September 2014 Archives (all archives)

September 30

General call to scriptmakers!

The new MeFi redesign seems fairly stable (like, pb's not going to do a massive rollback tomorrow or anything), and I'm sure there are a lot of people using various scripts which don't work any more. I've thought about asking individual script writers about updates, but I don't know which scripts have been abandoned, which are active, etc., plus I know that other people are using all kinds other scripts, so here's a general call to script users: If you're using a script and it no longer works, post it here! And a general call to script writers: If you think "Aw, I'm sure nobody cares about my ole script anymore", give the thread a look! If you see people posting that your script isn't working with the redesign, that means your script is still loved! Consider giving it an update, if you have the time!
posted by Bugbread to Bugs at 5:45 PM PST - 77 comments

Has iOS 8 broken Metafilter commenting?

Ever since I updated my iPad2 to iOS 8, commenting on Metafilter has been a royal pain. If I try to cut and paste part of someone's comment the page will often start to go into a screwy scrolling dance up and/or down and then crash. If I click out of the comment box for any reason it's impossible to resume writing in it (i.e., tapping in the comment box doesn't bring up keypad). Is anyone else having these problems?
posted by yoink to Bugs at 5:45 PM PST - 30 comments

September 27

Unavailable from comcast?

I have a weird MeFi availability issue. Can't establish a connection to it from home, but I can get to it using work's VPN. I'm not driving in to work today to verify, but I'm willing to assume it works from my desktop at work too. [more inside]
posted by pwnguin to Uptime at 11:18 AM PST - 67 comments

September 25

Metafilter, Android, nginix or NSA bug?

Occasionally metafilter articles are garbled on my Android phone, although it happens very rarely on my Linux desktop chrome as well. Here is a sample screenshot, in which the discussion on the shellshock /bin/bash bug takes a very ominous turn. Reloading the page fixes it, although I do lose my place. Most frequently it happens with the inline updates.
posted by autopilot to Bugs at 3:08 PM PST - 31 comments

September 24

A new theme for MeFi: Modern

Today we're unveiling a new theme option for MetaFilter. Yes, it's a new design option for MetaFilter for the first time in over a decade, which we are dubbing the "Modern" theme. The new theme is strictly opt-in; no one is being forced to use it and the Classic and Plain-text themes remain as options, so your view of the site won't change unless you want it to. To try out the new theme, select it in your preferences. There is much to explain and show off in this new design and I'll do my best to describe all the thinking that went into the process below. [more inside]
posted by mathowie to MetaFilter-Related at 2:23 PM PST - 1282 comments

Fanfare pony request: Ability to not specify an episode

Inspired by this post, I've got a feature request for Fanfare: In the "Episode #" drop-down, add "N/A" as an option. This signals that the post is for the entire season. I think there are a lot of shows that would benefit from single-post discussions (The Fall was previously mentioned, I think) rather than one thread per episode.
posted by jbickers to Feature Requests at 10:06 AM PST - 33 comments

September 23

The problem of favorites

When the bulk of answers in an AskMe thread go unnoticed because of heavily favorited answers toward the top of the thread [more inside]
posted by early one morning to Feature Requests at 12:45 PM PST - 79 comments

Yes, PepsiBlue, I know.

I occasionally post links to ads, if I think they're impressive, interesting, and cool, rather than just, you know, an ad for something. Inevitably there are responses that are along the lines of 'this is an ad' or 'you got suckered into posting an ad' which I personally find frustrating. I see the same kinds of comments in other people's posts, and they frustrate me there, too. It's not like anyone really doesn't understand that GoPro posts all those cool videos to make you want to buy a GoPro, you know? Is there a way to frame that kind of post that'll tend to pre-empt those kinds of responses? Or should I just accept that they are always going to happen in ad posts?
posted by jacquilynne to Etiquette/Policy at 7:35 AM PST - 107 comments

September 19

Swipe to Favorite

Small pony request for "swipe to favorite" feature on mobile devices. [more inside]
posted by misozaki to Feature Requests at 3:41 PM PST - 32 comments

September 18

Tim Cook quotes Blue Beetle

Apple CEO Tim Cook on user privacy: A few years ago, users of Internet services began to realize that when an online service is free, you’re not the customer. You’re the product. But at Apple, we believe a great customer experience shouldn’t come at the expense of your privacy.
posted by empath to MetaFilter-Related at 7:11 AM PST - 57 comments

September 16

When the search fails, the going gets boring.

