January 25

The recent hardware upgrade left the server vulnerable to worms

Alas, there was a critical fact overlooked on the recent hardware upgrade, one which left the server vulnerable to the [sapphire|slammer|SQ hell] worm. All's better now.

January 24

Time magazine retracted the story this thread was based on

Since there was a heated debate over this thread. It is worth noting that Time magazine has retracted the story the thread is based on.

January 23

What would it take to cure it?

A new server in June, a new version of Cold Fusion in July, a new hard drive in January and it's still an ailing mefi server. What would it take to cure it?

Not preaching to the choir

These guys are playing to a tough audience...

January 22

Bloggies 2003 nominations

Time to stuff the Ballot for the 2003 bloggies and get Matt some tickets to SXSW. At the very least, let's get him a Lifetime Achievement Award over Kottke and Anil. On a related note, I've been wondering what your "Best of 2003" for Metafilter would be? Your favorite/most memorable thread, and who would be your pick for the coveted Poster of the Year kudos? Worst meme and injoke this year? Dumbest metatalk thread? (other than this one)

Self link thrown in to spice up a thread.

Self link thrown in to spice up a thread.

Is that thread helpful or not?

Someone claiming to be a close friend of the guy that died on IRC asked me to remove the thread about it, so I obliged before reading what was said. After reading it all however, it seems like it's full of a lot of useful information. So what to do? Bring it back or keep it away?

(also keep in mind that although I don't think it would happen in this case, but I have been threatened with a lawsuit for not removing requested material before)

January 21

Author derails own thread

What do we do when the post's author is derailing his/her own thread? [more inside]

New window not wanted

Clicking on "Metafilter" on my userpage ("X comments to Metafilter") opens the site in a new window.

Moratorium: SUVs, Iraq war, I/P, DC Sniper

Stop the madness!! Enough SUV threads, enough Iraqi war threads, enought I/P threads, enough threads about the D.C. sniper!!!

Seriously, how bout a sidebar moratorium? Or some call out on the posting page?

"In Soviet Russia..." jokes on MeFi.

mmm, new soviet-style pancakes.

I got a big CF error

While trying to load the "stupid baby names" page: http://www.metafilter.com/mefi/22236#401840, I got a big CF error [more inside]

January 20

Calling Out ParisParamus

Is there any reason to tolerate inflammatory hate-screed like this?

Once again: PATHETIC, delusional, A-HOLE PACIFISTS.

Moderating your post moderation

Post moderation. I can empathize with feelings of attachment to posts which you submit. When you post as often as troutfishing has in his own post (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), however, I think you are overdoing things.

January 19

Noise comments to raise contribution index

Almost as worthwile as "first post."

What are some great profile pages?

vacapinta's extraordinary user page sadly no longer seems to be updated - any other user page treats I'm missing out on?

Plaintext MeFi?

Is the plain-text version of Metafilter available through a URL hack or a GET request? i.e. can I get the plain-text version without changing my profile? That would be useful for Palm and other small-device versions, esp. for comment pages...

January 18

Too much war posting

Stop the presses! So you're saying that some people support a war on Iraq, and other people don't support a war on Iraq? Crazy! I'll bet that's the first time this has ever been discussed on MetaFilter!

a really, really, good day for Metafilter

Friday, January 17, 2003 was a really, really, good day for Metafilter.

I'm confused.

I'm confused. A humourous story with environmentalist overtones I had posted to the front page of MeFi vanished within about 20 minutes. Does this sort of thing happen often? And if so, why? this was the story: http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/West/12/19/monkey.pants.reut/index.html

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