MetaFilter supports the <details> tag. It's useful for spoilers.August 22
new york times
There's an intriguing post up on the main page about a young fly fisher, but it's NYT, and anyone who spends more than an hour or so (not to mention weeks on end) on the Trump megathreads has safely exhausted their NYT article alotment. Those same threads are not very supportive of the idea of giving NYT money: what are we to do?
August 21
Fucking Fuck XIV: F-Bombs Away!
Fuck it, I can't thinking of anything fucking witty to say. This is the new fucking fuck venting thread. [more inside]
August 18
Metatalktail Hour: Open Thread!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, an open thread. Talk about anything (except politics)! And don't forget to drop in over at chat and visit their Chaturday Night Live gabfest.
August 17
End of another long week filled with all kinds of awful politics/news. So let's talk about something else. It's that time of year where so many students are heading back to school. Maybe you're going back to school to finish off a degree/diploma/certification. Maybe you're shopping for first day of school clothes for your MetaChild. Maybe you're taking some art classes at the local college/community center. Maybe you have some fond memories of this time of year and that new school supplies/bag excitement. School is in session, let's talk. :)
August 14
Mock pagination userscript
This is a userscript I've been working on that adds the appearance of pages to threads. It's a visual change only, so you still have to wait for the full thread to load, but it might help a little with responsiveness and navigation. [more inside]
As one of the MetaFilter Chat Cabal (There is no Chat Cabal), we would like to introduce everyone to MetaFilter Chat! [more inside]
August 13
Another year of lunacy - it's GISH 2018
GISH 2018 is done. Come look at all our silly nonsense, gentle mefites! [more inside]
August 12
LinkedIn Metafilter group
Is anyone still active in the Metafilter LinkedIn group? I certainly forgot that I myself was a member and then bumbled into it today and found that all conversations are at least two years old. Had it been a useful board in the past? Anyone interested in getting more active there again?
August 11
Metatalktail Hour: Favorite People
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, Deezil has a super-sweet request: "Talk about the good and positive relationships in your life, people who make you smile when you think of them, and you're always quick to reach out to them, when there's good times or bad." [more inside]
August 10
Minorest pony request! Natural-language new-comments cue
It must be the old UX instincts acting up in me, but I'm finally moved to ask about a feature of the beloved site which has been irking me for quite some time: the clipped engineerese in which the notice "7 new comments — show" is expressed. [more inside]
It's the end of another week. Politics is awful like usual, and much of the world seems to literally be on fire. So let's talk about something else instead. Tell me about a cool 'life hack'. Maybe you found a way to pack luggage in a way that has made traveling easier. Maybe you found a way to deal with oily skin using some old world natural remedies. Maybe there's a cool browser extension or add-on that lets you do some nifty thing in your day to day Internet consumption. Whatever it is, feel free to share some life hacks with the MetaFilter community. I'm always excited to learn about ways to make my life a bit easier/better.
August 7
GraphFi is dead, long live GraphFi!
If you're a fan of GraphFi, maybe you recently noticed it stopped working. I found a fix for it! [more inside]
Holiday Movie Club 2018
Let's Organize The Holiday Movie Club for 2018! The Holiday Movie Club is when we watch heartwarming holiday films from, approximately, American Thanksgiving weekend (starting Wednesday, 21 November) to New Years Day. What's a holiday film? A film set during the holidays, or that deals with holiday themes, or that you have a tradition of watching during the holidays. If you have other holiday film traditions, you are welcome to post them too! [more inside]
August 5
Bug: Pasting links into comments
I'm no longer able to paste URLs into the link-helper alert window on Chrome. It just replaces the link text with the URL. Still works on Firefox. Example GIF. [more inside]
August 4
Many squamous greetings, Sapients! Itsa Chaturday night, whaddayagonnadoaboudit, look for more Pooza liveblogs? Grill some tofu burgers? Reevaluate your life? Try to take over the world? Chataboudit! (quidnunc #1!)
Simply Stupendous Sidebar!
May I just take a moment to say that whoever has been doing the sidebar on the front page of the Blue has been just fuckin' KNOCKING IT OUT OF THE PARK lately? I love the grouping of similar posts, I love the themes that have been played with, I just love how creative and how engaging it has been lately. Today's Women's Work grouping was so great that it brought me here to make this post.
This is just a shoutout and a thank you for what you're doing!
Metatalktail Hour: Gardening
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! It's the first weekend of the month, so it's European-time-zone MetaTalkTails! This week, Monkey Toes wants a garden thread: “If there's one thing I like to show off more than my cats, it's what's growing in my garden,” quoth Monkey Toes. [more inside]
August 3
New merch: Seal of the Cabal
We're rolling out a new shirt design, featuring art from robocop is bleeding, who has taken his rad hand-carved block printing aesthetic to the eldritch glyphs and sigils of MetaFilter history to produce the Seal of the Cabal. (There is, of course, no cabal.) (But there is an alternate, smaller version of the design for folks who prefer how that sits on a shirt.) [more inside]
It's the end of another long week. Let's talk about something nice again. Tell me about your travels. Maybe it's a place right in your home town/city, maybe you're planning a long over due summer vacation, maybe it's the beach, maybe it's a hike through the woods, maybe you're visiting your family/friends a few states/provinces over, maybe you're going to Europe or Asia for the very first time, no matter the place or the distance, tell us about your travels.
August 2
143: Sisters, Am I Right?
Shooting at the walls of podcast, bang bang! I am an episode! The latest episode of the MetaFilter monthly podcast, that is, but also I have Patty Smyth stuck in my head I guess. Anyway! Me and jessamyn get to catchin' up on the month that was on MeFi, and miscellaneous kibitzing, as we are wont to do! This one runs a little under 80 minutes. [more inside]
August 1
Argument clinic: modes of discussion
Discussions on MetaFilter have many modes. Sometimes we use a front page post (FPP) or other MeFites' comments as a prompt for sharing stories or related ideas. Sometimes we disagree about an issue raised in the FPP and explore that disagreement. Sometimes we collectively squee over cute animals. In some cases, the same topic can be discussed in more than one mode, and sometimes a single thread moves between different modes of discussion, or even can carry multiple modes of discussion at once. This fluidity can be a creative driver of conversation, but it can also lead to tension or fights if the topic of conversation is a difficult one. Let's discuss how we discuss on MetaFilter, to keep our discussions healthy and enjoyable! [more inside]
Online Memorial for kmennie
There will be an online memorial service for longtime Mefite kmennie [obit post] on Saturday, August 25th from 4 to 5 pm ET. [more inside]