October 23

are there any plans to apply user preferences to MetaTalk?

We've got a new stylesheet, and one on the way for MeTa. So, are there any plans to apply user preferences to MetaTalk?

Sniper News Central

How about linking to one of the dozen-odd currently active sniper threads from the sideblog and designating it "Sniper News Central"?

October 22

free demo- and psychographics for your zip code

Marketing, demographics, psychographics, no matter what key-word I try I can't seem to find the post I'm searching for. It was a link to two different sites that provided free demo- and psychographics for your zip code. I seem to remember seeing it on MeFi about a year ago, sometime between November and this Febuary. Anyone remember this, or am I imagining things?

Are there archives for the sideblog?

Are there archives for the sideblog? I am looking for a sideblog post that Matt put up a few months ago about a site that had a collection of old "morality" films shown in high school. Does anyone know where I might be able to find this post/link?

Where are all the lefties?

This comment, made by red cell, is way over the line.

October 21

This [more inside] thing could be useful

I'm not getting at the actual poster's with this (I love both of the stories). But wouldn't a Wheadonesque 'more inside' style posting ability be really useful in cases like this and this?

Metafilter is too good at breaking news not to be used for that

Metafilter is too good at breaking news not to be used for that purpose. If there really is a consensus here that the number of news links is a bad thing, one solution would be to hold all new posts for a few hours after submission so people are forced to look elsewhere when big stories break.

October 20

Don't be jerks to folks with lupus

"I've got Lupus." You're a werewolf!? No wonder you don't go outside. I'm no model MeFite, but this struck me as particularly offensive, inappropriate, and sophmoric, especially in the context of the thread. Sharing too much personal information is discouraged, but I don't think anybody deserves this amount of disrespect.

Mozilla crashes in spellcheck

There has been discussion about this before, but I'm wondering if at this point I am the only one having this problem: Mozilla 1.1 in XP crashes about every other time I try to use the spell checker in MeFi (MeTa seems to behave better).

October 18

The look of being banned

I'm just curious. What does one see when they've been banned from MeFi? After a smoting, do they just get the 404, or is there some neener-neener message? (I would have emailed number 1 with this query, but I'll bet dollors-to-donuts I'm not the only one who wants to know.)

spammer! banninate!

what's the deal with kileregreen spamming threads with a porn site?

Wouldn't want to let the lack of an actual link interfere with being the first to post, would we?

As soon as any news links appear i'll post them here.

Wouldn't want to let the lack of an actual link interfere with being the first to post, would we?

October 17

Is this brilliant post appropriate for Metafilter?

Brilliant post that is thoughtful and worthy of discussion, but is it appropriate for Metafilter? The link rules in Metafilter, and the links are just regurgitations. It reeks of discussion board. Granted, others have gotten away with unworthy links just to talk about their soapbox issue in the past. Should this be an exception?

Plain text theme for MeFi

Plain text theme for MetaFilter:
click for larger image

Now available on the customize page.

Textad display problem

Are the textads and sidebar breaching into the rest of the front page for anyone else? IE5.2.2 on OSX here.

FPP link-burdened to the point of undiscussability?

Is it just me, or does this FPP contain so many links on such a variety of issues as to be 'undiscussable'. Thats likely not even a word, but you get my drift.

Don't derail to recommend me a different browser

AnnoyanceFilter! [Much more inside...]

Metafilter had some questions for me this month

Metafilter had some questions for me this month.

October 16

"When does a thread cross the line...?"

Threads should be bias and threads should be made to provoke thought. However when does a thread cross the line of appropriate and thought provoking into the realm of insults and claptrap? What about this one or this one (self-post)? Should the inmates do the policing? If so, how can it policed? If a weblog is a form "journalism" should there be some sort of code of ethics? Or guidelines for objectivity?

Is it secret, or is it safe?

Please, if your front page post links to anywhere remotely not worksafe, could you make sure this is properly flagged?

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