July 16

Three years ago sidebar

Matt: Maybe you have already thought of this, but now we've had our 3rd anniversary, howsabout a "3 years ago" shortcut on the sidebar for those of us who like to blow the dust off the venerable older threads?

July 15

SADDENED by the complaints about MeFi

Emboldened as I am by positive reinforcement (thank you Stavros, and Sennoma), and joyous as I may be at the successful migration to the new server ( Happy Birthday, MetaFilter!), I am still saddened by the many "things are not so good at MetaFilter" discussions that seem to have been occurring recently, both here and off-premises. Although you may all count me in the "I love this place, and all who frequent her shores" category, after carefully reviewing the complaints and giving the matter due consideration, I do have two (and only two) suggestions ... (more inside)

plastic - mefi exchange

Haven't yet registered at that other site? Plastic.com's own Carl Steadman is running a special promotional offer for MeFi addicts: sign up with your MeFi username and receive, for the low-low price of free, 10 karma and 10 mod points.

Now the question remains: What can Matt offer Plastic.com users in return? Perhaps registration itself is enough of an incentive.

Jeez I hate CFMX.

Jeez I hate CFMX.

Help me out by posting all bugs you find here.

July 14

Just how international are we?

Just how international are we?

It seems to me all the other well-known and popular American and European community weblogs and websites are far more parochial and North America-centred than MetaFilter. Not so with us. This makes, I think, all the difference. We have (off the top of my head and as far as I know) members from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, France, Holland, india, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, The Philippines, Portugal, Scotland, Wales, Spain...and who knows what other countries?

So just how widely cast is the MetaFilter users' web?[Lurkers: Please break your vow of silence, just this once, if you possibly can!] Me, I suspect it spans the whole beautiful Planet...

July 13

NYC Meetup

What day is the NY MeFi Meet? I signed up thinking it was in August, but I've just responded to an RSVP request from meetup. com with a date for this upcoming Thursday. Since the August date is still listed here, I'm mighty confused. So -- which day is it? Both? Neither? Anybody? Beuller?

Should I be ashamed of my 13k member number?

Should I be ashamed of my 13k member number?

July 12

I declare jihad.

I declare jihad. There have been 'imminent demise of Metafilter' threads posted with clockwork regularity since about two weeks after Matt started the site, I think, and this is not one of them. But the lengthy MeFi essay I blurted out on my weblog recently has got me riled up, and I think it's time for me, at least to declare myself. [Please join me inside, won't you?]

'what kind of music do you like'

snarkiness aside, we've got 1, 2, 3, 4 'what kind of music do you like' threads popping up in the past three days. sure these threads get lots of comments, but they're not what this site is about. and when they propogate like this, it scares me. does one such post beget others? and can we, as a community, do anything about it? do we want to do anything about it... or do we love these threads too much to let go?

keyword search in addition to URL search?

Would it be possible to add a key-word search in addition to a URL search on the post submission page? Seems like it'd go far in reducing double-posts.

Stop spoofing comments

Speaking of integrity, maybe it's time to reconsider this?

July 11

Post Anonymously

A 'post anonymously' option. Matt could still see who posted it, and perhaps remove the option for those who abuse it.

There's a need when you want to respond about your company, or your family, or your health; without the consequences of detail.

I'm fucking tired of this...

I'm fucking tired of this from mikegre. Nothing so handy as a man committed to dropping the signal/noise ratio by pissing all over threads. Bonus for first-posting that trash so many times.

July 10

NYT Guidelines

If you're posting an NYTimes link, can you please try to follow this guideline:

Another tough day for Wall Street (auto). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetaur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

I put the HTML code on the inside.

a moment to discuss what we like about metafilter

After that other thread left a bad taste in our collective mouth... not to be confused with a collective rectum, how about we take a moment to discuss what we like about metafilter? wouldn't that be pleasant!

July 9

Use of "retard" draws ire

apparently, i'm a 'navel-gazing twit', but i'm just wondering: when are the developmentally disabled going to get the same degree of respect we afford the niggers, kikes, bitches, wetbacks, and gooks?

How does one go about installing the MeFi sidebar in Mozilla?

How does one go about installing the MeFi sidebar in Mozilla? Could we perhaps include a link to install the sidebar somewhere on the MeFi front page?

What are your online pet peeves?

A pet peeve, to me, is something intensely subjective and harmlessly annoying that it's unreasonable to attack and stupid to waste time decrying. And yet...and yet we all have them and it's fun to list them. Mine(sorry SpecialK for singling you out)are:
1) Yawn...[six more pet peeves inside]

July 8

International MetaFilter MEETUP Day is only 28 days away

International MetaFilter MEETUP Day is only 28 days away

So far, 98 members have signed on to meet their local friendly MeFi gang members. Who else is up for a little excitement?

Is there a plan for a thread tracking feature?

It struck me that it would be useful to mark interesting threads for tracking so I checked the MetaTalk archives and found that the idea had been raised originally back in the mists of time and then followed up much more recently. And yet I still don't know if it's been forgotten, abandoned or taken on board as an urgent priority. Would a "Features in Progress" page help? Or be a nagging schedule?

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