November 19

it might be good policy

Once again, I found myself trying to follow a link to the New York Times with a username and password I'd forgotten. I wondered if it might be good policy for people to post searches to these links instead. For example, the recent link ...
An astonishing bequest could easily have been written out as An astonishing bequest, and would not require people to log in.

November 18

Wall Street Journal Mention

MeFi in the WSJ!

While the online version is only accessible to paid subscribers, the WSJ today (Monday) did a special section on the Internet ("How to ... entertain children ... search the web ... find friends ... etc.). One was "Find a Blog". MeFi was mentioned two or three times ... in fact it was the Blog recommmended as the one to start with (and in fact the first one mentioned in the article itself).

Kudos Matt. Yet another in a growing list of public recognitions of your skill and committment.

Here's a draft of FAQ.

Got a deep question? The draft of the FAQ is up.


"Once again, for the fourth time, I have been banned from, and censored by, for politically incorrect speech."

November 16

Metafilter: reported as inaccessible in China.

Testing complete for Result: Reported as inaccessible in China

Is this really a worthwhile contribution?

posted by Pancake Overlord at 9:40 AM PST on November 16 {more inside}

There seems to be a problem with the RSS Feed

There seems to be a problem with the RSS Feed: XML Parsing Error: not well-formed

November 15

What's the difference between Post Title and Link Title?

So, um... what's a POST TITLE, and how is it different from a LINK TITLE?

Weird blank section showing up in Mozilla

Just posted this thread in Mozilla. Reading the front page in Mozilla briefly showed a huge blank section between the last line of my post and the "posted by" line. The blank section didn't show up in IE and is fixed now in Mozilla. What happened? (FWIW, I'm absolutely sure I didn't include 25 or so blank lines at the end of the post.)

November 14


Product posts (aka: epinionsFilter). Whether extolling the virtues of Shure Headphones or the insanely great price Gateway has on its new plasma screen televisions, what are the guidelines to prevent MetaFilter from becoming a free advertising medium to reach the e-fluential?

is morphic related to pickover?

is morphic related to pickover? 2/4 comments and 7/10 fpps have included pickover links (there's no email listed or i'd have made enquiries first). i'd dig out more examples, but i'm supposed to be working - it's not clear to me whether someone's being naughty, or just very fond of that site... [oh, and please can we not have the usual lynch mob aggressive doodah if there is something fishy going on?]

Is the anti doublepost code broken?

Is the anti doublepost code broken? [1, 2]

RSS feeds and bugs

Two observations and a question. [more outside]

November 13

Informative, but...

Welcome to "Me"tafilter.

I would like a MetaFilter thong please...

I would like a MetaFilter thong please...

Is it bad form to invoke the name of another mefite in a thread they are not participating in?

I was recently reprimanded in a thread (politely, I should add), for invoking the name of a mefi regular who was not a participant in that thread at the time.

Is this poor form on my part, or is *the mefi who must not be named* being over-sensitive?

November 12

thanks matt!

thanks matt!

Threads Have Titles Now?

Hey - if this isn't a new feature, or if I missed a memo, please tell me, but does each thread have it's own title now? I only ask because when I just thought better of posting to the "pancakes" thread and saw "Prattling On About Pancakes" up in the title bar, it startled me a wee bit, and now I see that each thread is similarly titled. New thing?

Searching Metafilter

Searching Metafilter: on first search, threads and users only. Thereafter, other options appear. Bug, or crap browser (IE5.5, W98)?

The Ebbs and flows at this joint fascinate me.

Am I just imagining it, or is there a lot less posting going on to Metafilter in the last few days. This is not necessarily bad, but the political threads are almost absent, and just the number of contributions is down. The Ebbs and flows at this joint fascinate me.

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