96 posts tagged with feature.
Displaying 51 through 96 of 96. Subscribe:
Tag Families
A request for 'tag groups' and 'tag aliases'. Explained inside.
Draft Posts?
Saved drafts of posts for the blue - crazy idea?
User page changes
I gussied up your user pages. Leave a note if anything is broken and throw a screenshot up on flickr if you spot any show-stopper visual bugs. Danke!
Did the spell check button on MeFi comments go away?
Did the spell check button on MeFi comments go away? Has this been discussed already and if so will I be made fun of in the comments for this post?
Announcing MeFi Jobs!
Hey look, it's MeFi Jobs. Use it to list jobs you'd like to hire other MeFi members for. Also, it helps if you have a lat/lon stored in your profile, as you will be able to see how far listed jobs are from you. There are probably a few obvious bugs but me and pb will do our best to squash them as fast as you can list them.
Waiving front page posting limit?
Would it be possible to have the 24-hour posting limit waived if your last post was a double and deleted?
Pony: Lofi for AskMe, MeTa et al, too?
lofi.mefi works for the main Metafilter page, but not AskMe, MeTa, etc. More inside.
Favorites now displayed on profile page.
Your user page now tells you how many of your contributions were saved as favorites by others, and there's a page showing you the favorites. Yes, I'm aware that the stuff saved as a favorite by multiple people gets repeated. I'll fix that this week. For the moment, it at least gives you an insight into what others liked that you wrote. Here's my user page showing 148 things I wrote were saved as favorites, and here they are.
Comment page?
Averysmallponyrequest: Could we get a link on the My Comments to the page that shows all of our comments?
Suggested Feature: Subscribe to Posts
I would love a feature that allows you to "subscribe" to certain posts, coupled with the ability to view all "subscribed" posts. This way it would be easier to track the progress of certain threads that you do not participate in (you can obviously track those threads through the "my comments" page.
Pony: temporary comment editing
Temporary comment editing?
I'm sure this has been brought up before but......It would be nice to be able to edit one's comments for a short period after posting. Not for very long, obviously, but long enough to fix glaring errors or spelling mistakes.
I'm sure this has been brought up before but......It would be nice to be able to edit one's comments for a short period after posting. Not for very long, obviously, but long enough to fix glaring errors or spelling mistakes.
Pony Request: A MetaFilter FAQ whose answers are links to the relavent MetaTalk threads
Pony Request: A MetaFilter FAQ whose answers are links to the relavent MetaTalk threads that answer the question.
Many redundant questions keep coming up in MetaTalk and the responses are usually links to MetaTalk threads that will answer the question. Would it be possible to make a FAQ that points to the appropriate MetaTalk threads for these reoccurring questions? Maybe someone can go through MetaTalk once a week and add the questions and answers of things that shouldn't have to come up again.
Q. Some users have customized user pages, can I have a customized user page?
A: See here
Many redundant questions keep coming up in MetaTalk and the responses are usually links to MetaTalk threads that will answer the question. Would it be possible to make a FAQ that points to the appropriate MetaTalk threads for these reoccurring questions? Maybe someone can go through MetaTalk once a week and add the questions and answers of things that shouldn't have to come up again.
Q. Some users have customized user pages, can I have a customized user page?
A: See here
Metafilter users closest to this user
Pony: at the end of the new "MetaFilter users near this user" query slap an "order by miles ascending". Not a big deal. I just want to stalk people in order, s'all. (That's a pretty damned sweet feature, btw).
Are you taking away our freedoms for your security?
Ok, in this comment by #1, it is revealed that user pages have been considerably further locked down. I wonder, is all that extra security still in place? [more inside]
Pony: alternate payment methods
Can we get another way to pay for accounts then paypal? I'd rather pay $20 for an account through another service then use them. There are several, relatively cheap credit card transaction services out there.
AskMe Categorization Request
Regarding http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/22795. So clearly the word "cult" went to my head when trying to categorize that question. But really, what would have been the right thing to have filed it under? It seems there should be a multiple categorizing feature at Metafilter. You know for things like Religion and Philosophy/Media and Arts. Basically having question/posts show up in both categories. Another example being this very question which is both a Feature Request as well as Etiquette/Policy. Peace.
'My Comments' page rolled out!
