November 3

Have we found God yet?

Have we found God yet? Not picking on this post per se, but last week we had this (142 comments, so you'd think the issue had been pretty thoroughly hashed out), and before that a bunch more that I listed here, and I'm starting to wonder what the point is. NewsFilter posts get annoying, but at least the news changes; God's either there or He/She/It ain't, and I don't think we're going to find out by arguing about it on MeFi. If everybody else enjoys the never-ending discussion, fine, I'll just skip the threads, but I thought I'd ask.

MeFi pro?

Is mefi pro still coming?

November 2

custom MetaFilter baseball t-shirts are now available

No one asked for it, but I figured what the hell: custom MetaFilter baseball t-shirts are now available.

There is a minor bug with the text stylesheet.

There is a minor bug with the text stylesheet. The a:hover in the head class is not declared, causing the text to disappear into the white background when moused over.

November 1

Warez link bad

Umm, maybe I'm wrong about this, but doesn't your last link expose both you and Matt to criminal prosecution under the DMCA?

Of course, that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate it.



Is Metafilter the place to post PSAs now?

What happened to the moratorium on op-ed politics pieces?

Despite this and this, today we have this.

October 31

If you could dress up as anybody/thing for Halloween, what would it be?

If you could dress up as anybody/thing for Halloween, what would it be? {more inside}

October 30

Happy Halloween

MetaFilter - now serving candy along with pancakes and ponies! Thanks, Matt and Happy Halloween, everyone!


The lovely and talented JonnyX says: MCWETBOY-------------so go play on your own blog then you dipshit. if you dont like it here then FUCK OFF.

In a word, "no".

October 29

Who's up for a Wellington Gathering?

Haere Mai! Haere Mai! Haere Mai!
Who's up for a Wellington Gathering?

Metafilter Slowdowns

Am I the only one who has been experiencing a good deal of downtime, timeouts, and generally slow surfing lately on MetaFilter?

I remember reading awhile back that signups were turned off the last time because of server strain. Is that the issue here or are we (is Matt) dealing with something else?

How to do Newsfilter

News posts: done right and not so right [more inside]

October 28

Remember single-link posts?

Remember single-link posts?

A glance at the front page soon reveals they are now the exception rather than the rule. This is perhaps due to MeTa influence. You know: "Add a link or two for context/to show you care/as proof you can google". And yet great single-link posts, like this one, are probably the most appealing and difficult to get right. Not least because I suspect most users will only click on what they assume is the main link. Have multi-link posts become the norm or are they just a passing trend?

A warning would be good when you link you crazy racist propaganda.

I am more than fed up of this sort of nonsense being posted to MeFi. Can we give some sort of community time-out or other shot over the bows here? [See also here.]

Kablam: were you not content with comments like this last time?
"...I'd think a site should at least have to have a shred of legitimacy to rate a front-page link here...
I find it doubtful that there is anything on this website that is not a lie...You know, being linked to by MeFi is going to make this nazi's guy's day...It's not out of line to expect some sort of warning, if the post has a link of questionable nature...Crap link=Crap Post...we don't want to give these assholes hits..."Various posters

October 27

Metafilter Remixed

Metafilter: Remixed -- a collaborative filter for MeFi. Several people have suggested in the past some sort of "[this is good]" button people could use to vote for excellent posts; I know Matt's busy, so I went ahead and made one. Let me know if you find any problems with it.

can we find double posts in comments?

New member; first post; searched and searched; usual story. Then this comment, by furiousthought, pointing to the fact that my link had already been posted in a thread (albeit, in my defense, long before I joined and cryptically referenced). So I wonder whether the automatic URL search facility which exists when you preview a front page post could possibly be extended to include URLS mentioned in comments? At the very least, we could thank the first users to link to it. Nobody has the time to read all the threads or click on all the links in comments and searches, whether MetaFilter or Google, often fail to point to cryptically described links.

Forgive me if this is impossible to achieve, stupid or has been asked before, of course!

October 25

three alternate mefi designs

I was looking through an old thread, and found these three alternate mefi designs. Anyone know of any other not quite ready for prime time ideas that are still floating around?

My MeTa post is disappeared

Hi....I posted a URL the other day that was similar to metafilter, and so I thought MeFi was hacked for a minute there. When I realized the typo, I was relieved! I wondered if other people had found similar sites. But the post isn't there. I'm just wondering if that was a server glitch or just a lame post that was pulled. No worries, just curious for my own edification.

October 24

Is there a general rule about posting links from popular sites like Plastic, Digg, etc.?

After reading this article, which was linked at Plastic, I was tempted to post it here, at MeFi, but then I decided not to. Isn't Plastic a popular site among MeFi readers, and wouldn't posting this link be redundant? Is there a general rule about posting from popular sites, or does it always come down to a hunch?

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