August 6

Given the chance to respond...

Why was this deleted before it even got off the ground [2 posts]?

Glen Reynolds' Instapundit links to a Meryl Yourish post countering a comment by our own mediareport. I tend to disagree with MR on the Middle East, but seeing as how MeFi is where he expresses himself, it seems appropriate he should have the opportunity to defend himself here.
(This is not an I/P thread, this is a meta-I/P thread. Be nice.)
posted by joemaller at 8:25 AM PST

I thought that joemaller had a good point giving mediareport - and other MeFites - the chance to respond.

y2karl: informative and interesting

I just wanted to say y2karl has some great posts lately [1, 2 & 3].
I liked them not for the content, but for how he did it.

In order to understand his point I had to read the links. Not only that, the TITLE tags he put in there were wonderfully informative.
I've seen others do this from time to time, I just think it's quite nice.

I like the idea that to fully understand the thread people need to go and read something, learn something to actually make a comment that makes any sense.
After all, we are all here to learn something, are we not?
Anyone have any favorite threads, based on how they were done, not what they talk about?

August 5

if it's ever appeared anywhere, it can't appear here?

There we go, a day's worth of Slashdot stories for you.
posted by wackybrit

So, is the new rule that if it's ever appeared anywhere, it can't appear here?

Dallas Meetup

Is Meetup working or falling short of people's expectations? I'm honestly trying to attend for once, but I feel a bit out of the loop. 212 people signed up for tomorrow's gathering. Ten in my hometown of Dallas. Only 3 of us have RSVP'd. Is there gonna be no party or am I missing the boat? Ufez Jones suggests we meet somewhere else, maybe. I just don't wanna get left out.

August 4

Callout: comments in Asian bride spoof going to far?

I'll bet that makes her a Sour Kraut... in this episode, Perigee goes all Don Quixote...

CFMX upgrade woes

Matt, when you changed server you seemed pretty pissed off with CFMX. Do you still stand by that? I reckon your opinion on this would be of a lot of use to those thinking about using it or upgrading.

August 2

Easing the transition for new users.

20 neophytes a day - and I'm one of yesterday's crop. Fresh-faced, clean-skinned...

As a Content Editor at Everything2, I'm intimately acquainted with the stickiness inherent in introducing new people to an online community (especially a content-oriented community, as opposed to activity-, hobby-, or interest-oriented ones). There seems to be a dearth of documentation. I guess this site is pretty self-explanatory, which is refreshing - I've been an E2 user for two and a half years and I still occasionally scratch my big, fat head. Also, after such a long, long time with no new users (I know it was a long time because I spent a long time checking the new user page), you guys must be experiencing something of a shock, too.

Any ideas as to what could be done to ease the transition for newbies and allay the angst, if any, of the old guard?

Feel free to kill this if I'm out of line, long-winded or otherwise. I'm a new at this.

manhattan meetup preparty

manhattan meetup preparty: early dinner (6:30 p.m.) at pao (in honor of miguel).

August 1

Spread the Dot on MeFi

At what point did the "Spread the Dot" thing get added to Metafilter? It's a googlebomb attempt.


ASCII display errors

I'm seeing these ? everywhere. It's maddening for those who post them (when they go unseen in the preview), and makes reading difficult. Is there anything that can be done about this? I don't just mean a programming solution, but what is it, specifically, that the users are doing which causes this?

July 31

Pony: remote new comment notification

Let me preface this by saying that I am not looking to give mathowie more work to do. Having said that, I was wondering if there is a non-labor-intensive way by which I can be notified when new comments have been added to threads I've commented in without visiting the site and sorting by my comments?

is self-policing the best way?

What is the best way to establish and enforce community standards on MetaFilter/MetaTalk?

Who's your MeFi crush?

Okay, there's been some negativity round these parts lately, so let's try this: Is there any MeFiosi upon whom you've developed a sort of (intellectual?) crush? (Potentially lame query, I know, but I figure it'll get some positive feedback going. We've spilled a lot of bytes talking about the people, or personae, we don't like, ad nauseam, so I figure the opposite is worth a shot. So shoot! Free love!)

July 30

was it something I said?

OK, this thread, took a long time to die....was it something I said?

I was trying to promote a different way of dealing with trolls, but - in my early morning fatigue - may have overstepped some mark.
Or maybe it wasn't me, and I'm justy feeling Catholic (free-floating) guilt. Kindly put me out of my misery!

Global meetup day!

T-minus-one week until the MetaFilter Meetup. Let's have one reference thread where we can post solely the City, Location and Time. I would save discussion for e-mail or something like this. Meetup still, to my knowledge, hasn't changed any of the suggested locations due to requests or "here's where we're going to meet, whether you like it or not"s. Amid the confusion (1,2), we need clarity. This will hopefully also be good enough for Matt to post to the sidebar for the non-MeTa people. I'll start, and remember, nice, simple, and clean...

Reuters covers it but it isn't covered. What

Reuters/Yahoo also has the story but it's not getting much coverage in US media.

July 29

Rio post no different from Apple posts

I disagree with the deletion of the post comparing the Rio with other portable MP3 players. We see new Apple product announcements every couple of weeks here; this was no different.

Deleted thread notice

No more "Nothing to see here, move along?"

Re: this now ex- thread.

Closing Old Threads

New feature: threads on MetaFilter more than a month old are now closed for new comments.

July 28

MeTa throws up an error when given a bad link

Following a link from mini-wetlog I found a bug where MeTa throws up an error when given a bad link. In this case a quote on the end of the URL:"

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