Looking for a comment on AskMe, probably within the last few months, that linked to an article about powering through a relationship after the honeymoon period was over. [more inside]
posted by Beaker's stripey socks to MetaFilter-Related at 1:41 PM PST - 19 comments

September 15

350-mile bike tour of the Oregon Coast - by Matt Haughey

Matt Haughey describes his bike ride along the Oregon Coast on Tumblr. Spectacular photos included. [more inside]
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome to MetaFilter-Related at 8:35 PM PST - 49 comments

Fanfare participation and design

In some ways fanfare seems incredibly popular already: there is a constant stream of new posts, lots of TV shows covered, and a growing number of films old and new. On the other hand, discussion within each post tends to be pretty brief, with a fairly small number of comments and little back and forth dialog. I don’t know if my preferences reflect the majority but I’d love to have more meaty, deeper discussions about the movies I’m interested in. I wonder if some redesign away from the traditional mifi scrolling posts format would help make the discussions deeper and more ongoing. [more inside]
posted by latkes to MetaFilter-Related at 9:11 AM PST - 115 comments

September 13

Morale is low and the troops are mutinous.

Hey, guys. Happy Caturday. Remember that time that cmyk's cat got all sticky and we got the play-by-play of the cleanup? I just did. Go have a sit and read that thread. Your life will be better for it. [more inside]
posted by phunniemee to MetaFilter-Related at 11:31 AM PST - 56 comments

September 12

Nancy, a Chrome extension for Metafilter

After the enhanced update of the diediedead Greasemonkey script, I received several requests from MeFites for a native Chrome extension, mostly because Chrome's Tampermonkey doesn't support all features, such as the context menu. I promised and, finally, I deliver: Nancy, available at the Chrome Web Store. Yeah, kind of a mouthful. [more inside]
posted by mdevore to MetaFilter-Related at 5:55 PM PST - 38 comments

Let's fill the stable: My Fanfare

I would like to (without using RSS, and without making bookmarks) be able to go to one page on Fanfare and see all of the threads posted about only the series that I care about. [more inside]
posted by sparklemotion to Feature Requests at 1:15 PM PST - 10 comments

September 11

PONY <3 Galaxy Tab

PONY : Add a preference setting that forces MeFi to always load in desktop mode on mobile devices? [more inside]
posted by fiercekitten to Feature Requests at 8:08 PM PST - 24 comments

"Thirteen years later, this counts as a historical document." ran a short story today about Metafilter's reaction to 9/11, highlighting a comment by MetaFilter user Doug in an image.
posted by Chutzler to MetaFilter-Related at 2:56 PM PST - 87 comments

September 10

Spades? Poker? Cheap wine?

I'm looking for an old comment/FPP about an academic playing cards and drinking with some old friends in the projects (or an otherwise troubled urban area). [more inside]
posted by still bill to MetaFilter-Related at 5:24 PM PST - 6 comments

good faith flagging

⚑ a proposal for a "good faith" flag [more inside]
posted by flex to Etiquette/Policy at 2:17 PM PST - 148 comments

September 9

Net Neutrality day: September 10th

MetaFilter is participating in the Battle for Net Neutrality on September 10, 2014. For the duration of September 10, you'll see a small modal window linking to a site explaining Net Neutrality and giving you ways to take action. You can also hide it by clicking the [x] and you shouldn't see it again on the site for the rest of the day. [more inside]
posted by mathowie to MetaFilter-Related at 2:39 PM PST - 76 comments

September 8

You sound just like a _____!

There is currently a practice across Metafilter, especially within Metafilter proper (the Blue) and Metatalk (the Grey) of making personal attacks against other users that I feel undermines the community aspect of the site. The attacks I am concerned with most often take the form of ugly insinuations that the user is deliberately derailing, trolling or using common tactics which are allegedly known to be popular with (in alphabetical order, thee could be more, these are all I could think of when I set about making this thread):
  • Anti-Semites
  • Bigots
  • Conservatives
  • Misogynists
  • MRAs
  • PUAs
  • Racists
  • Redditors (specifically, usually The Red Pill subreddit)
  • TERFs
  • Transmisogonists
[more inside]
posted by misha to Etiquette/Policy at 4:29 PM PST - 1308 comments

"You got your Male Privilege in my White Privilege!"

The recent post that draws an analogy between White privilege and being a bicyclist in a world designed for cars was deleted for being too similar to a post two months ago that draws an analogy between male privilege and being a bicyclist in a world designed for cars. [more inside]
posted by Johann Georg Faust to Etiquette/Policy at 11:34 AM PST - 76 comments

Season 8, Ep 3 - Is this an embryonic pony I see before me?

