January 18

Auto-focus cursor?

I am a true newbie, but I do have a request. I was inspired by this and in particular, his mention of auto-focusing cursors. Can we do that with MetaFilter? Most obviously on the login screen, but I'm sure it has uses in posting.

January 17

50% of comments on MetaFilter are by people who first joined in 2002

50% of comments on MetaFilter are by people who first joined in 2002. In my Mefi wanderings, I got the feeling that there were not many low-digit users posting on MetaFilter anymore. Everyone seemed to be a 14xxx! I decided to seek the truth..

How about limiting the amount of text for FPPs

How about limiting the amount of text for FPPs, and a bit of text instructing those with [More] to use it?

January 15

Do we really need more newsfilter posts?

newsfilter. in the last five minutes i've seen the same info via politech and slashdot. why does it need to be duplicated on mefi too? this is a place for interesting links, not breaking news. faq. wiki.

please, people, if you're interested in this kind of thing, read and post to appropriate sources. posting everything everywhere just makes a big muddy mess where the only distinction between different sites is the member list and moderation system.

DAYS without metafilter; you guys?

This is the first time since the New Year that metafilter.com has actually resolved for me. At first I thought it was something to do with where I'm connecting, but neither the site that hosts my email (energis2) or demon or my ISP could resolve it either. When I finally get here I find tonnes of postings - so what happened? Did anyone else experience it?

How does Metafilter's logon work across the sites?

When I log into the site, I am not shown as logged in on the front page (therefore unable to post), even though I am shown as logged in here at Metatalk. Is this systemwide or does my computer just hate me?

January 14

Seattle Meetups

So SeaFi meetings were dime a dozen until I had worked myself up to go. What happened? I'm thinking maybe riding back and forth on the monorail reenacting scenes from "It Happened at the World's Fair". Or did the last meet result in something too terrible to mention?

MeFi isn't for questions.

This thread asks for links. I thought MetaFilter was about providing good links, not asking for recommendations of good links.

January 13

Danish furniture My Stars!

This thread is racist trash and makes us all look bad. Danish furniture My Stars!

No, hang on; This thread is racist trash and makes us all look bad.

San Antonio meetup?

OK, so the thread about the MeFiNY gathering has me feeling envious and alienated (in a good way?). I can see from a search of users that there are plenty of people logging in out of Austin, but is anyone besides me from good ol' San Antonio? Could a MeFiSA be possible, even if all it aspires to is coffee at Jim's?

January 12

Mathowie backs up MeFi

Success! (I think)

Thanks to some in-person help, I remotely did a backup of the old, corrupted hard drive's web folders and deployed everything onto the new drive. Now that everything's back up, it all seems to be working again (disturbingly smoothly if I must say). If you find any problems, let me know here.

January 11

New posting page confusion

You are posting a link without a description, or a description without a link, please correct this The links are included, with brackets and tags, in the description as usual since I joined 2-ish years ago. What are we fishing for here?

You forgot to include a title, please correct this Did no such thing, included the text string "poo969" in the Link title: field. What are we fishing for here? Have we been studying bondage-and-discipline languages with Bucky Wirth? Just askin'.

PS, Search Metatalk "please correct this" Nothing was found with that search criteria, try searching again.

Time Zone Bug

I'm not seeing my time zone on the home page, or on comment pages — I'm seeing PST.

January 10

MeFiNYC Winter 2003

MeFiNYC Winter 2003 was great fun, unless you happened to be the monkey. It had sex, drugs, death threats, and '80s pop.

is MeFi dead?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but is MeFi dead? I haven't been getting through all day until just now, and even now I'm only seeing "Index Of" and two HRs.

Small-time blog calls MeFi something bad

Or perhaps as someone named "stupidcomputernickname" posted on the MetaFilter Web site, a sort of electronic coffee klatch, we should only allow people whose children are in the military to be elected to Congress. That way, we get shared sacrifice without a draft.

Coffee klatch? We ain't no stinking coffee klatch...
*sudden sound of gunfire*

January 9

Why'd you delete my post?

"This post was deleted for the following reason: I am r00t. ph34r m3 luz3r. you're p0st suxx0rs. you R 0wnzered." I know I'm new to metafilter, but since when is there an 31337 club you have to be in to post to teh front page? I thought that was a mondo excellent link and I think you do the metafiller community a gr8 disservice by d3l33ting it.

I've received JRun errors, Server Errors, and just plain "site not available" messages

Anything unusual (besides the window config mentioned below) going on with the site availability tonight? I've received JRun errors, Server Errors, and just plain "site not available" messages... I'm sure it's not on my end, but in case it matters, Mozilla 1.2, Windows XP.

I changed the way new/same window targetting is done

I changed the way new/same window targetting is done, so if you have your preferences set to "open links in a new window" and links internal to metafilter are spawning new windows, let me know and I'll fix them. Only links within posts, comments and on the front page should lead to new windows, everything else should stay the same.

OK, I'm going to call troll on this.

OK, I'm going to call troll on this. It's a continuation from another thread, so it's unnecessary. It's trollish because the poster is using the post not to point out something interesting or debate-worthy on the Web, but to further an agenda.

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