July 24

non-users posting by proxy: kosher?

I'd like to discuss the appropriateness of allowing non-users to post by proxy, in relation to a conflict here between Medley and myself. [more inside]

Correct comment linkage

Best bugfix ever. For the first time, the links from my comments pages (MeFi and MeTa) actually take me to the appropriate comment in a thread rather than the first comment I made in that thread (or sometimes a random one). This has improved the quality of my life. Thanks, Matt.

No more double-posted comments!

quite possibly the one feature that was the longest time coming. I finally did it.

You can't double-post a comment in either MetaFilter or MetaTalk ever again.

Please add year to date field (redux)

How about including the year along with the date info on posts? This post got two new hits today, but we wouldn't know that if Ufez hadn't used the words "three years later".

Arguments over definitions.

Hey Matt, you should start a new subsite called MetaWord. Visitors would contribute single word posts, like Heart, or Hero, or Terrorist or Gallbladder and then everyone can argue about what the word means and did mean and should mean and would mean if we all spoke Esperanto and wore those hats with the fruit on them.

Alternatively -- and this might even be a better idea, if possible -- MetaWord would have regular posts, but comments would be limited to one word. You could even do away with the textfield and just give people a dropdown box with preselected words like 'Doublepost!,' 'Racist!,' 'Troll!' 'Nazi!' 'Liberal!' 'Kitties!' and '*yawn*'. And then we could argue about the meaning of the word "yawn."

Why was this post deleted?

Why was this post deleted?

The big fat lie? "The classic [misconception is that] 95 percent of all dieters never lose weight, and 95 percent of those who do will not keep it off. This will be correctly attributed to the University of Pennsylvania psychiatrist Albert Stunkard, but it will go unmentioned that this statement is based on 100 patients who passed through Stunkard's obesity clinic during the Eisenhower administration."
posted by bingo at 4:18 AM PST - 8 comments (8 new)

It was a great article, well researched and interesting. I didn't get to read any of the comments that people submitted because I'm getting a "nothing to see here" message when I click on the comments link. What gives? Bingo didn't make up the title...that is the title of the article. I can't see why this topic would be deleted. Any chance that it can be restored? Was this just a mistake or intentional?

July 23

Just noticed the new "tb" feature

Just noticed the new "tb" feature trailing some but not all of the FPPs. Can someone point me to any documentation on what's up with dat?

Can we stop talking about Israel and Palestine?

People say that I/P Filter turns them off, but this link got 78 comments in two hours in the middle of a "slow, yet golden period". As usual, it quickly degenerated into a brawl. Has a whole topic ever been banned from MetaFilter?

slow, yet golden period?

Is MetaFilter going through a slow, yet golden period? Although the number of threads is probably still as high as usual, there seem to be far fewer comments. And yet the quality of posts and specially comments (lots of nice long, considered ones) has been unusually high, imo. Can there be any truth to this? [More inside]

July 22

Font consistency

The font in MeTa is 8pt, but it's 10pt in MeFi. I'm logged in and the customization is set at 10pt. The values appear in the inline style instructions (font-size for "p" is 8/10pt depending on source). I was messing around with the customization settings yesterday, but this appears when viewing new threads so it's not a cache thing. And I'm using Moz 1.0, but I don't think it's a browser thing because you can see the numbers in the page sources...

does anyone know if this is ever going to happen...?

"Jul 16 The new server is up and running. I'll re-enable signups sometime this week."

that week has come and gone... does anyone know if this is ever going to happen...?

July 21

What effect does being mentionned on MeFi have, trafficwise?

Inexactly how much, numerically and psychologically, does a link on MetaFilter affect the traffic to the blog or web site referred? Is its effect transient or does it, so to speak, carry on? Also, just how many hits does MetaFilter get nowadays? [After reading stavrosthewonderchicken's interesting remarks on hits, pageviews and other popularity statistics and his comment on owillis's web site about how being linked on "The Mothership" makes traffic soar.]

furbo-filters and furby-filters


July 20

Mozilla error when I hit preview.

Hitting preview in Mozilla gets you the preview page without the inputted text and no "post" button.

metafilter stopped pinging weblogs.com

Is metafilter no longer pinging weblogs.com a few times a day? looks like the last time was june 16.

How about a little meat to go with that book?

Starting a thread with an Amazon link. Weak.

July 19

Whoah, when did TrackBack get added to posts?

Whoah, when did TrackBack get added to posts?
Have any threads benefited from this yet?

Whats up with the dot at the bottom of the page?

not really a bug, butâ?¦Whatâ??s up with the dot at the bottom of the page? And how come itâ??s blue in MetaTalk? (Maybe that counts as a bug.) I know where itâ??s linked to, but why? Enquiring minds wanna know, or at least mine does.

What is this, RabbitFilter?

What is this, RabbitFilter? As of 12:24 EST (9:24 PST, 17:24 GMT), there are 14 threads, 10 of which are related to Flash and/or rabbits. When will the madness end? I'm no cuniculophobe, but could not several of the threads (which are indeed clever, witty, and linky) have been condensed into one or two good rabbit related threads?

navigating 'back' or 'forward', directed to the 'Third Birthday' page

Using IE5.0, navigating 'back' or 'forward' to homepage results in being directed to the 'Third Birthday' page. Crazy frustrating. Am I the only one?

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