So I'm cruising along in FanFare when I see this:
Doctor Who: Robot of Sherwood Season 8, Ep 3
Buuuut, when I click that title, I just get the post and title: Doctor Who: Robot of Sherwood and not any way to navigate among the episodes, unless someone happens to have put a Dr Who tag on there, it's the same for every episode, and I can pick it out from the tag cloud. And then they are in Posted chrono order, not actual airing or watching chrono order. Can we change that? [more inside]
posted by Buttons Bellbottom to Feature Requests at 11:23 AM PST - 18 comments

Help me find that comment about parenting done right

A while back, there was a great post on the blue about people who don't take an adversarial/territorial approach to their kids' sexuality -- basically the opposite approach of people who tell parents of young girls that they're "gonna need to buy a gun, lol." Within that thread, I think one MeFite had a particularly touching comment about how he was welcomed by his girlfriend's family, rather than threatened, and so when they did have a pregnancy scare, they felt ok going to her parents for help. I have searched and searched, but I'm not finding anything. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
posted by shiu mai baby to MetaFilter-Related at 7:46 AM PST - 9 comments

September 7

Great article inviting bad/ boring comments = deletion?

This deleted post linked to an article on Israel battle tacticts inspired by post-modern philosophy that I found truly fascinating. Now, I guess the poster should have known that the comments would be 10% good faith discusion of the article and 90% standard Israel-Palestine axe grinding ... but for that to merit deletion is just a variant on the heckler's veto. [more inside]
posted by MattD to Etiquette/Policy at 7:07 AM PST - 193 comments

September 5

96: The Great Flip-Offening

Episode 96 of the podcast runs an hour and forty five minutes and was recorded yesterday, Thursday September 4th. We recap the past month of all things MetaFilter and end it with a task to make one member very happy on his birthday. [more inside]
posted by mathowie to MeFi Podcast at 3:31 PM PST - 57 comments

Time travel / Science Fiction writers (can't find thread)

Hi, not sure if this is the right place to ask, I tried MetaChat, too, but there was a thread I now can't find, it was about science fiction writers and the problem with writing from a place of omniscience when writing this time of science fiction. Anyone know what I'm talking about. I wanted to read it during lunch, can't find it!
posted by MoxieProxy to MetaFilter-Related at 12:16 PM PST - 6 comments

...but not retired from being awesome

It is Jessamyn Day, so Happy Birthday, user 292! Jessamyn's 10^2 photo set from an August trip to London. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore to MetaFilter-Related at 12:30 AM PST - 70 comments

September 4

MeFite LoseIt Friends?

My account informs me I have no friends. Are there any MeFites using LoseIt who would like to be LoseIt friends? We can trade contact info on MeMail.
posted by angiep to MetaFilter-Related at 5:40 PM PST - 23 comments

September 3

Mathowie 1, Travel Agency Shenanigans 0

Mathowie has a Medium post detailing ongoing legal demands by Sundance Vacations to delete a 2010 Ask Metafilter thread about their business, and later demanding personal information about users in that thread. Short version: Sundance, or somebody claiming to be from Sundance, may have doctored an unrelated court order to aim it at Metafilter. The story has been picked up at BoingBoing, Popehat (where Ken White has praise for how our fearless leader handled the situation) and presumably elsewhere as well.
posted by Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish to MetaFilter-Related at 9:28 AM PST - 248 comments

2014 MeFi NHL Fantasy League is open

Registration for the 2014 MetaFilter fantasy NHL league is now open. [more inside]
posted by cgk to MetaFilter-Related at 6:49 AM PST - 19 comments

September 1

What Post Was That: Autodidact in Poverty?

Please help me find this post: An opinion piece from a larger publication about what the author would do if they were a poor (black?) kid, and wanted a good education. The author suggested they'd teach themselves using something like Khan Academy or other opencourseware. [more inside]
posted by [insert clever name here] to MetaFilter-Related at 5:00 PM PST - 23 comments

everyone you disagree with isn't a rapist

I have noticed an increasing trend on MeFi, especially relating to issues of feminism, gender relations, etc, that threads quickly divide into us vs. them camps, where the "us" camp is defined by strong outrage and criticism, and the them camp is everyone else. This is problematic enough, but what then naturally occurs is any sort of deviation or criticism of anyone in the "us" tent immediately casts one into the "them" tent, and attacks that the person is pro-rape, in favor of abusing women, just the same as everyone else, etc. etc. [more inside]
posted by crayz to Etiquette/Policy at 4:22 PM PST - 1553 comments

Metafilter NFL Pick'Em

Back like Brian Hoyer and just in time for Thursday's Seattle/Green Bay extravaganza, it's Mefi NFL Pick'Em! [more inside]
posted by box to MetaFilter-Related at 8:12 AM PST - 10 comments

I think you may have pulled the trigger too quickly on this deletion

I'm too lazy to go back and delete the title pun. Anyway, this deleted post is clearly a spectacle of horror. But I don't think it's *only* a spectacle of horror. When I heard about this incident, I thought the particulars of the event had the potential to add something new to the gun control discussion in the US. And I think the Metafolk could have handled the discussion. I can understand why some topics, ripe though they may be for nuanced & thoughtful debate, are often off-limits (Palestine e.g.). But I didn't think we got that wild on the gun violence posts. Am I wrong?
posted by univac to Etiquette/Policy at 3:18 AM PST - 118 comments