3 posts tagged with meetups by grapefruitmoon.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

It's not like I was asking him to put on pants.

MeetUp Ettiquette: I know that the mods are not our moms and will not be present at meet-ups, but are there any basic ground rules (and/or can we establish some) to govern interpersonal interactions at meet-ups? [more inside]
posted by grapefruitmoon on Jul 16, 2009 - 183 comments

Providence/Southern New England Meet Up, Ahoy!

Providence/Southern New England MeetUp! Not really planned at all, except that Eideteker and I will be there! You should too! Ok! [more inside]
posted by grapefruitmoon on Dec 6, 2007 - 22 comments

grapefruitmoon at AS220.

I wasn't sure the ettiquette of this, but uh, if you're in Southern New England and have nothing to do... I'm currently exhibiting at AS 220 gallery in Providence, through the end of the month. [a little MI]
posted by grapefruitmoon on Mar 11, 2007 - 15 comments

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