April 1

April Fool's circle jerk

April Fool's circle jerk. I know that you know, but do you know that I know?

March 31

sidebar won't collapse

The sidebar won't collapse in Metafilter, whether you are logged in or not.

Nice redesign

Nice redesign.

Metafilter merges with Kuro5hin?!?

This was just posted to the front page. The part that captured my attention was the final paragraph...what exactly does this mean?

In related news, MetaFilter was said to be signing a merger agreement with Kuro5hin to pool content between the two sites. We'll bring you more news as soon as we hear it.

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face: How refreshing it was to see the pictures of the MetaFilter members who recently met for drinks in Los Angeles![Scroll down] Stevis, chacal and y6y6y6 all posted photographs of the group on this thread. It seems to me we're all becoming less anonymous and less cagey about revealing personal information about ourselves. Including real names, zipcodes and even professional details. Phone numbers are quite freely exchanged. Some of us have even started swapping CDs through the mail.

If this impression is correct, I'd like to hear others' opinions on what's changed and what it means. People here seem much more nonchalant about the possibility of being tracked down and checked out - by employers, actual or potential, for instance. Are we relaxing more or is it something else - say, a consequence of harder times or a reappraisal of basic(old-fashioned?) Internet anonymity and multiple-identity ideologies?

Why was Arafat photo deleted?

I think it's uncouth that the 'arafat' front page post was deleted. It was a photograph of a moment captured. Like any moment captured. Except it was explosive. Why must a candid photo of Yasser Arafat under siege be purged from Mefi's memory?

March 30

a personal, human editorial slant

In an article about how 'push' technologies to give users personalised news are returning (second page), Wired mentions Metafilter as "[a weblog that] provides a personal, human editorial slant that machines can't mimic." I don't see Metafilter as a weblog that brings me personalised news - there's a lot of links and discussion that I skip over - but I do think it serves a useful purpose in bringing me interesting news that falls outside of my usual preferences.

Is there some sort of official policy regarding deleting posts?

Is there some sort of official policy regarding deleting posts? I didn't even know it was done until mine was deleted yesterday.

Anyone up for a Manhattan MeFi gathering in late April?

Anyone up for a Manhattan MeFi gathering in late April? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?...

March 29

Double Post Notification

We got March 29th 2002. And then there's April 9th, 2001. We're talking almost a year. Isn't there a statute of limitations on doubleposting? I should make a front page post to JenniCam just to see if anyone gives a crap.

Is it wrong to use MeFi as your own personal soapbox?

"So let me get this straight. We have a post with a link to a cheesy bio page that is uninteresting, really has nothing to do with anything said in the post, and is only provided as a catalyst to debate something someone's professor said?" Apologies to Mikhail, but he brings up a pertinent point. When one chooses to compose a FPP for MeFi, which should come first: an appropriate link, or a soapbox worthy topic? Is it wrong to use MeFi as your own personal soapbox? How can one tell (preferably before they hit the post button) when they're out of line?

disagree != troll

Orthodoxy again rears its ugly head. Trolling is alleged three times in a row because the poster's views diverged from the Metafilter norm (and the poster was alleged to be gasp repeatedly expressing similar views), with the worst yet to come; another poster is called blatantly biased and therefore "loses any credibility", and told "not to expect to be taken seriously" even though he has himself explained that bias and has been thoughtful and on point to discussion. Another was recently called out for not leavening his posts with, well, other posts expressing a different viewpoint. Is this really contributory to open discussion and debate? Is it really now to be verboten to express a point of view, especially in an FPP? Can someone join a discussion even though they have pre-existing views, whether they be based on bias or principle? Or are some on Metafilter simply annoyed by points of view they don't like?

Please stop with the derailing

Enough with the pancakes and haiku, already.

March 28

Just wondering why this post was killed.

Just wondering why this post was killed. I can't fathom how it became controversial enough (or whatever enough) to be deleted, since the description reads:
Paper enables a certain kind of thinking. Picture, for instance, the top of your desk. Chances are that you have a keyboard and a computer screen off to one side, and a clear space roughly eighteen inches square in front of your chair. What covers the rest of the desktop is probably piles—piles of papers, journals, magazines, binders, postcards, videotapes, and all the other artifacts of the knowledge economy. The piles look like a mess, but they aren't. From The New Yorker."

How do I add a title to a link?

I have recently noticed that when I put my cursor on some links, like the one here, after a second or two I get a balloon briefly describing the link. Since I am an HTML novice I figure this is an added tag that I do not know. Can someone fill me in?

March 27

Why is my site not turning up in google?

speaking of google, i did a quick search of the name of my journal/blog/analfoam-site/whatever, called 'pigeonfarm', and metafilter came up a whole lot more than my site itself. anyone else got this going on?

Help find this 9/11 thread for a reporter

A reporter asked me this question in email, which I couldn't answer. Does this ring a bell for anyone? If so, I'll paypal five bucks to the first person to find the appropriate thread (I'll ask the reporter to pay me some research fees)

"I'm writing to you today to see if you can help me with a search I'm doing or perhaps offer some suggestions. I'm working on a story about emergency dispatchers, and I remember an incredibly affecting thread about 2 months or so after Sept. 11 that had accounts from New York City dispatchers on their experiences that day. I've put every imaginable search term into the Mefi engine ("emergency operator", "operator," "Sept. 11," "911," "dispatcher", etc.) but the search either times out or comes up with nothing."

Count comment disparity

Currently the front page indicates the mothersmoker thread has 106 posts, but its count inside the thread rests at 103. Why the disparity? (and, no, I did not count to see which is correct)

RIP, ObitFilter

I don't want to be insensitive, but with posts like this,
this, and this. Isn't mefi becoming too much of an obit page?

How do you credit a link you found elsewhere?

What is the current approach to credit the source of a link?
I've posted a link today and credited the place where I actually found the link, in this case a personal weblog. Inside the thread, someone mentioned that it could be credited to Reuters and I was puzzled by that.

So, when I come across an interesting link and decide to post it, should I credit the place where I found it or should I credit the original source? I didn't want to raise this question in the original thread to avoid sidetracking...

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