66 posts tagged with boston.
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Make Winter Great Again!
The Weather Channel is calling it Winter Storm Jonas. The Washington Post is calling it Snowzilla. Can this be the place for us East Coast Mefites talk about the weather? [more inside]
Please, Someone; Start a New Marathon Thread
The existing Boston Marathon Thread has not only turned unwieldy, it's now become the go-to place to put anything that happens in the greater Boston area (c.f., M.I.T. policeman shot, which while tragic, has nothing to do with the thread itself).
Given that there was a MAJOR change in the storyline with the release earlier today of the FBI's pictures and videos of the actual (not hypothetical, not crowd sourced) suspects #1 and #2, I'm going on record with a plea for someone to please make a new thread (which can stand on its own merits) about this, particular, new information so that this can be discussed and updated there (apart from the original thread, which was a thread about the bombing itself, not the search for the suspected bombers).
There's Metafilter love in Boston!
Universal Hub is a great place to get your Boston news, especially when all the mainstream media outlets keep reporting false rumors every two seconds. Today, they credited us with the story about the pissant in West Virginia.
Thanks everyone
I just wanted to thank everyone in chat and the Explosions at the Boston Marathon finish line thread who have let us know that our friends and fellow mefites are okay, kept cool heads, provided amazing links to accurate information / feeds, and debunked false reports today. And also thank you to the mods who were on duty in both places as well, keeping everything running smoothly. This has been a terribly upsetting afternoon. The care, support and kindness in evidence has been calming and reassuring.
Somerville, MA meetup on the 23rd?
Hey, Boston area people. Anyone going to the Jonathan Coulton show on the 23rd in Somerville? Should we do a thing? [more inside]
Boston, MA meetup(s?), July 28th - August 1st
I'll be in the Boston area from July 28th - August 1st. Let's meetup and do fun things!
Hi Boston! I would like to party with you!
ISO Boston Mefites. Big thirst not necessary, but appreciated.
[June 26] [more inside]
the porter, the stout
ISO Boston MeFites. Must have big thirst. [more inside]
Get out of town!
Since no one in Boston wants to hire me, I'm heading to New York City to work on a contract for the rest of the year. That means GOING AWAY PARTY! *YAAAAAY!* [more inside]
ROFLCon meetup part 2
Boston/Cambridge: Is anyone going to ROFLCon on April 30th and May 1st and/or interested in meeting up afterwards? [more inside]
Where my nerds at?
PAX East meetup? Boston, MA, March 26-28. We discussed planning a meetup a month ago, and it generated a lot of interest but no solid plans, and a lot of people may have missed or forgotten the original thread. [more inside]
Pax East, Boston Meetup
I know that about 90% of the target constituency is already covered in the thread over on mefightclub, but I figured I'd ask back here as well - any more MeFites planning to head to Penny Arcade's Pax East in Boston, MA, 26th-28th March? [more inside]
Give a mouse a diamond, she's gonna ask for a wedding
Follow up to my previous diamond post in AskMe. Basically the story of how I got engaged after starting my research at Metefilter. [more inside]
I thought maybe you could come and give me notes...
Hub On Wheels in Boston this Sunday
Anybody doing Hub On Wheels in Boston this weekend? Want to ride together for a while? [more inside]
Cortex-tastic Boston Meet-Up.
Cortex in Boston! 9/11! [more inside]
Sita's Singing in Boston
The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston will be showing Sita Sings the Blues several times in the next week. Since many Mefites are admirers of the film, this seems like a good excuse for a Meetup. Thoughts?
Last-minute meetup in Boston
Impromptu meetup in Boston tomorrow (Friday) night to welcome an old friend... [more inside]
You know you want to meet up, baby!
Boston area MST-up, Feb. 21. [more inside]
I gots those Metafilter blues...
Boston Blues Jam Meetup? [more inside]
One last round for 2008
Boston, it's been too long. Is anyone down for one last 2008 meetup? [more inside]
Brainwaves meetup?
Any other Mefites planning on attending Brainwashed Records' Brainwaves Festival in Boston (well, Arlington) this weekend? [more inside]
First Boston meet-up of the school year!
David Sedaris will be in Boston this Sunday. Is anyone else planning on going/ interested in meeting up afterwards? [more inside]
The Cabal Strikes Back
Anyone up for another Boston-area pub trivia meetup? [more inside]
And no she never returned, until she did.
Last minute, late notice, totally overkill Boston meetup: In my continuing practice of showing up in a city immediately AFTER a meetup has been successfully held with beer'n'everything, I will be in Boston for the next few days, from Friday May 30 til mid-day Wednesday June 4. Anyone game for a couple beers sometime in there? [more inside]
Boston Meetup!
x at the paradise
Any Boston area mefites planning to see X next week?
Ia! Ia! Cambridge, MA Meetup!
