68 posts tagged with Mods.
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mods deleting posts at user request
this is a meta to discuss the practice of mods deleting comments that don't break guidelines, but receive pushback after the fact, solely due to the original commenter coming back and saying "please delete my comment." [more inside]
Sexism: not just for "young girls" anymore
Are the only problems with this comment the ones described in this mod note? Would it be better if it said "women"? The community deserves clarity in rules, not to wonder if mods are worried users are thinking of "immoral actions" (what?). Why wasn't this just deleted for being objectifying, rather than left standing with a mod note that doesn't seem to align with the existing guidelines?
Ride Along With A Mod
I think a lot of the community doesn't understand how busy Mods are in their day to day shifts. It would probably be good for mod/community relationships to give a few users a chance to shadow a mod for a shift or two, so that we can get a better idea of the workload that mods are under, which would probably allow the community to take a step back and give the mods some breathing room. Is there any chance of that?
Proposing a Brand New Day
I’d like to suggest that the MeFi largely undergo a Brand New Day when the new executive director starts. (I expect we are several months away from that.) This BND would apply to both users (including former users) and mods. [more inside]
A (Temporarily) Better MetaTalk
What would make MetaTalk more useful and effective, in your opinion, in the short term—the next X months until MetaFilter crosses the line into community-run status? Are there specific issues that you have noticed in recent weeks or months that you feel could reasonably be remedied and improve your experience here? [more inside]
positive feedback
this is your opportunity to share what you appreciate about the people who comment at metafilter as well as the people who work at metafilter. [more inside]
Community Free Chat Threads
This should not be paid moderator work. Let's discuss. [more inside]
Two new mods: welcome to travelingthyme and loup!
Please give a hearty hello to our newly-hired members of the MetaFilter moderation team: travelingthyme and loup! I'll let them introduce themselves a bit below, but I wanted to let folks know that they'll both be working part-time as of now so you can expect to see their names around the site. [more inside]
Happy birthday, cortex!
Happy birthday to the guy who probably worries more than most about keeping the lights on in this sometimes only bright corner of the internets!
Coronavirus check-in thread #4
It is March 39th and time for the latest check-in thread. As previously ([3][2][1]) this is for actual news, updates, personal experiences, and more mutual support from and to people dealing with this virus in their daily lives. All hail the mods for continuing to provide this sanctuary for us, and good health to readers and commenters alike. How is one doing?
Happy birthday, cortex!
Not only is he the chief cook and bottle washer around here, he’s also a: Taurus, musician and amazing stained glass artisan, as well as possessing other artistic talents! Happy natal return day to our own Renaissance man, cortex!
Is This Moderators' Day?
It is. Please join me in a tradition stretching back to 2007 and help me thank the undeniably world-class moderators of MetaFilter Industries, LLC for all they do for our community. [more inside]
Happy Moderators' Covfefe
Well, not much has happened over the past year, and things have been pretty easy for the mods, so I hesitate to even make a post to celebrate Moderators' Day this year. It seems a bit off to thank the mods for all their hard work, thoughtfulness, excellent communication skills, and infinite patience when they have basically been lounging by the pool at MetaFilter World Headquarters eating bonbons and /hamburgers all year. [more inside]
Identifying mods on the blue and the green
Mods are identified as staff on MetaTalk, but not identified as such on AskMe or on the blue. Why is that? [more inside]
Holidays, gratitude, and Metafilter
At the close of the shittiest week out of a shitty year, I just got sent a picture of my adorable nephew on Santa’s lap, which means inconceivably, American Thanksgiving and the remaining end of year holidays are nigh upon us. And while my mood in the face of recent events isn’t particularly thankful, I am so incredibly grateful to the Metafilter mods for all the work they’ve done this year. [more inside]
Contact form bumpiness
Just a quick heads up: we've had a little trouble with some of our email list stuff recently; some contact form messages haven't gotten through in the last 2-3 days. Should be rectified soon, and now that we're aware we can get at the messages server-side so we can respond promptly and catch up on the backlog, but if you were getting radio silence over the weekend that's what's been up. Sorry about that!
Please welcome our new part-time moderator
A couple weeks back, we announced that we were hiring, and I'm thrilled to report that we'll be bringing a new part-time MetaFilter moderator onto the team starting in the new year. Please give a hearty welcome to Eyebrows McGee! [more inside]
Sidebar Love
Can I just say thank you to whoever is responsible for keeping up the sidebar on the Blue? I have loved seeing it come to life in the past month or two and really appreciate being able to rely on it for awesome posts or comments I have missed. I'm sure I'm not alone in this (ahem).
Sixteen Years
After 16 years of doing a bit of everything under the sun here, I’m stepping away from the day to day of running MetaFilter and moving into the background. Never fear, I’m leaving it in the best of hands and things are looking good for the future. [more inside]
Happy Moderators' Day!
We celebrate Moderators' Day 2014 with a slightly heavy heart, as this marks the first celebration of the holiday (which dates back to 2007) when we have fewer moderators than we did last year. Still, MetaFilter's recent "grassroots fundraising drive" demonstrates that the community and the website are in excellent health going forward, in no small part due to the efforts of our Best Of The Web moderating team, past, present and future (I for one, welcome our robot moderator overlords). [more inside]
State of MetaFilter
Today I need to share some unfortunate news: because of serious financial downturn, MetaFilter will be losing three of its moderators to layoffs at the end of this month. What that means for the site and the site’s future are described below. [more inside]
Happy birthday Cortex!
