December 27

I logged out and now I can't log back in

I logged out, since I'm not using my home computer, and now I cannot even see the site, much less log back in. I managed to sneak into meta and log on, but I can't get to the mefi front page. Help! [more inside]

When good posts go bad....

When good posts go bad . . . what's the correct course of action when you realize that the cute site you linked to about monkeys is really an argument for intelligent design and you are forced to admit that you didn't read the entire article? Since it wasn't the main link, I didn't get annihilated, but is there a workable way to prune the one bad apple from a multi-link post?

December 26

So why has Metafilter been down all day?

So why has Metafilter been down all day?

December 24

I/P snark as usual

I found some of the following comments irresponsible and irritating. This attack nearly hijacked a thread. These comments are off-topic and are not fair to both the poster of the thread and the victim poster.

December 23

Step 1: read Step 2: post

Of course, don't bother to actually follow through to the content of the link, instead you'd rather be the first to wish me a Happy New Year, Mefi-style.

Time Limit Error

Since the start of December, whenever I've written a post for the front page, previewed it, then hit the final 'Post' I get this error, which says the 'request has exceeded the allowable time limit'.. and this occurs on the line where is pinged. My posts do make it to the front page but I just get this error.

Someone reported the same error six months ago, but it appears to have started again..

December 21

NYC Meetup

MeFiNYC Winter 2003. Let's meet up and have fried Mars bars. If you have a better suggestion, feel free to post it.

December 20

"Harshing on Metafilter"

The Gawker-Metafilter Saga continues. After this it now continues here - "Harshing on Metafilter". Where will it end ?

Users in RSS

Could we have the name of the poster in the RSS feed?
Oh and happy Christmas

December 19

Merry Christmas, mathowie.

Merry Christmas, mathowie.

I am sure I am not the only one who would like to sincerely wish our host the best of the festive season and for the year to come. I have enjoyed greatly my short time here and look forward to much more. Thanks, kudos and congrats for the work you have done.

Can we have [more inside]?

Is it possible to make [more inside] a feature?

[more inside]

thread about abortion aborted

the making of an abortion. nuff said.

MeFi Timezone Support

MetaFilter's front page now supports the display of posts by proper time zone. Set your offset on the customize page, then go to the front page (with the default date sort only at this time) to see the site customized for your part of the world. I'll be adding support for the comments and archives later today. MetaTalk, I'll eventually get to.

December 18

So what did YOU think about the new Spiderman?

The thread in question. I understand that some sort of precedent was set with the Spiderman thread last spring (or was it something before that?), but can't we, I don't know, reverse the precedent? [more]

Can't log out

Am I the only one having trouble logging out? I click "logout", and it just spins me around to the homepage, and I'm still logged in. Tried closing the browser, rebooting, etc. No dice. This has happened on multiple computers (public ones, unfortunately) that have previous had no problems with logging out.

Anti- and pro- sites do not make a double

This thread seems to be a triple post. Augusta was discussed here and here.

My apologies for not bringing it up here first.

I for one welcome our new _______ overlords

I was wondering if anyone out there could point out the source of the "I for one welcome our new _______ overlords" meme. I've seen it frequently on Metafilter in many different iterations... I Googled it to no avail. Movie, song, novel, event? Thnx!

Preemptive moratorium on Elcomsoft DCMA acquittal postings

I may be overreacting, but can I put in a preemptive plea that no one posts about the Elcomsoft DMCA acquittal until there's an interesting link to go with it (like a commentary from a Lessig like legal scholar for instance)?

December 17

This post has too many links!

I think it has been mentioned before, and maybe I'm just grumpy tonight, but there are TEN FREAKIN' LINKS in this post.

Temporary IRC Relocation

The irc server turlyming seems to be down, so come on over to channel #mefi.

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