July 28

When does a newbie stop being a newbie?

I'm just curious, could someone please tell me when a newbie stops being a newbie? How is this decided and by whom?

Burning Man Meetup

Even though, apparently, Burning Man is just soo damn uncool these days there will no doubt be MeFites & bloggers attending and probably blogging from the playa itself.

Any thoughts on a MeFiBuM meet?

July 27

What does "ricer" mean?

What's a "ricer"?

Attachment to MetaFilter.

Do you bristle when someone says it’s only a web site? When things are slow, do you find yourself clicking on threads that don’t remotely interest you? And then become shockingly enthralled? Do you enjoy reading the get-together threads on MeTa even though you’re nowhere near the locations being discussed? Have you entirely stopped reading The Onion and Salon just because linking to them here is frowned upon? Are you considering adopting a newbie?

If so, you are probably over-attached to MetaFilter. [More inside].

What is Trackback?

Can someone please explain to me what exactly this trackback thing does?

July 26

Whatever it was, I can't see it anymore

Is anyone else seeing this sort of thing in threads? just wondering what could be causing it.

Mozilla 1.1b on OSX

Announcement: new user signups are back on. 20 people a day.

New user signups are back on. 20 people a day are going to be allowed in, starting at noon each day. Only one signup per person, per day as well. Report any probs with it here.

Helping Newbies

As we have seen the buzz, new members will be coming in the future. Sprinkled in a few MeTa threads have been ideas, such as a FAQs and mentoring, to help new members learn the ropes and Mefi history. I have an idea to primarily help new members, but it could eventually benefit everyone.
[idea inside]

NYC Meetup?

NYC Meetup? I guess we agreed on Aug 6th, but do we have a location yet? I realize that all the ones that meetup.com suggested kinda sucked.
But I do wanna have another get together of the NYC MeFi MoFo Mafia and at this point, I don't care if we meet at Gray's Papaya, but let's pick someplace.

Geocities sites go down when their traffic goes up.

Postus Interruptus . . .

Often times, obscure and non commercial websites are hosted on free but metered sites like Tripod and Geocities.
These simple sites make for great FPPs, except the instant surge in traffic puts the site over its hourly bandwidth quota. here's an example where the poster anticipated this and even cautioned everyone to stay away from the video link on the page for a day or two. But to no avail. . .
When the masses will foreseeably shut the site down, wouldn't it make more sense to link to the google cache of that site instead?

July 25

MeTa threads user link functionality inconsistent in view, preview

Don't know if this is intentional or not, but i just noticed this:
When previewing my comments to metaTalk threads, mouse-rollovers on a previous posters name shows their username in the IE status bar; however, mouse-rollover in the same thread when the comments box is empty displays user numbers instead. Is this a useful feature, or a glitch?

Writing twice as much stuff for twice as many blogs

For those of you with your own weblogs who also are heavy contributors here: How do you split your "output" between your own joint and Metafilter? Is there so much to say and link that both places get a lot of original stuff? Do you post/talk about the same things both places? Do you only comment in threads here, and save links for your own blog? I'm curious. What brought it to mind was Miguel's prodigous posting here, knowing he's got that crazy-remunerative blog gig (blig) going on over there.

Also, for the first 38 yrs of my life I said "renumerative." ::shrug:: It seemed to make sense.

MeTa seems to only post the last 5 entries

Ok, I was looking for any old threads on customizing MeTa, but only found something related (here). I am curious if it is possible to actually customize the number of posts on MeTa. I have Mefi for four days, but MeTa seems to only post the last 5 entries. Is there some way around this? I was looking but could not find it.

Is metafilter membership currently open or closed?

Is metafilter membership currently open or closed? There seems to be some confusion. Could Matt please clear this up by issuing some sort of official statement? Please?

From what I understand, ostensibly it's closed, but I looked and found the most recent user profile I could, which shows this user is new as of July 24, 2002. Uh, that's pretty recent in my book.

Yes, this is Matt's fiefdom and he can do as he damn well pleases, but frankly some of us think that this "it's closed / no wait, it's really open but only on my terms (which are secret)" kind of thing is uncool, to say the least. Maybe that's not how it is, but it's how it may appear to some people.

Care to clue us all in on what the official word is, Matt?

Archives error

I got the following error when trying to view the metatalk archives (OSX, NS7.0b1):

Element METATALK_LAST_VISIT is undefined in SESSION.
The Error Occurred in C:\metafilter sites\metatalk.metafilter.com\archived.mefi: line 40

Then, because I am a supergenius, I thought I'd just check the archives to see if anyone else had reported the problem.

::thwacks forehead::

Big FPP's can be annoying. Anyone else agree?

Big FPP's can be annoying. Anyone else agree?

Is there any chance of getting a 'maximum length of a front-page post' limit implemented? Or at least have a suggestion to the poster that their post is a little long?

July 24

Finishing touches on....

We see so many Apple-related announcements posted to MeFi. Segway was, of course, huge...even getting its own mention on the MeFi Sidebar. And now Matt has said this:

Now that those bugs are fixed, I'm putting the finishing touches on a new feature for MetaFilter I think everyone will enjoy.

Anyone care to speculate?

While in the comment preview, links to use info don't work.

While in the comment preview, links to use info don't work. [detail inside]

Grave matters

I love the café


¡Viva Fidel!

Will international characters work now?

Airing dirty linen in public

Given that MeTa is mostly used for private discussions about what goes on in MeFi, should there be links to it on the front page of MeFi for all to see? Would it be more appropriate for it to be discreetly linked from somewhere else or, to take it to the extreme, only available to logged-in users?

Airing dirty linen in public is not usually considered the "done thing" and hiding it from public scrutiny may allow more open and honest discussions.

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