The mystical calculations and dire sacrifices have been made. As foretold by Mad Seer Wendell, there shall be a strange and wondrous confluence of mods in the Cambridge, MA on April 26th for a dread convocation. Surely we mere mortals may appease these inscrutable powers by drinking and feasting in their honor! The Stars Are Right, my friends, and you too shall be Right if you arrive at the Cambridge Brewing Company from 7PM to help toast our weary mods after they finish with their horrible rites! [more inside]
Frenetic in concert in Cambridge, MA
Greater Boston Mefites: Brad Sucks, aka MetaFilter's own frenetic will be performing (his MuFi posts) in Cambridge, MA on Feb 12. How about dinner and drinks beforehand? [more inside]
Boston Meetup, Friday 5th October
Boston meetup! Myself and wimpdork happen (independently!) to be visiting the area at the same time, so how about a meetup on Friday 5th October? [more inside]
Mefites at FlashForward 2007?
Any mefites going to be at FlashForward next week? If so, I hear they have beer in Boston. We should drink it.
Would anyone care to join me in the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk?
Boston meetup: Friday, Sept. 7
Boston meetup: Friday, September 7. 8p-ish? I'll be in town for a business meeting and I'd love to hang out with some Mefites while I'm there.
Odds are good I'll be staying in Waltham, so maybe something on Moody Street? The last time I did this we did Super88 in Allston for dinner then Big City for drinks, and that was pretty fun. I'm taking suggestions. I'm T-dependent so that's a (minor) limiting factor.
Let us party, my homeboys. And homegirls. And home-any-other-description-you-care-to-append-to-yourselves. Let us party.
BOSTON: Shakespeare in the Park Jul. 24
Ok, lets try this again..
Who's up for an opening night (that's tuesday, as in 49 hours from now) Shakespeare in the Park mefi meetup? Its at 8pm in the Boston Commons. I'll be getting coffee after, if I can find anywhere that's open past dark (this f-in city doesn't know how to drink coffee, I swear).
The play is Midsummer Night's Dream. I hear its good ;)
I could be up for another night, but I have guests coming in & I'm not quite ready to expose them to MeFi yet, so Tuesday's my preference.
Yes, I know there just was one...
Is it time for a Boston-itself-Boston meetup soon? I flew in thismorning, got my apt settled & now don't have work until the 26th. I'm right by Symphony, & can get anywhere the T goes, but I have neither bike nor car so I can't make much past that. I'm also (sadly, believe me) under 21, so I fear a pub crawl (as much as I'd love it) is out of the question. Also, would anyone living here be up for not-too-serious-slightly-more-than-but-basically-touch rugby on a semiregular basis?
Salem, MA meetup?
Hey Boston/North Shore: Stynxno and I are coming to town. We'd like to meetup with you on Sunday, May 27th, in beautiful Salem, MA.
Cambridge/Boston science trivia meetup April 25?
Cambridge/Boston meetup? Anybody interested in meeting up for a science trivia challenge this coming Wednesday night (April 25, 6:30pm)? It's too late to sign up as a team, but it should be fun just to watch.
Boston meetup photos: January 26, 2007
Boston Meetup Photos start here and move forward. From this weekend's meetup, not last weekend's meetup.
Boston meetup 1/26/07
Boston Meetup, try again?
Boston Meetup, try again? This Friday, the 26th. [mi]
Boston Meetup: January 2007
Boston meetup this Saturday night
Reminder and possible change of venue for Boston meetup this Saturday night.
Boston meetup January 2006
Boston meet-up, Saturday, January 20. I propose we meet at the Milky Way in JP for beer, pizza and bowling, but I'm open to suggestions for locations downtown or in Cambridge, Brookline Somerville, etc.
Nine photos of the Boston/Cambridge meetup on Saturday.
Nine photos of the Boston/Cambridge meetup on Saturday.
Boston meetup September 2006
What? Boston again?
Boston and Cambridge meetup reminder.
Reminder: Boston/Cambridge area meetup, tomorrow, Saturday, August 26. Cambridge Brewing Company at Kendall Square in Cambridge at 6pm for dinner, followed by a very short walk to Flat Top Johnny's for pool. (Previously)
Boston Meetup
Hey Boston, how are you? ... Yeah? ... Hey, that's great. ... Right in the mouth, you say? ... Wow, down a whole flight of stairs? ... I would have lent you my sandwich board if I'd have known. Anyhow, the reason I'm posting: How'd you like to get together to do a meetup thing sometime this month?
Boston meetup May 2006
Reminder! Boston Meetup this Saturday.
Saturday, May 20
6.00p - 7.30p: Gathering and dinner at Super88 in Allston.
7.30 - 7.45: Planned migration to Big City
7.45 - they kick us out: Pool, beer, merriment, etc.
Let the wild rumpus start!
Saturday, May 20
6.00p - 7.30p: Gathering and dinner at Super88 in Allston.
7.30 - 7.45: Planned migration to Big City
7.45 - they kick us out: Pool, beer, merriment, etc.
Let the wild rumpus start!
Boston hasn't had a meetup in ages
Our fair city...Boston hasn't had a meetup in ages, it seems, and I think we should. Super88 in Allston is the place; 6.30/7-ish is the start time (going to whenever). What's people's preferences between Friday, May 12 and Saturday, May 13?
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