May 9

9401 not behaving in reverse chron order

This is probably not worth much investigation, but I'm curious to know if it's happening to anyone else. When sorting by "my comments", the commented threads are in reverse chronological order, except that one thread ( from July 2001 has for some reason sandwiched itself in between December 2001 threads and threads from 2002.

deeply lucrative deal with Slate

"Mickey Kaus has inked an awe-inspiring and deeply lucrative deal with Slate." Is this the beginning of the end , the end of the beginning, simply irrelevant, or something else altogether?

The prescience of KevinSkomsvold

KevinSkomsvold wins...

Back themed posts

Backmasking? Backlinking? Backsliding? Backstabbing? Back massage?
Surely this is no coincidence - am I missing some hilarious in-joke here or is there a new MeFi policy whereby all front page posts must be self-referential and carry some allusion to regression? Personally I'd rather have the old, plain no-back Metafilter back.

May 8

Search page options

For the search page, how about at least one more option: in the past 3 months. Maybe it's just me, but I seem to always be using it to find threads that are approximately six weeks old. A minor coding change, a major performance change.

MeFi & MeTa thread pages 404 when logged in

IfI try to read any thread on MetaFilter or MetaTalk and I'm logged in, I get 404, yo. If I'm not logged in, I can read the threads. I've tried logging out and logging back in, and I deleted my MetaCookies.

A picture of weblogs

A picture of weblogs shows a cool gridded pattern of many weblogs and the incoming, outgoing, and shared links. Not all blogs listed (but you can add yours, or request that it be taken off). A cool representation of the blogging community. (via daypop top40)

Cannot Access Thread

[provisional post]As I can't comment on mr_crash_davis's thread, but the "post a new thread" feature is working, this is just to say that, when I try to access MetaFilter I get a "Do you want to download MetaFilter?" window.

Can't access the front page.

Here's a weird one. I can't view the front page. (More inside)

The Natural Life Cycle of Mailing Lists and MeFi

Do you think this applies to metafilter?

The Natural Life Cycle of Mailing Lists
Kat Nagel -

Every list seems to go through the same cycle:
1. Initial enthusiasm (people introduce themselves, and gush a lot about how wonderful it is to find kindred souls).
2. Evangelism (people moan about how few folks are posting to the list, and brainstorm recruitment strategies).
3. Growth (more and more people join, more and more lengthy threads develop, occasional off-topic threads pop up).
4. Community (lots of threads, some more relevant than others; lots of information and advice is exchanged; experts help other experts as well as less experienced colleagues; friendships develop; people tease each other; newcomers are welcomed with generosity and patience; everyone -- newbie and expert alike -- feels comfortable asking questions, suggesting answers, and sharing opinions).
5. Discomfort with diversity (the number of messages increases dramatically; not every thread is fascinating to every reader; people start complaining about the signal-to-noise ratio; person 1 threatens to quit if *other* people don't limit discussion to person 1's pet topic; person 2 agrees with person 1; person 3 tells 1 & 2 to lighten up; more bandwidth is wasted complaining about off-topic threads than is used for the threads themselves; everyone gets annoyed).
6a. Smug complacency and stagnation (the purists flame everyone who asks an 'old' question or responds with humor to a serious post; ne

May 7

Please add * to the DNS tables

Some customers sites I work at block MetaFilter. Thankfully, works as a backdoor to the front page, but * doesn't seem to be in the DNS tables. Can we get that, please?

Is Google bomb-proof now?

Is Google bomb-proof now? After seeing "verisign" posts all over the weblog world, I decided to check the progress on Google. The article calling for the bomb is #79 in a search for Verisign as of right now, and the link itself within the post doesn't show up in the first 100 results for me. Perhaps Google has gotten wise to everyone's shenanigans?

commentary-cutting link view pony?

I don't know if this has been asked for before, or is even good for a "community" web site, but, does anyone think having an extra link from each front page post that cut's out all the commentary and just shows urls to sites that have been linked in the discussion - a way to look at sites without pre-judgements being put in your mind by the comments they are with?

From this week's Harper's magazine email, there is a mention of metafilter

From this week's Harper's magazine email, there is a mention of metafilter (more inside).

May 6

Us declares itself above the law.

Us declares itself above the law.

Other than one or two people here and there talking about the topic at hand, this thread was basically a shouting match and trolling session. Is this the level of debate that now passes for inteligent from the MetaFilter community?

a bit of me dies every time a thread is deleted

I'm sure it's an unpopular opinion and I admit it probably has to do with my personal experience of neo-fascist censorship in Portugal, as well as my libertarian views on freedom of expression, but I feel a bit of me dies every time a thread is deleted on MetaFilter. Or perhaps it's just frustration for not being able to read them. Although Matt is as tolerant a person as I know and I've understood the reasons for every deleted thread I was aware of, I truthfully don't think malevolent or stupid posts can't be dealt with by the MetaFilter community such as it is. Why not just leave them be? In time they might just be ignored, as they deserved. But not dignified with deletion. For there is such a thing, IMO.

why didn't anyone comment on my post?

Just for future reference I was wondering why this post hasn't promoted comment? Is it just that it's a quiet day or something else?

so, um, if you don't like metafilter, don't participate.

so, um, if you don't like metafilter, don't participate.

Like a VH1 countdown, only better - of MeFi posts

So, I was posting a link last night, and through the process I realized, for all the conversations MeTa has about what makes a bad post, I've never seen a list of 50-100 posts that were money. I understand that Matt can't regulate good posts, but is it possible for someone, anyone, to put together a group of 50-100 great posts? Like a VH1 countdown, only better...because it's MeFi.

May 5

machine translation not good enough for weblog

Morgens from seven to nine is Joerg Kantel, 48, to speak for nobody. The breakfast igelt itself right after the EDP leader citizens of Berlin of the institute for Max-Planck for science history with half-breed dog Zebu at home in the work room. Then Kantel surft by the World Wide Web, fishes important and funny out and spreads its booty, with comments and left garniert, over the web page "shock wave rider". Kantel loves the net Anarchismus: "pressefreiheit for all", demands the ex publisher of an underground newspaper.

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