I can't believe no one has said anything to our "datawranglin' mod" until now, but many happy returns!
Deletion for minor issues
Everyone here is pretty big on some of the serious words not to use, but I think there has been some serious creep: when entire comments are being deleted because of the lack of a space between two words, which is not only far from being universal, but far from being common even in social justice spaces, I think there's a problem. It's one thing to delete comments for offensive words, but another thing entirely to delete them for offensive spacing. [more inside]
No Comment
"The Web forum MetaFilter, for instance, which is known for a positive commenting flavor, depends on a 24/7 team of moderators. “People come to us all the time and say, ‘Here’s a problem with people behaving badly, we want a tech solution,’ ” says Paul Bausch, a MetaFilter developer. “We tell them that human problems require human judgment.” MetaFilter's own pb quoted in a New York Times Magazine piece on the evolution of online commentary.
Happy Moderator's Day!
Five years ago I put forth a humble suggestion that June 13th be celebrated each year as Moderator's Day. We've celebrated it more or less enthusiastically over the years, and I just wanted to take this opportunity to specifically thank mathowie, jessamyn, cortex, vacapinta, restless_nomad, taz, LobsterMitten, goodnewsfortheinsane, and pb for their hard work and dedication. Thanks, guys. You can take the rest of the day off. We'll be good, I promise. [more inside]
What does it mean to say "Don't make this the _____ show"?
Over in this post, Artw was taking a stand that no one else in the thread was. And he did it by providing close readings, links, and cogent arguments.
He was told "don't turn this into the Artw show." I'm wondering what that means. [more inside]
Thanks, y'all.
I want to thank the mods for their stewardship of the site during this U.S. election season. [more inside]
74: LobsterMitten interview
New month, new podcast, this time we interview LobsterMitten on her new role as mod, then go into our favorites from the month. It runs pretty long, around 1hr 45min. [more inside]
Everyone needs to respect what MeTa is for and remember to use it.
If something needs to go to Metatalk, it seems to me it doesn't need mods discussing it in thread while paying lip-service to the Blue/Grey distinction. If people need to defend their decisions, they can surely just direct the conversation here, not do what looks a bit like a drive-by on a Blue thread.
New Mod Monday
It's New Mod Monday! (actually they'll filter in over the next two weeks, but anyway ...semantics!) [more inside]
the great day of deletions
I notice that a few posts have been deleted already today (and yesterday there were seven!), so I was wondering if the mods have any stories about days where they had to delete an extreme number of posts from the blue? [more inside]
looking for a blog post 'users are the problem'
I remember a blog post somewhere advocating for strong moderation, with the theme 'users are the problem.' But now I can't find it. [more inside]
Next Generation of Moderator
So it turns out my 18 month old son has been attending a Junior Metafilter Moderator training course. He surprised us with what he learned yesterday, so I figured I'd add it here in order to make our current (greatest) generation of mods' lives a bit easier.
Cleanup on aIsleRL
Could we revisit the close-a-proposed-meetup thing on IRL? [more inside]
Gotta say it was a good day?
Do the mods ever get to say "Gotta say it was a good day?" [more inside]
Stars vs. Staves On Mod Names
Stars vs. Staves? [more inside]
taz levels up
Modflation continues apace! We're adding a nighttime EU based mod to help cover our bases and that user is (drumroll...) taz! Welcome taz everyone as your new moderator overlord. [more inside]
Then is a close thread a close thread?
Has anyone ever got in after a Jessamyn/Cortex "I'll close this up" comment...? [more inside]
126 Comments Gone With The Wind
This post had 126 comments before it was deleted. I'm curious, what is the record number of comments made in a deleted thread? Do you still take the number of comments made into consideration before deleting? [more inside]
Post Brutality
Why are so many police brutality posts deleted off metafiler? For sure, there are some fairly inflammatory ones that need-a-delete'n but perfectly reasonable ones are frequently deleted with nothing but claims that the discussion won't go anywhere. [more inside]
Thank you, all!
After the last round of holiday crapfests, I'd like to take a moment to thank mathowie, cortex, jessamyn, and restless_nomad (and, if it's still relevant, vacapinta -- for some reason I remember reading that vacapinta is not modding anymore...?) as well as pb for all the wonderful work they do keeping this place running. [more inside]
2nd Annual Moderator's Day
Ah, here I've let time get away from me, and I've missed Moderator's Day. mathowie, jessamyn, cortex, vacapinta, pb, and now restless_nomad, each of you is more on the ball than I've ever been. Cheers. [more inside]
What does the site look like for the mods?
I'm curious what the mods see when they look at the site. [more inside]
Happy Moderator's Day
mathowie, jessamyn, cortex, vacapinta, and pb, thanks for all you do. This place is incomparable. [more inside]
One man in his time plays many parts
Why were comments deleted simply to protect the identity of a sock puppet account? Shouldn't that mistake cost you an extra $5?
A Chance for a Brand New Day
So how do the mods feel about the user base, really? [more inside]
Has favorites for cuteness
Pinning/sidebarring mod posts?
Request: could important posts about the site be pinned to the top of MeTa for a little while? Or sidebarred? Or something? They tend to get lost in the shuffle, and then you have those "Hey, whatever happened to [whatever]?" posts that get closed. [more inside]
Though now they are giants, once they were just like us.
What were the mods like (on Metafilter) before they were mods? Please point me to notable posts by Jessamyn, Cortex, et al from when they were just some schmo on MeFi like you or me. [more inside]
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