May 16

The guy at Suburban Limbo had a great idea for a BlogReader

The guy at Suburban Limbo had a great idea for a BlogReader. In theory, you could enter the blogs you read daily (weekly, hourly, obsessively) and it would tell which ones had been updated. (More Inside)

triple post

Kudos on the Intentional triple post.

Chatfilter posts are bad posts.

You're kidding, right?

May 15

Why do people engage in Google-bombing?

Why do people feel so thoroughly justified about engaging in Google bombing?

Why is your opinion about something so important as to justify monkeywrenching the best search engine (if not the best thing) on the net? Why is your self-righteous indignation more important that leaving well enough alone?

If it is so important to you, why don't you build something equivalent with the specific aim of "educating the people" and stop piggybacking off of Google?

I am interested in Matt's opinion on this, since he's one of the ones that set this whole thing off.

Double-post callout double-post

When double-post callouts are ignored: a second post about game console price cuts (here's the first one), posting a link that that had been posted in the comments of the original thread. I pointed this out, but discussion continued anyway. Discussion is still going on in the first thread, and the general thrust of the discussion in each thread is absolutely identical (price cuts, comparisons of consoles, buying advice). What, was I too polite?

I hear your words but they don't link what you think they link

Posts that don't actually point to their topic? The item itself is kind of interesting, but the links don't provide anything in terms of supporting the issue.

May 14

Philly meetup May 2002

I've seen all the links for the New York MeFi shindig; now I'm wondering about Philly. A gauge of general interest in a Philadelphia-area MeFi gathering?

Interesting comments by Nick Sweeney

Interesting comments by Nick Sweeney in about the differences between Plastic and Metafilter. (This is probably too obvious a link, But I thought there must be at least some people here who haven't seen this)

Posts without any links.

Sean Meade posts a FPP without any links, but summarizes an article he read. The reaction is less than enthusiastic. Sean Meade takes offense. Can I post a summary of a conversation I had the other day?

May 13

Strange, I read the post about first, and it got juxtaposed againts mathowie's comments next, and I am reminded how much I have enjoyed MF over the year I've known it, and still incredulous that Mr. Haughey would be willing to offer so much for so little for so long. So what does one do when a silly little site no one cares about becomes something everybody loves but you (when you are the one that lives with it)?

I think I'll press the 'XML' button and see what happens

I think I'll press the 'XML' button and see what happens ... what does 'An invalid character was found in text content. Error processing resource ''. Line 14, Position 152' mean?

Klez attack

Uh...who the *expletive* is jeff_cook(at), and why the *expletive* is he spamming me, and presumably others, with a screenshot of the MeFi donation thanks page?

Who's Your Buddy?

It's The Old Problem: You Never Know Who Your MeFi Buddy Is - but MetaFilter's own Mr Skallas has devised a cunning quiz that just might help you find that difficult-to-locate alter ego you've secretly been searching and, indeed, yearning for. Or, if this is not the case, which fellow member has unconsciously been influencing your every word. The rat! [To avoid disappointment, note that this will not tell you, as iconomy's questionnaire did, which MeFi user's posting style you most like - rather it will quite precisely identify which Metafilter user you are most like. Enjoy!]

May 12

What should be done to separate rational differences of opinion from hateful propaganda?

According to Friedman of NYT, "thanks to the Internet and satellite TV, the world is being wired together technologically, but not socially, politically or culturally. We are now seeing and hearing one another faster and better, but with no corresponding improvement in our ability to learn from, or understand, one another. So integration, at this stage, is producing more anger than anything else. As the writer George Packer recently noted in The Times Magazine, 'In some ways, global satellite TV and Internet access have actually made the world a less understanding, less tolerant place.'" In some ways, I tend to agree. What can be done? What should be done to separate rational differences of opinion from hateful propaganda?

Where to find blogs to read?

Besides Google and Eatonweb, any suggestions for weblog directories sorted by category/popularity? How do people narrow down what weblogs to actually read (rather than scan) regularly. Any helpful discussion/suggestions for readers, instead of writers ? Many thanks.

May 11


Would it be very difficult to add a date/time stamp to the "jump to the comment in this thread" links in the "All Comments by (Username)" listing? It would be tremendously useful in tracking living threads.

Broken RSS Feed

something seems to be amiss with the metafilter RSS feed. it's well-formed, but only shows the channel data, no items.

May 10

Search isn't working for me....

Double-posting is haunting me. I always search for something I'm about to post. If there are no results on MeFi, then I go ahead and post it.

But, if someone posted the same subject, but with different wording, it doesn't show up. For example: I searched for same sex classrooms. I found out that there was alread a post on single sex classrooms. Is there any way for the search to connect to a database of synonomous phrases, and have the option to use that database?

May 9

On, two new articles

On, two new articles by Scott Rosenberg and Steven Johnson weigh in on, you guessed it, weblogs -- Rosenberg's on blogging itself (and how the mainstream media have reacted to it); and Johnson's on his vision of weblogs as components of an "emerging superbrain". Johnson has some interesting ideas (though who knows if he's right), and Rosenberg probably gets it as well as anyone.

Why has Metafilter IRC gone to zero attendance?

Why has Metafilter IRC gone to zero attendance?

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