March 15

Where do you think the posted link links to? *Elsewhere!*

Why get irked over a news item that's been covered elsewhere? Were do you think the posted link links to? *Elsewhere!*

announcement: non-logged in users can no longer see contact info.

I made a slight change to the user pages. Logged in users see everything as it was before, but non-logged in users don't see any contact information except for websites URLs. I had long worried about the spam thwarting measures I have employed not being good enough, and I've also been hearing about non-members hassling members for memberships, posting, etc. So with the new change, non-members won't be able to harvest addresses, or send you an email (unless you've got it listed on your homepage URL somewhere), and they won't know your AIM/ICQ or location.

what was the purpose of this thread

*sigh* Okay, somebody's gotta do it.
It's unfortunate and all, and I don't want to seem insensitive, but what was the purpose of this thread being on the front page? Even if Duncan had been a MeFi user, which doesn't seem to be the case, it probably would belong here in MeTa, anyway.

Three of four browsers agree, Mefi is broken.

Right now I need Netscape Navigator 4 to view Mefi correctly. In IE, Opera and Netscape 6, teh last words on the page are " of his recent cranial bleeding.". Maybe it's just me but I doubt it.

LofiMefi bug

there is an annoying bug in lofi.mefi: deleted FPP's and the number of comments show up long after deletion -- possibly till they fall of the lofi page. Such as this March 13 gaff:

Google This is google
posted by mathowie at 6:35 PM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment

They don't show up in the "normal" Front page but they do in lofi.mefi. Also the lofi version has no text ads, is lofi.mefi not supported?

March 14

Reducing the load time for long threads.

For exceptionally long threads, would it be more CPU-friendly to stop rendering new pages every time someone clicked into the page after a certain point? Say, arbitrarily, 100 posts?

MeFi Anniversaries

I just noticed this! As of a few days ago, I've officially been in MetaFilter for two whole years! Well, except for a couple self-exiles where I left for weeks at a time due to offline crap or my just being a type B personality. How many other regulars are there who have been around at least as long? Speak up! When's your 2 year anniversary? Maybe we can throw a party for ya!

March 13

Comment counts don't match comments

The comment counts for each thread listed in the Metafilter sidebar are all way off. I did a little digging, trying to see if maybe each count had gotten shifted the thread before or after it or something similar, but in the end I couldn't find any rhyme or reason to it.

Error occurred while processing request.

"Error occurred while processing request." In recent days I've gotten a lot of freezeups as I'm trying to save a post. I've just been taking it in stride because it's nothing new, but is happening more and more often recently. Ufez Jones just mentioned a similar problem, and there have been a few noticable doubleposts recently, which is a common mistake when this error occurs if one is not careful. I'm wondering how many others are noticing this too? I recommend keeping notepad handy, or just copy your post to the clipboard just before hitting preview or post. It saves having to recompose the message if it gets lost.

Cross-referenced comments in long threads.

I think it'd be handy---esp. within excessively long threads where many users post several times---to have something like this:
posted by username at 5:00 PM PST on March 13 [see also: 1,2,3...]

where the "see also: 1,2,3..." points to other posts by the same user within a given thread. Maybe this has been requested before, and maybe it's not worth the coding hassle -- but I think it'd be very useful.

Gold Star for y2karl

A gold star for y2karl, whose exhaustive thread regarding minstrel shows is the reason I keep showing up here.

Avoiding doubleposts

"Similarity Score" technology is widely used to match keywords between two blocks of text. Search engines use it, obviously, and sophisticated algorithms exist to help teachers detect plagarism in student papers, etc.

Is there a filter that can be installed to compare two FPPs and warn the poster of a high similarity score? I'm thinking, for example, the next time someone uses the words "National Geographic", "Afghanistan," and "girl" in a FPP and clicks Preview, they would be presented with something like "Warning: A FPP with 70% similarity to the above was posted 1 day ago."

Optional field to define scope?

Shortform: Maybe an added optional field could be made, which would allow the instigator of a given MeFi FPP to better define their intent of the thread's topic scope? Something that can later be referred to when arguments over topic drift do arise? [more]

Oprah on blogging

Oprah brings online journals to the masses...

March 12

To publicize a potentially disturbing site?

A real quandary here, folks. While Googling for "kisses of love" I found a site called Butterfly Kisses dedicated to lesbian paedophilia. It's very slickly produced and contains lots of photographs by celebrated photographers such as Sally Mann. This makes it all the more disturbing.

I was planning on posting it but somehow I feel put off by publicizing it. I'm reminded of the ethical problems associated with posting nutjob political sites. On the one hand, perhaps posting the site on MetaFilter will make it be denounced and go underground(which would be a good thing, IMO). On the other, it might just draw attention to something best left alone.

Though I'm aware MetaTalk is read by a lot of people, it doesn't attract as many readers as MetaFilter. What should I do? Post it or forget about it?

What happened to the ICANN post?

What happened to the latest post about ICANN? Is it gone because this has been discussed before, or what?

March 11

MidAtlantic Meetup

Those Southern Californians are having their own get-together - so why not the mid-Atlantic region? I'm not exactly volunteering to organize, but if any DC/Baltimore/etc are Metafilterites would be interested in such a scheme, perhaps here would be a good place to post about it.

Is this a violation of privacy?

How do we feel about the real or imagined privacy violations involved in signing up for the google PageRank toolbar system? I find an old discussion here but the privacy issue really isn't discussed in detail. I seek the opinions of the learned.

SXSW post, wherefore art thou?

So where did my post about SXSW go? There were 15-16 replies last night. Did I hit a nerve with the weblog gods? Did the posts touch on something some people didn't want to read? An explanation here would be nice instead of just deleting the post. "Community weblog," indeed.

Not moderating the thread!

When someone replies to a Front Page Post that they started, they are often accused of moderating the thread. This is an incorrect assumption. They are responding to what others have said in a thread that they just happened to start and this should be acceptable behavior.

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