August 12

MeTa "notify this user" pony

This is actually a MetaTalk feature request. When creating a thread about a specific post or user (e.g., 1, , 3) courtesy dictates that the singled-out member be notified. But I don't know how often that happens. How about an optional field, when creating a new MetaTalk thread, reading "Notify these users". The thread creator could then enter one or more usernames and/or usenumbers, separated by commas. When the thread is created, the specified users (assuming their email address are available) would receive an automated email reading something to the effect of "You have been asked to participate in MetaTalk thread xxxxx."

August 11

I submit that namecalling is NEVER appropriate on Metafilter.

"Might not hurt to actually know what something is before attacking it, moron." Seems like some people who have been around long enough to know better could learn a lot about civility and manners from some of the 14k crowd. I submit that namecalling is NEVER appropriate on Metafilter.

MeFi gets print love in Chatelaine

Metafilter has been listed in both the print and web versions of Chatelaine Magazine's Third Annual Web Guide. It is listed under the Education > Reading category. (more inside)

August 10

Should we be allowed to change our MetaFilter usernames?

Should we be allowed to change our MetaFilter usernames / nicknames? I only ask, because I'd certainly like to change mine, after being ribbed several times for not using British English (because I have 'Brit' in my nick doesn't necessarily mean I'm British). Or would a nick change feature cause lots of problems with people harassing others and then hiding behind new names? Discuss.

whats your story?

Hello, I am a brand new member, and I have been waiting to become a part of this for a very long time. Who else has been waiting for a space, and whats your story on how you got involved into metafilter? -Mine inside!

Cinderella Story

CINDERELLA STORY. Aside from the fact that it would mean more work for Matt ... Every Friday, we always get a couple of frontpage posts that are not the sort of content that is desired on Metafilter. The "What Actor Do You Hate" is a fine example, but you could include any of the Friday flashy-goodness ones. The justification of them is always "it's Friday, and so just shut the fuck up, you uptight Mefi Nazi Cop Bastard." So what if we allow these sorts of things, but when the clock strikes twelve on Midnight Saturday morning, PST, they all turned into pumpkins, and were automatically deleted? (Alternately, you could just make posting replies to these threads disabled and allow them to scroll away.) I mean, relax the posting rules one day a week, let the people have their Friday fun, but clean up the messes they make, and prevent them from lingering on for days after the "let's loosen up because I've had such a hard week at work" crapola. Or would going to these lengths to allow the stuff just encourage people to fill the front page with complete crap 1/7th of the time?

Should I be able to comment using lofi?

are all threads on lofi supposed to be deleted? i thought the change yesterday was that comments remained in deleted threads, but today i've noticed that i cannot post to any thread on lofi, even if they are active on the main page.

August 9

How about a call for redesign submissions?

After reading this previous thread, I started thinking. How about a call for redesign submissions? How about the ability to customize and select our own designs? I am aware of this feature, but I mean, completely different layouts. There are many, many, many, many css resources with solutions that are more than robust enough for metafilter's basic one column layout. Is this inappropriate for me to ask? I would like to see a Metafilter with several layouts to choose from, first on my list, would be coldchef's; just cause he's so friggin funny.

I can click on "Logout" and it seems to go ok, but I'm not logged out

I can click on "Logout" and it seems to go ok, at least it doesn't spawn any kind of error message. But when the page reloads, I'm still logged in...
Using win98, and IE 5.5

Anyone want to see my vacation slides?

On initial inspection, this post by y2karl appears to me more suited to his own weblog. For me it just doesn't seem to belong on the front page. It's long winded, with lots of "this" for the links. Yet it seems to work as well..? It seems to highlight a desire for the 'community' to exchange not only ideas and opinions but also experiences and holiday destinations....
Perhaps it's a 'bridge' of a post that signifies a new direction for MeFi?

August 8

Cookie problem

I'm getting big giant "Element USER_NAME is undefined in COOKIE" messages instead of a front page on MetaFilter in Mozilla 1.1b for Windows. IE seems fine. I get the header, then a big gray error box with a stack trace and stuff. MetaTalk appears fine, and I can look at individual MeFi threads and archives and such. It also appears to come and go; I was able to get a front page earlier today, but now I can't. Happens when logged in, when not logged in. Been happening for a couple of days. Any other Mozilla users seeing this?

Add visual delimiters between fpps?

On the front page I sometimes mistake a thread with an empty line and then another link in the comment for two separate threads. I don't associate all of the text with a single post because the spacing is the same as it would be for two posts. It's a minor thing and I realize there was more to the comment when I view it, but what about adding a delimiter to make it easier to tell threads apart? Or am I the only one that makes this mistake?

This is what MetaFilter should be like.

a truly outstanding thread. reminiscent of whatever 'metafilter golden age' era for which you pine. nearly all the discussion posts were well thought out, offered interesting perspectives gained through personal experience or outside reading; and many viewpoints were supported by unique and interesting off-site links. whether or not this topic grabbed your interest, this is the type of discussion we should always be striving towards. what can we do to encourage such behavior?

August 7

Should there be a Mefi "canon"?

Should there be a Mefi "canon"?
[more inside]

August 6

PayPal sent for textad, but no textads yet?

Possibly a bug, possibly not:
My PayPal payment for a text ad went through three days ago, yet no text ad in the queue. I say again: my money has left the building.

What gives?


NYC meetup photos

As the first person home from the NYC gathering (uh, as usual)...

Austin Meetup

Meetup - did it suck as much for you as it did for me?

When I checked yesterday, the Austin meetup was in some lame-o Starbucks downtown. When I checked back today for the address, it says the meetup was canceled. Maybe we should try again, but this time I think we need a Plan B ...

Are links to paysite articles okay?

Are links like this akin to saying "Harper's, page 27"? I did some metatalk searching and all I could find was a post discussing copy-and-pasting of whole pay site articles, it seems like this would have been discussed before, but I guess not.

Why didn't moviespoilers FPP show up as double

When I posted this it came up as not a double. Then brownpau pointed out this. The HTML for the links seems to be identical, plus I searched the archives (used the google search option). What else should I have done?

a new kind of selflink

Posting a link to a couple of paragraphs that talk about you is an entirely new subspecies of self link. Join me, and together we can smother it in infancy.

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