April 6

Singapore meetup?

Any MetaFilterians attending the Fresh Conference in Singapore at the end of the month? Might be a nice chance for an international MeFi gathering.

April 5

How much weight to attach to the "community" in "online community?"

I saw this thread over at kuro5hin about the recent suicide of an Everquest fanatic and the surrounding issues. This thread was about online games but the poll in the sidebar lists "blogs" as the #2 "online addiction." Rusty and his crew have given the topic a good going-over, but I'm interested in what the MeFiosi have to say on these. Firstly, just how much weight should we attach to the "community" in "online community?" Second, if we are all members of a community, just what responsibilities do we have to our fellow citizens? I'm not taking any position yet, I just found it a thought-provoking set of questions.

MeFi in LA Weekly

Judith Lewis of the L.A. Weekly credits Metafilter with spreading the good word about modestneeds.com

Salt Lake City Meetup

Are there any bloggers in the Salt Lake area interested in getting together?

Michigan Meetup

MeFi Michigan (Metro Detroit Area) anyone?

what to do with a text ad that doesn't work?

what to do with a text ad that doesn't work?

for those of us seeking gainful employment, the "hiring in ny" (www.cloud.com/hire) text ad is tantalizing, but out of reach. (it requires a password)

any ideas?

New: MetaFilter Gatherings.

A new category for MetaTalk: MetaFilter Gatherings. Post all gathering-related bits there.

How to quote text

I suppose this is just a personal preference thing, but using italics to quote linked material in front page posts makes them hard to read (not to mention looong bold and linked text, too). I just want to encourage the use of quotation marks instead. They are faster to type and easier on my eyes.

NYC Meetup

april 25th new york city metafilter gathering update: camworld has suggested a change of venue to the remote lounge, where a friend of his is sysadmin and can guarantee space for a large group. i think this is a great idea...[more inside]

April 4

Atlanta Meetup

Anyone up for an Atlanta MeFi gathering in the next few weeks? Anyone?

London Meetup?

MeFi London meetup - already discussed many times before I know....

But did it ever happen?
Will it happen again?
Can anyone remember?

April 3

Dallas/Ft. Worth MeFi gathering

Dallas/Ft. Worth MeFi gathering -- anyone? How about this Saturday? (more)

Portland meetup?

MeFiSea -- Seattle MetaFilter Gathering this Sunday [07apr02]

Meet at the Deluxe between 6:30-7 and we'll be moseying over to the Garage to shot pool 9-ish. More info on locations etc in this thread

I just noticed a text ad for Suicide Girls

I just noticed a text ad for Suicide Girls, a porn site (albeit nicely designed one with a blog), on the front page. What's the policy on porn ads? Should there be one, and if so are we being too puritanical?

Can't select text in posts

Has it always been like this? In IE 5.1 for mac I am unable to select text on the FP, but I can select text on the sidebar. In Opera I have no problems. I am thinking of downgrading from 5.1 I have had many problems with it.

April 2

Pony: commenters must read links

File this one under something for the far flung future, but how about a "you have to have read a link to post a comment" feature.

Midatlantic Meetup

Organizing a D.C./mid-atlantic MeFi gathering, part two. (more inside)

Would it be possible/feasible to share stats among web logs?

Maybe you will even be mocked in a medium that people actually read. Ouch! I wonder if it would be possible/feasible to share stats among web logs. I'd bet that the combined readership a few blogs would beat the readership figures of mid-size newspapers like the Boston Globe.

April 1

Theme post

Does anybody else like the "met4filter.org" kuro5hinesque color scheme better than the regular metafilter one? I sure do. Rusty, whatddyathink?

Is anyone one else getting error messages?

Is anyone one else getting error messages every time they type a character in a commentbox at the bottom of a thread? Most upsetting : I blame Rusty. (Didn't happen to me while typing this post, though.)

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