July 8

Controversial soapbox rants.

I don't like when people decide they can abuse metafilter by posting controversial soapbox rants. You know you're going to get a bunch of comments, and you know people will have their feelings hurt or their blood boiling, but are these good things? What good do you contribute?

So what happened about the MeFi Swap II?

So what happened about the MeFi Swap II? Is it still going ahead? I signed up, but I'm still waiting to receive my list. I thought the list was supposed to be sent out by the 5th July.

July 7

Not GrammarFilter

Could we possibly make an effort to try to appreciate the content of a given site, rather than have every other link derailed by some niggling critcism of the webmaster's use of fonts/flash/javascript/punctuation?

Space colonization questions

what's the deal? two space colonization posts1,2 separated by less than two hours... and the second one contains what appears to be a self-link that actually only links to the metafilter homepage (href changed by matt?) and is accompanied by accusations of billy maulana-ism (fwiw, his googlebomb is still a top ten result three weeks later) and a clever touche by sylloge. can somebody explain?

July 5

User Stats

Is it technically possible, without too much bandwidth "wastage" I hope, to have a list of all the MeFites loggen in at any given moment? I remember there was an "X number of people currently logged in" feature a while ago If Matt decides to bring it back, is it possible to actually have the names of those logged in?

July 3

The quadruple post is a Konqueror bug

I'm really not being an ass over here. It just looks as though I've located an obnoxious bug in Konqueror 3.0.1. Anybody else have the same problem? (more inside)

The racist post needs to go.

I'm not one to post on MetaTalk, well, ever, but this needs to go. There's no excuse for it's overt racism. It's personally insulting a multitude of people, as well as most everyone's intelligence. Nothing constructive is coming out of it.

Why is thomcatspike incomprehensible?

Matt has just deleted thomcatspike's latest incomprehensible post. Although some think he's just pulling our chains, many of us think that he's simply having trouble with English. If that's the case, how can we help him?

July 2

FPP: Trolling?

Trolls disguised as pleas for piss tests? Maybe someone should just ask ponchogaddo to stop pissing all over the threads.

What's up with irc?

Any sign as to when irc.metafilter.com, irc.turlyming.net will be back up? Anyone want to institute a quick fix in the meantime?

Metafilter Statistics updated

Metafilter Statistics have finally been updated, and the top 20 charts are back. The big news here is that it looks like thread/comment traffic has slowly declined over the past few months, after a big spike in January. Also, the User Growth charts now show the number of new user signups per month, resulting in a cute graph (signups are on! signups are off!, signups are on!, etc). Now that I'm storing all the user/thread data in a database (instead of a flat file), expect these stats to be updated monthly again.

July 1

Two Small Questions

Two itsy-bitsy questions and one trivial, infinitesimal footnote:

1)On MetaTalk's front page it says "There have been no links and no comments posted since your last visit". Since posts here aren't required to have links wouldn't it be better to say posts or, following the wording on the posting box, threads?

2)Why, when you go back to revise your new post, does the category selected always jump back to bugs? (Some posts mistakenly attributed to bugs are impossible to find through the category archives).

Footnote: Does anyone else feel slightly disappointed when they check in on MeTa and there haven't been any new posts for what seems like ages? Is this ethically deplorable in any way? ;)

June 29

This post on "The Steakhouse Incident" is really disgusting

Sweet Mother of Chupacabra. Why is this discussion not deleted alltogether?

June 28

Spell Check has been hanging my browser

Yesterday and today, Spell Check has been hanging my browser (IE 6.0 on Windows 2000). Not every time, but regularly.

Deleted double post on fatness

Just curious: what happened to the thread that apparently linked to doctored photos to make celebrities look overweight? I have to admit I found the thread utterly stupid and offensive, but it's not like it was a double-post. (Heh.) And surely other posts have been kept up that have no redeeming value.

How about a metaFilter chat room?

How about a metaFilter chat room? You can see who's logged in, get the angst off your chest and utterly destroy the last remaining productive minutes I have at work.

Bug in Mozilla 1.0

When I try to post a comment in Mozilla 1.0, the Preview screen shows "Comment Preview:" without the text box/buttons. This is only true in MeFi, not MeTa.

June 27

Does this post about Textism belong on MetaFilter?

Does this post about Textism belong on MetaFilter? As a link to directly to the Textism home page, it doesn't meet the guidelines, several people felt the link, and with the recent removal of the "general weblog-related" MetaTalk category, I wonder if it should be here at all. Isn't this what BlogRoots is for?

June 26

Sorry about the brief outage today

Sorry about the brief outage today; the networking equipment at this end of the T1 had a seizure, apparently, and needed to be restarted in order to get things back in order. Makes no sense to me (or to the networking gurus at my ISP), but there you have it.

June 25

Could it be the first known sockpuppet? (June 2002)

How is this (1,2) possible?

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