175 posts tagged with update.
Displaying 151 through 175 of 175. Subscribe:

Blues, military and history

A minor emendation: "others."

That is all.
posted by adamgreenfield on Oct 5, 2004 - 4 comments

I've never quite figured out the etiquette to follow-up posts...

I've never quite figured out the etiquette to follow-up posts...
posted by togdon on Jul 26, 2004 - 19 comments

followup.metafilter.com would be a nice pony

PrinceValium is right: followup.metafilter.com would be a nice pony. (more)
posted by mcwetboy on Jun 8, 2004 - 21 comments

20 years to the day

So, anyone know what happened in conclusion to this thread?
posted by xmutex on May 18, 2004 - 25 comments

Followup material goes where now?

Is MetaTalk a good place to point out that the verdict described in this thread was just overturned?

I often find follow-up material like this long after the original thread is gone. It doesn't seem worth a whole new FPP, but I do think that people who read the original post would want to know. FollowupFilterSidebar?
posted by alms on May 4, 2004 - 14 comments

Boudreaux SAVED my dad

Follow-up to the recent photoshop/"Boudreaux killed my dad" thread: the lance corporal's mom, who runs a computer store and has been living in fear, says the original was "Boudreaux saved my dad."
posted by ajr on Apr 21, 2004 - 9 comments

Effect of MeFi on content

Altering the web in real time. Lately there have been some interesting examples of how a post on metafilter has caused change to the source immediately after it was posted. Millionforchrist made changes to it's stated privacy policy within an hour after being mentioned. Someone speculated a domain out from under this ask.me question, and also the whole real-time debate with LGF thread. What are some other recent examples of this kind of thing?
posted by milovoo on Apr 12, 2004 - 29 comments

adding new information (inspired by WalMart shopper story)

The story of the trampled Wal-Mart shopper was a a FPP post a few days ago. It turns out it might have been contrived. As I read the latest story, I felt that somehow the record had to be set straight on mf with this new information (I am an idealist, I suppose). But, at the same time, it certainly did not seem to be worthy of a new FPP. How does MF- as a community- handle retractions or new (conflicting) information without gumming up the front page with mediocre posts? Or is it not even worth worrying about?
posted by limitedpie on Dec 5, 2003 - 28 comments

Update already linked in original thread

No need for this as the WaPo article was linked in the actual thread a few days ago.

Not a call out or smack down, just a minor admin detail.
posted by i_cola on Nov 3, 2003 - 26 comments

Updated statistics available

Metafilter thread and user growth stats have been updated, along with the top 20 charts. Five consecutive months of no new users means less overall threads and comments, but the Blogstop acronym thread broke the top 3 most commented entries and Tom Swifties broke the top 20.
posted by waxpancake on Sep 4, 2003 - 72 comments

Updated link for closed thread?

What does one do with an updated link for something that's already been posted, after the thread's been closed? (More inside...)
posted by me3dia on Jul 30, 2003 - 21 comments

How to update a closed thread?

FollowupFilter? I was using the subject of this thread as an example in an email today, and while researching it I noticed that just today there was an update to this story. The original thread is locked, but I not sure this is FPP worthy.
posted by betaray on Apr 23, 2003 - 11 comments

Mathowie updates code March 2003

In an attempt to conserve resources, I've streamlined a good deal of the code for non-members, who should be getting a new flat homepage every five minutes. This shouldn't affect logged in users, but if anyone finds any problems, either post here or email me. I'm going to do the same with MetaTalk in a few minutes.
posted by mathowie on Mar 20, 2003 - 30 comments

Server up

Server's back up. Not all the updates are done, but the server should be exactly the same as before.
posted by anildash on Nov 24, 2002 - 29 comments

Here's a draft of FAQ.

Got a deep question? The draft of the FAQ is up.
posted by frykitty on Nov 18, 2002 - 64 comments

This is definitely now how we do an update

Something really got your knickers in a knot? Well, then, don't just put it on the front page once. Wait one day and post an update. Note that in this case, the update's new information is a week old and was already posted in the original thread.
posted by anapestic on Oct 12, 2002 - 2 comments

"follow-up" mechanism?

Have you ever considered a "follow-up" mechanism of some sort?
posted by RavinDave on Sep 17, 2002 - 19 comments

Has the new server been set up?

I would guess that the new server is up. Wow! Thanks Matt. Anyone else notice or am I just getting lucky?
posted by anathema on Jun 10, 2002 - 9 comments

The guy at Suburban Limbo had a great idea for a BlogReader

The guy at Suburban Limbo had a great idea for a BlogReader. In theory, you could enter the blogs you read daily (weekly, hourly, obsessively) and it would tell which ones had been updated. (More Inside)
posted by Ufez Jones on May 16, 2002 - 16 comments

Can't access the front page.

Here's a weird one. I can't view the front page. (More inside)
posted by mr_crash_davis on May 8, 2002 - 24 comments

Any update on the Ticket Stub project?

The Ticket Stub Project still looks like an excellent idea. Apart from the personal stories who wouldn't enjoy, for instance, capsule reviews written by fellow MeFis of concerts, plays, sports events, etc? Is there any chance of it taking off soon? Would each "ticket stub" capsule stand on its own or would there be comments and queries allowed? Is anybody else intrigued by this project?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Feb 20, 2002 - 28 comments

spellchecker replacement update?

Must I continually check my spelling through Word? Has there been any headway on a spellchecker replacement?
posted by hotdoughnutsnow on Jan 7, 2002 - 7 comments

AU may back off unsuccessful "Pacific Solution"

AU may back off unsuccessful "Pacific Solution"
    Howard himself may be clearing the ground for a back down. In a marked departure from his election campaign rhetoric, he said in an interview last week that turning asylum seekers' boats back to sea was "completely inhuman."
    That's not just marked, it's a 180! There was a bit of interest in this story here a while ago, but I thought this new wrinkle in AU's aid-for-beds deal with Pacific nations didn't merit another "FPP." (see also 1, 2)
posted by rschram on Dec 17, 2001 - 5 comments

A pony is granted: profile URLs featuring usernames

Just a thought: I'd eventually like to be able to get to user profiles via username somehow.
posted by cCranium on Apr 10, 2001 - 9 comments

New and improved Metatalk

The new and improved MetaTalk is now live. Feel free to tell me what you think about it, and bring up any bugs you find in the bugs area.

The old format was date based, like the weblog, but things discussed here weren't really date dependent. If someone asked for a new feature or highlighted a bug, and I didn't fix it in a week, the post was basically gone forever.

I think the new format meshes better with the way I'd like MetaTalk used - discuss and read topics based on the subject, instead of the date.
posted by mathowie on May 7, 2000 - 3 comments

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