92 posts tagged with jessamyn.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 92. Subscribe:
194: Wait, are we going to be on camera?
Hey hey it's the podcast again. Loup and I talk about the Ask the Mods Anything questions and reveal the winners of the Halloween Costume Contest. Thank you not_on_display for the mixing. [more inside]
“I mean, old school web people definitely have opinions...”
From the Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure at UMass Amherst: “MetaFilter turns 25 this month, a shining beacon of the Good Web. Reluctant owner Jessamyn West tells us how rusty tech and vibrant community keeps it vital.” [Elsewhere: MetaFilter: a time capsule from another internet]
positive feedback
this is your opportunity to share what you appreciate about the people who comment at metafilter as well as the people who work at metafilter. [more inside]
Why Does a Librarian Own a Social Media Site That’s Been Around for Long
User 292 speaks with user 15348 on the podcast Reimagining The Internet about the past, present, and future of MetaFilter.
Beep-Boop Is A Slur Too
I have to say that this post on the removal of slurs from the Scrabble word list is really ticking me off. I think Jessamyn's reference to Scrabble players having a "beep-boop approach" to people is a slur against the neuroatypical, which is a group I belong to. (I'm on the autism spectrum.)
Happy Birthday, User 292
♪ ♬ Happy Birthday, two nine two;
Happy Birthday, two nine two!
Happy Birthday dear jessamyn,
All my favorites, to yooooouuuu! ♩ ♫
Happy Birthday, two nine two!
Happy Birthday dear jessamyn,
All my favorites, to yooooouuuu! ♩ ♫
An Ode to the Tummlers
Mefi's Own Jessamyn is quoted in the New York Times in We Forgot About the Most Important Job on the Internet, an opinion piece by Mefi's Own Annalee Newitz. Jessamyn West, a librarian who was a moderator for 10 years at MetaFilter, said the job is like what Catskill entertainers of the mid-20th century called a tummler, “the person in the room who isn’t quite the M.C. but walks around and makes sure you’re doing OK.”
Jessamyn quote #57?
What's Jessamyn's phrasing for always giving people the benefit of the doubt and reading their words.... generously....? Argh, I can't think of the phrase she used to always use.
Happy birthday, Jessamyn!
In the grand tradition of celebrating jessamyn day every year, happy birthday to you up there in VT and to me and all the other MeFites whose day it is! You were one of my very first Internet Heroes, who just seemed comfy in knowing things and being good to people.
Jessamyn is in the process of acquiring a {blink}YEARS SUPPLY OF CHEESE{/blink} and, through the medium of twitter, has promised a cheese party. The tweet that sort-of started this. Related: an American Cheese Society Certified Cheese Professional explains the color of Wisconsin Cheddar.
An Interview with Mefi's Own Jessamyn
Jessamyn West on Intellectual Freedom, Creepy Basements, and the Library as a Safe Space. An interview with Jessamyn, as part of a new series called Secrets of the Librarians, just posted on the LitHub Bookmarks blog. Yay, Jessamyn!
Happy Birthday jessamyn!
A very happy birthday to jessamyn! Many happy returns of the day!
Jessamyn wins surprise judgement against Equifax!
Learned League and more
"I'm really surprised more people haven't done this; it's super-easy."
MeFi’s own rowdy-librarian-cum-privacy-activist Jessamyn West is suing Equifax in small claims court. You can follow her progress on Medium.
The challenges facing today's libraries and librarians
A fifty minute interview with Jessamyn, interviewed by Lauren Sergy. Topics include why Jessamyn went to library school, diversity, employment in the library sector, pay equality, technology, and other aspects of being a contemporary librarian.
Many happy returns of the day
Happy birthday, jessamyn! Here's to you! May you have as much company, and as much cake or pie, as you want today. [more inside]
The Election Year That Never Ended
Where Cortex is interviewed by Patrick O'Keefe of Community Signal. Issues include the (ongoing) impact of the 2016 election on MetaFilter, member deaths, the recent transfer of ownership and how MetaFilter has addressed casual sexism, racism and transphobia. Recent interviewees include Jessamyn and Matt. Contains profanity.
Quiet Car Dance Party
Closing Your Community Right: Jessamyn interviewed
A podcast where Jessamyn is interviewed by Patrick O'Keefe about the experiences around an online community (mlkshk) closing down and what happens afterwards. There is much on moderating, membership, community issues and service shuttering procedures within, as well as discussion of death/the passing of people, how this impacts on online communities and how moderators and community members deal with it. The page contains many MetaFilter-related links and a link to the transcript.
Happy birthday to the First Librarian!