The My Comments page is up and ready for testing. It scours the comment databases to find all the comments you've left in the past 7 days, then shows you the thread you left them in, along with the comments that followed yours, up to the last ten comments. I've been using it for the past hour or so and it's great for keeping up on threads I left comments in days ago.
I'll clean up the layout and look eventually, but for now, it's the companion to the My Posts page, and I'm open to feedback or any problems you find. The URL will stay there, so feel free to bookmark both.
I'll clean up the layout and look eventually, but for now, it's the companion to the My Posts page, and I'm open to feedback or any problems you find. The URL will stay there, so feel free to bookmark both.
New feature: page through MetaTalk
New Feature: you can page through MetaTalk with the links at the bottom of the page, and the new comment counts should continue to function in older pages. Much simpler and easier than digging through archives and if this works as expected for most everyone, it will also be applied at Ask MeFi and MeFi
Consulting Wikipedia before posting to AskMe
Matt, can you please add Wikipedia to the list of places to check on the AskMe post a question page? A number of times, I've noticed perfectly cromulent answers were in there. In fact, I bet Mefites can suggest at least a couple other "check here first" sources.
How about a best answer counter?
I Like Ponies: On the user page, where it says "posted X questions and X answers to Ask MetaFilter", it would be very nifty to add a counter of how many "best answers" this user has received on AskMe. It'll be a positive way to increase the signal/noise ratio -- and while it may provoke some competition, it'll be competition to be the most helpful and comprehensive, which should lead to good things for Ask MeFi.
This is a post from Jairus , who cannot post due to MetaTalk posting limits. Ironically, his last post was about changing the posting limits on MetaTalk.)
This is a post from Jairus , who cannot post due to MetaTalk posting limits. Ironically, his last post was about changing the posting limits on MetaTalk.)
Multiple best answers in askme: feature or bug?
I noticed an AskMe thread with two "Best Answers". Is the ability to mark more than one answer as "best" intentional, or is this a bug? I'm sure there are going to be cases of ties, so perhaps this isn't a bad idea.
Best Answers Arrive on the Scene
Another pony is roaming free. It's now possible to mark great answers to questions you've asked on Ask MeFi. Details and screenshot inside.
Tags now avaible!
tagging comes to metafilter test post for the tagging system
posted by mathowie at 1:06 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment
Well I know my interest is certainly piqued. Dish, dish!
posted by mathowie at 1:06 AM PST - 0 comments - Post a Comment
Well I know my interest is certainly piqued. Dish, dish!
User Signup Policy
What about tweaking the new user signup method in order to accommodate overseas wannabes? [more inside]
Sarcasm within.
Could there be a feature that automatically posts the nude picture of the poster when a disparaging comment about anyone's physical appearance is made?
RSS for AskMe
The MeFi RSS feed works great. While I can envision the reason(s) for ommitting this feature for metaTalk, wouldn't it make sense to have on for AskMeFi ?
Sidebar for Meetups
Matt. Way to go on the sidebar entries for upcoming MeFi meetups. It's great to know that the editorial stance of Metafilter isn't just about the good ole' U.S. of A., but also includes all those tiny little countries you may have read about in National Geographic.
[/boiling blood]
[/boiling blood]
Deleted posts search feature?
This thread for googling for WMDs has come up I think three times now. (And will probably be deleted before most of you read this post.) As It took me quite a while to locate via search where the page in question was first posted, and this mistake could be made with similar distributed content is there any way that we can have the search feature include deleated posts? If it did this person would have probably seen the other two deleted posts and not posted this. Perhaps a checkbox on the search page for 'include deleted posts'.
SSL for Metafilter
I've been spending lots of time on wireless networks lately, so I finally up and got an SSL certificate for MetaFilter. Enjoy. Eventually I'll try to get all the user/pass pages going through https:// to make the site more secure.
Threads Have Titles Now?
Hey - if this isn't a new feature, or if I missed a memo, please tell me, but does each thread have it's own title now? I only ask because when I just thought better of posting to the "pancakes" thread and saw "Prattling On About Pancakes" up in the title bar, it startled me a wee bit, and now I see that each thread is similarly titled. New thing?
Can Posts Have Titles?
