4 posts tagged with media by Mo Nickels.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.

Who is the real Languagehat?

Languagehat revealed! Who is he? An insider tells all in his explosive new book! [more inside]
posted by Mo Nickels on Dec 18, 2007 - 94 comments

Pounding waves of colorful bands of creeps

Skot summarizes Ask Metafilter: "AskMe is often quite an amazing resource; it's made even more impressive by the fact that this 'community' of thousands of sun-deprived gripers frequently give good advice. Predictably, however, you have to wade through pounding waves of horrible bullshit to find it. And then, when you do find it, you have to sit there a moment and worry about the fact that this community—like all communities—is filled with a colorful band of assholes, half of whom hate the other half; a full two-thirds who are illiterate or insane; an unidentifiable portion who are basement-dwelling hate-wraiths; ten percent who are axe-grinding creeps, possibly with real axes; and your average random smattering of mean-spirited shitheads. But somewhere in there are some good answers! Usually." Great Scott!
posted by Mo Nickels on Apr 11, 2007 - 94 comments

MeFi in Nashville Scene

Nice mention of Metafilter in the Nashville Scene.
posted by Mo Nickels on Feb 12, 2003 - 12 comments

Reuters covers it but it isn't covered. What

Reuters/Yahoo also has the story but it's not getting much coverage in US media.
posted by Mo Nickels on Jul 30, 2002 - 27 comments

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