May 23

I'm fishing for any interest in a Seattle/Western Wa. mega get-together

I'm fishing for any interest in a Seattle/Western Wa. mega get-together... I haven't seen anything about folks getting together recently and I figured I'd start the ball rolling.

Guidelines for MeFi vs Sportsfilter

With World Cup fanaticism one week away (for some of us ever present), what are guidelines for Metafilter posts (eg vs Sportsfilter posts) ? Thanks.

May 22

I just added CFDev's ActiveSpeller to MetaFilter's comment pages

I just added CFDev's ActiveSpeller to MetaFilter's comment pages. I'll eventually add them to every textarea form on the site. Let me know if you run into any bugs.

oops - metafilter lead link?

OK, now that's just silly. Why would someone make the lead link a link to MetaFilter when they had two perfectly good links in the body of the post?

What's Metafilter Timezone?

What's Metafilter Timezone? I live in Belgium (same time zone as Paris, Madrid or Amsterdam). I have observed that the Metafilter "midnight" is somewhere in what is my morning. Where is physiscally the server? In what time zone is Metafilter's midnight?


May 21

Can we see expired Textads?

Is there anyway to see a list of expired Textads? If not, can a feature be added to allow us to see a Textad history of what has been posted in the past?

Fark posts don't do well here

"How does somebody that ugly get to reproduce? I thought there were laws about inbreeding."
"Damn...she must have hit all the branches on the way down."

The subject of one article about sexual activity with pre-teens, as seen at Mefi and Fark. Is this what we've become?

Netscape 6.1 bug

Netscape 6.1 bug: using the browser's back button from inside a thread gives you a popup window asking if you want to download a file of type called "text/html, text/html from". You have to use the "home" button to get back to the front page, and then scroll down to get back to where you were.

"What's up with blogspot?"

what's up with blogspot? many of my favorite blogspot-hosted weblogs are down (as is the homepage), but some blogs just won't go away. there's no mention of an outage or server crash on the blogger website or on evan's weblog. anybody know anything?

something wrong with the MetaFilter XML feed

There seems to be something wrong with the MetaFilter XML feed. I only get "posted by 'whoever ยป', time and date, and # of comments". Also the XML page says there is an error.

mathowie on WNYC radio!

Listen to mathowie on the the radio. (WNYC streams live in Windows Media. The archive of On the Line will be in Real Audio.

You eat with that mouth?


You eat with that mouth? You kiss your mother with that mouth? Garbage mouth!

May 20

I can't see a preview of my comments in Metatalk, and the login screen isn't showing.

I can't see a preview of my comments in Metatalk using N4.79, and the login screen isn't showing. It worked just fine before the MeFi server outage (*pouts*). It does work correctly in MeFi, tho.

Trolling: secret agreement, or an excuse to beat a dead horse?

See now, here is my question, with all sincerity, does MeFi continue to allow such troll posting because MeFi (semi-secretly) agrees with the poster, or just because MeFi wants another excuse to beat a dead horse?

Bad article, bad link, bad post.

Woo-hoo! A new thread points to Google! Even better, the poster forgot the "http:/ /" part, and the site doesn't even reflect his point!

My question is this: was it appropriate for me to comment on the thread, ask a pertinent question, provide a couple relevant links, and then immediately come here and slag the thread?

May 19

If MeFites could be more like Japanese...

Blog TV: "Even a direct confrontation must be done in the most indirect, nonoffensive manner ..."

Formatting Buttons Missing

Hey - is it a bug, my browser, or a glitch: where's the formatting button, ie, BOLD-italic - for Mefi posts? (Win98SE, NS6.2)

Outages explained (May 2002)

Yay-- MeFi's back! What happened?

May 17

Localized weblog services?

Pick a language, any language.

LiveJournal has added support for its users to translate the entire site into other languages. Translation teams have formed for over twenty languages, with more on the way.

Are there other localized weblog services out there that anyone is aware of?

May 16

How did the MeFi Swap work out for everyone else?

How did the MeFi Swap work out for everyone else? I will admit that I was amazingly tardy about sending out my mixes, but at the same time, I've only received 3 of the 5 I was expecting. Is there anyone who is still working on their mix? Anyone else wondering "where are those last two discs?"

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