A while back there was a discussion about the non-informative RSS/RDF/XML feed titles, due to the fact that metafilter/metatalk threads don't have 'titles' as such. Could we perhaps have a an extra field in the 'post an FPP' form marked 'Post title' or something that was less than some arbitrary limit of characters long and could be used for things like the feeds, and more importantly (and the reason I'm requesting this) for page titles.
I tend to open all the links I want to read in one go. When I click on the "(n new)" link I don't go to the top of the story, and so when I get to the page after reading other FPPs, I don't know what this story's about anymore, and can't glance at the document title for a hint of the general subject as with many sites.
I tend to open all the links I want to read in one go. When I click on the "(n new)" link I don't go to the top of the story, and so when I get to the page after reading other FPPs, I don't know what this story's about anymore, and can't glance at the document title for a hint of the general subject as with many sites.
Special characters
I “think” spéciàl chàràctérs shöuld wörk nöw, thöugh it's pröbably töö éàrly tö sày the böxés and quéstiön marks will be göné. That'll be £5 or 1000¥ or €3.5.
Closing Old Threads
New feature: threads on MetaFilter more than a month old are now closed for new comments.
Whoah, when did TrackBack get added to posts?
font preferences consistent across sites!
As of some time this afternoon my font preferences from MeFi are working in MeTa also. Is this new or is IE just acting up again? I'm in mac OS 9.2, IE 5.1
Checking for responses efficiently
Is there some easy/efficient way to check for replies to your posts (e.g. your nick mentioned in a new post), so that you don't have to look at each individual thread you've posted to, checking for respsonses? (more inside)
Pony: A MeFi This! link similar to Blogger's Blog This! feature
Feature request: a MeFi This! link similar to Blogger's Blog This! feature. The upside: easy to post. The downside: more FFPs on Metafilter. Good idea, or really bad?
Now xml-rpc compliant
MetaFilter now conforms with the new Weblogs.com xml-rpc interface. I used this xml-rpc client/server for Coldfusion to wrap a simple request/response sent to weblogs.com whenever a new thread is made at MetaFilter.com.
Guess what kids? The MetaFilter search finally works!
Guess what kids? The MetaFilter search finally works!
A pony is granted: profile URLs featuring usernames
Just a thought: I'd eventually like to be able to get to user profiles via username somehow.
MetaFilter sidebar available for browsers.
New Feature: MetaFilter sidebar for win/IE and Mozilla.
MeFi Statistics
Miscellaneous thought: What MF usage statistic would you most like to see? I'd love to know who has closed the most threads (had the last word most often) ... Average sessions per member/per active member would be interesting too.
Request: button to list threads with new responses.
I hopped on to MeFi just now to find 4 new threads and 38 new responses. Only 36 of them were on my front page, which means I'll never get to know where 37 and 38 are. And I have my prefs set to deliver 7 days' worth of posts. This is the first time I can remember this happening, so I'm finally pushed to ask: Any consideration of a "list threads with new responses" button, or somesuch?
New feeds available.
New feeds of MetaFilter are available.
There's a handy deepleap plugin
and a pure xml feed of the 24 hours of headlines (currently cut down to ~50 characters in length but I feed the entire post).
I'll whip up a RSS/RDF channel soon and put it at my.netscape, my.userland, or meerkat.
There's a handy deepleap plugin
and a pure xml feed of the 24 hours of headlines (currently cut down to ~50 characters in length but I feed the entire post).
I'll whip up a RSS/RDF channel soon and put it at my.netscape, my.userland, or meerkat.
Comment permalinks!
New Feature: You can now target comments on MetaFilter by using the permalinks. So, say, if you wanted to say "Winer is crazy sometimes!" on your own site or in a metafilter comment, you can now link directly to that.
Thoughts on a new thread-tracking feature?
Oooh, new feature idea brought to my attention by Bryan Boyer: Letting users track threads of their choosing. So you come in, see some long thread about how gas costs too much and you want to track just that thread. You'd click some link, and I'm thinking that the top of the page should say "1 new link and 4 new comments since your last visit, 3 new comments in the 4 threads you are tracking" and I suppose hyperlink to just those threads. I can display it any old way, would that be the most helpful, or should there be a new page with just your favorite threads (a "MyMetaFilter")? Would *you* use something like this? I know I would...
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