November 24

when I click "Back" I go to last weekend

Infinitesimal, weird and probably just me: over on MetaFilter, when I click "Back" from a thread it takes me to this weekend's We're still working on the upgrade notice. [IE 6, W2KPro]

a little calendar of upcoming MetaFilter events

Sorry to be posting again so soon, but, pursuant to Smart Dalek's request, I've put together a little calendar of upcoming MetaFilter events in iCal format. Nothing too fancy, just me manually adding events to the calendar as I receive them. Nothing is on the calendar yet, so submit something, already. Details on subscribing to (if you use iCal on Mac OS X 10.2.1 or later) or viewing the calendar are here. Hope you like it.

Ontario & Quebec MeFite Meetup Mailing List

I've taken the liberty of setting up a mailing list for MetaFilter members in Ontario and Quebec, in the hope that it will help us get our act together and organize a MeFi get-together, whether it's in Montreal, Ottawa or Toronto (see previous attempts here and here). Or whatever else suits us.

Flash Friday bumper sticker.

Yesterday, I saw a bumper sticker on a pickup truck that said, "Flash me, it's Friday!" Is this the origin of Flash Friday on MetaFilter?

Server up

Server's back up. Not all the updates are done, but the server should be exactly the same as before.

November 23

Sorry about the downtime.

Sorry about the downtime. I was dicking around with the server a little. Things should be back to normal now. More downtime tomorrow, perhaps as I finish the upgrades.

What happened to my Black Friday post?

I posted a thread about retail price plans for major retailers being publsished on websites ahead of time. The retailers were ticked. The story questioned if this was a freedom of speech issue or did the retailers have a right to demand the information be removed.
The thread was removed. Was it the subject or the link to an audio news story?

Is Google indexing broken?

When I wanted to do a search to find out if someone had linked to a given site in a FPP yet, I decided to try something different. I went to old google and put in this URL, which was the link in the most popular FPPof the day exactly two weeks ago, as a "who link's to you?" search.

Shouldn't google have indexed the thread, then, since it links back to the original article? Strange, that it doesn't do this for a link and lenghty thread on a topic that will have serious implications for everyone on the internet, specifically Americans? Has google dropped the ball? Is this all just a bunch of Tom-Foolery?

November 22

Bad one-link news-style post

A good example of a bad one-link, news-style post. [more]

What's with the naming conventions around here ?

sorry , but i just gotta ask . . .
in my referer logs is :

whats with the naming conventions around here ?

November 21

Just curious

Just curious: I posted Wanda Hudak's phone number in a thread regarding her vile "25-cent bullet" comment; now it is gone.

As a public official, I do believe that she should be accountable for her official statements. Is posting a number which is a matter of public record a violation of MeFi etiquette and/or policy? Apologies, of course, if it is. I will respect the community/mathowie's wishes...but I will continue to think posting it was, and remains, valid.

Metafilter IRC?

Is Metafilter IRC gone for good?

Is there now a quota of nearly zero on political and geopolitical threads? I never got the memo.

MeFi Search for Exact Phrases Using Speech Marks?

Mefi search functionality and double posts. Using google extensively I've developed the habit of searching for phrases by using speech marks in order to retrieve more specific results. Metafilter search doesn't seem to support this feature, and partly as a result I made a double post, after searching for "moon trees" instead of moon trees. I'll know for next time, but could more double posts result from other new users with the same habit? Possibly.

This isn't memepool, links don't have to be surprises.

Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad, Good, Good. What am I talking about? Ttles (the ones that go in the page title and into the RDF feed). Please remember, they're not room for an extra little joke, they're supposed to be informative of the topic. This isn't memepool, links don't have to be surprises.

FPP post chauvanistic sniggering, poor commentary followed

Is this really necessary? A front-page post consisting almost solely of chauvinistic sniggering at the name of an indigenous group? And it's not redeemed by the discussion.

How can I contact a member with no email shown?

Okay - I need some help. There is a member here who I would like to contact privately to ask a question without derailing a blue thread. Unfortunately, this member has not provided an email address on their user page. [more inside...]

November 20

font sizes in pixels

Is it possible, or even a good idea, to have font sizes in pixels rather than or in addition to the current scheme (which is in points)?

"not safe for people who don't want to see gay porn?"

Question in regards to WolfDaddy posting a link labelled not safe for work or people who haven't seen Queer as Folk. Shouldn't that have read "not safe for people who don't want to see gay porn?" I'm pretty sure what I saw, but I don't want to double-check. Just let me know if that was fair warning or I should sue for temporary blindness.

Preventing reposts of deleted stories

This dangling baby . . . it vibrates? Every time Matt kills a "Jacko's dangling baby" post, another pops up to replace it. We've talked about this before, but I think the (general) question needs to be raised: What, if anything, can be done to prevent reposting deleted stories? It's been pointed out that posters may not know that they're posting something that has been deleted before because, um, it's been deleted before! (And with wacky news like this, there can be any number of sources for the same story, sorry.) Short of deleting the story every time it pops up, is there a better solution?

November 19

I want to break a rule here and propose a shoutout

I want to break a rule here and propose a shoutout - a cheerleader post, if you will indulge me. I note a immense upward jump in the quality of both MeFi and MeTa posts and comments, with a corresponding downward jump in noise, trolling and trash. I note comments by Matt have a more relaxed tone than in the past few weeks. I see discussions kept to a mostly civil if not downright respectful tone. I observe efforts running the gamut from herculean to humorous by members like frykitty, y6y6y6, waxy, riffola, adrianhon, et al, to help make this wondrous place ever more enjoyable and user friendly. I want to say thank you, to everyone. [*Cue Dorothy, who taps heels of ruby slippers 3 times, chants "There's no place like Metafilter, there's no place like Metafilter, there's no place like Metafilter...*]

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