Our Jessamyn was one of the first blogging librarians; in fact, I think she started her blog back when the term was "web log." A free speech advocate, author, computer literacy practicioner and pretty good pool player, Jessamyn has helped set the tone for the way Metatalk and AskMetafilter have evolved and we have been very lucky to have her input on tons of questions over the years. Happy birthday, Jessamyn! ♥
The role of libraries in a democracy
Renegade Librarian Jessamyn West On Information, Access And Democracy is a Vermont Public Radio interview with MeFi's own award-winning former mod (and moss enthusiast).
Jessamyn on moderation
Advice for the accidental community manager at The Coral Project ("a multi-year collaboration between Mozilla, The Washington Post and The New York Times designed to lead experiments in community growth and management, seeking ways to improve the state of user-generated contributions on the internet through open-source software.")
Ask A Librarian
Jessamyn Day 2015
It is the 5th of the 9th, which means it is the correct day to wish Jessamyn the most splendid of birthdays. Some of the Further Adventures of Jessamyn are pictorialised on The Flickr, and here be links to previous Jessamyn Days.
Go be awesome
...but not retired from being awesome
It is Jessamyn Day, so Happy Birthday, user 292! Jessamyn's 10^2 photo set from an August trip to London. [more inside]
Jessamyn's Blog Post on The Downsizing
I can't believe it's been five years.
93: Midlife Crisis Machine
The newest episode of the podcast features the same crew of jessamyn (first post-MeFi show!), me, and cortex recapping the funding efforts, and then all the best bits from the MeFi universe that runs a total of 1hr 40min long. [more inside]
Where I'm off to
Wanted to let people know that while I'll continue to be hanging around here like I've always been, I'll be taking a (small) job at the Internet Archive being the support person and the user/tech liaison for Open Library. [more inside]
State of MetaFilter
Today I need to share some unfortunate news: because of serious financial downturn, MetaFilter will be losing three of its moderators to layoffs at the end of this month. What that means for the site and the site’s future are described below. [more inside]
Journalistic MeFite Convergence!
I wrote an article about Jessamyn. You can read it here. Comments and constructive criticism welcome!
Apple includes a warrant canary in transparency report
Taking their lead from jessamyn, Apple has included a warrant canary in their transparency report.
"Apple has never received an order under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act. We would expect to challenge such an order if served on us."jessamyn created the warrant canary in response to the USA Patriot Act, which permits warrantless searches of library records and prohibits the library from making the existence of these searches known. It does not explicitly prohibit the library from stating that it has not received any secret search warrants. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first use of a warrant canary by a big, high-profile organization. Nice work, jessamyn!
Jessamyn gets a mention in The Guardian
Jessamyn's "THE FBI HAS NOT BEEN HERE" library sign gets a mention in The Guardian's "How to foil NSA sabotage" article.
Who's Your Favorite JP/Librarian?
Happy Birthday, jessamyn!
libraries for disaster relief
I can't be the only one suffering deeply after this exceedingly concise update:
I got back from my trip to a mailbox full of postcards! The most cryptically addressed was just Box 345, 05060. Nothing with just my name and town ... yet.No pictures? No stories? AUGH.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 12:08 PM on April 29 [2 favorites +] [!]
You're my favorite.
If favorites are bookmarks, and I'm not saying that they are, it would be nice to be able to search them by username. [more inside]
Did you hear? One of the coolest librarians alive works here!
Congratulations, Jessamyn! There wasn't any prize, but I'm sure it's the honor of being part of a Flavorwire list that makes all that great work worthwhile.
Worlds collide
I was pretty surprised to see Jessamyn on Venture Beat this morning. Great picture!
Congrats to newly elected Justice of the Peace Jessamyn West!
So does this mean that the next Great MetaFilter Enspousening will be an IRL mass-wedding held in Braintree, Vermont?
It's Jess's Day!!!
Happy Birthday Jessamyn!!! [more inside]
Happy Moderator's Day!
It is done.
In case you missed it, metafilter was down for maintainance for a bit last night.
Jessamyn article from In The Library With The Lead Pipe
"I wrote a book in 2009 and 2010. It’s getting published this year (2011) sometime. Let me tell you about what it's like writing a print book for a large trade publisher during the long leisurely sunset of print. It was different from what I thought it would be." Jessamyn looks at print books from a writer’s first-person perspective. [more inside]
Outrageous Spontaneous Filings
An article on "professional online moderators" in Bloomberg Businessweek, including Jessamyn and the Metafilter Russian Incident. [more inside]
Jessamyn Day 2011
Today is one of the great Metafilter holidays. Happy Jessamyn Day, everyone! Especially to Jessamyn!
RIP, Tom West
This is a thread for condolences and hugs for Jessamyn. Her father, noted computer engineer Tom West, passed away on the 19th. (Obituaries: Boston Globe, CNET, East Bay)
jessamyn ★
What's up with the ★? [more inside]
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