January 8

Textbox more constricting than tighty-whiteys

Could we make the Post a Link page's description field be a bit bigger? On my most recent FPP post, I found that I was using a lot of markup (really the first time I had done markup this extensive for a FPP) and having trouble making code changes/editing content because the textbox just seems a bit constricting. Also, this could be helpful for Metatalk as well.

Put Daisy Oolong in the Sidebar

The Daisy Oolong Thread should go on the sidebar. It's important, touching, and humanizes Metafilter.

Symbol Etiquette

Kettleblack's got an annoying habit of using "o<" in almost all of his posts, but I can get over that. However, his /. stylings in his recent post and comment are really grating.

January 6

Newsfilter in the worst way

This thread is a NewsFilter post in the worst way.

It is not new (Newsflash: Bush to Lower Taxes, Water Wet) or interesting. And it certainly doesn't lend itself to much discussion. I, for one, want to be subjected to Randian diatribes only slightly more than I want people posting their personal tax ephemera on metafilter. The fact that the article is from a mainstream news source only adds insult to injury.

January 5

How to get help finding a link?

I hope this isn't a stupid question, and I have checked the FAQ, but.... is there any polite way to ask for help locating a link that was posted in the comments of a thread? I remember reading the link, but not the original thread it was in, and would like to return to the link to print it and use in class. Is there some way to ask the general readership to help me find the thread? I have Googled, I have searched MetaFilter....no avail. Sorry if this is silly.

Time Frame for Search Option

Would it be possible when performing a MeFi search to have a time option for more than a month, but less than a year? Maybe 6 months? Wouldn't this decrease "timing out"? Thanks!

Metafilter wiki debut

MetaFilter wiki. "The main purpose of this wiki is to produce and maintain a general guide for MetaFilter" Yes, I know frykitty has created a FAQ, but this Wiki is pretty handy too.

January 4

Page Views

Maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part, but I think it would be neat to have a feature that displays the number of times a page was viewed, so that those threads that are truly great yet don't elicit many responses are acknowledged. Just a thought.

Spam from homeless guy who wants to be on MeFi

Anyone else getting spammed by some homeless guy to post his site as a mefi link? "I'd do it myself, but matt isn't taking new members right now."

If they guy had bothered to cut-and-paste more detail, I might have considered it ... maybe.

Anyone else?

Avoiding Duplicate Posts

Trying to avoid repeat posts is pretty hard because of timeouts from the search system. (In fact, I wanted to see if this is a duplicate Metatalk topic, but my searches stalled.) I want to avoid dupes, really I do! My memory isn't encyclopedic, though (and I have a life, *cough* ;-). How do the old hands here really avoid repeat posts? Shouldn't it be in a FAQ?

(Interestingly, after I started doing more searches, MetaFilter went into general "Server Error" mode for a while. Hmm...)

January 3

Demographics of planet MeFi

Not so much a feature as a one-time feature. The thread on tort reform (quite entertaining and refreshingly civil, given the number of comments it spawned) left me surprised that so many MeFites are attorneys. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
But I often wonder about the demographics of planet MeFi.
Isn't there a simple way we could have a town census (a/s/l occupation etc. It would be mildly fascinating to have such info in our profiles as well, but maybe thats raising the veil too high.

Link to dead-tree versions worthless

Worthless links. If we have to hunt down print copies of something, why are you linking to web-based statements that don't actually support your post?

Mozilla Issues

is anyone else having problems posting in mozilla? i post, click preview and nothing is there.

January 2

Metafilter Remixed seems to be down.

Metafilter Remixed seems to be down now. What did we learn from this experiment?http://webmutant.com/mefi/remixed.cgi

Welcome me to Chicago meetup

so i'm making the great leap from albuquerque to chicago in a month, and i was wondering if any of y'all wanted to party like it was going out of style (more inside, etc)

useful to add entry-dates on user comment pages?

Just an idea: would it be slightly more useful to add entry-dates on user comment pages?

January 1

One of my links is messed up.

The last link in this thread was fine on preview but not after I posted.

Nothing happened; News at 11

Reporting the absence of news? Isn't that what this thread's doing?

Plus, the searches linked in the FPP are unlikely to bear any fruit, given that they're hyper-specific (within quotation marks) and not grammatically correct unless you speak headline-ese.

December 30

Is anonymity on the Web passe?

Is anonymity on the Web passé? What is there to be afraid of, exactly? Nowadays, more and more MetaFilter members seem to use their own names - or, at least, make identifiable comments here. Our own Evanizer is compiling a photographic collage of Mefi's #irc regulars. So is it OK to be ourselves again? Or is protecting our identities still paramount? I suspect that the causes and reasons of paranoia have now officially passed...

December 29

text entry keyboard shortcuts don't work in Phoenix 0.5

MetaFilter's super-handy text entry keyboard shortcuts don't work in Phoenix 0.5 (a Mozilla-based browser) on Windows 2000.

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