11 posts tagged with meetups by caitlinb.
Displaying 1 through 11 of 11.
HAI GUISE WHATS GOINGON THIS CHANNEL??? Um, I mean, does anyone want to have an SF Meetup? I'm thinking Friday, August 31 - a little diversion for us nonburners, plus people can send me off into the Three-Day Novel Contest [http://3daynovel.com/]!
San Francisco meetup in January
Hey, SF, wanna have a MeFi Meetup in January?
San Francisco meetup?
Hey, San Francisco, come have a drink with me - oh, say, Thursday, October 13th, from 7 PM on, at a venue to be determined. Do you have a suggestion? Please step inside and share it.
It's about time for an SF meetup.
It's about time for an SF meetup. I'm thinking, oh, Thurs, Aug 11, maybe Aug 18, from around 6 PM, at ... hmm, I don't know where! What do you think?
Hey SF, wanna come out and have a drink?
Hey SF, wanna come out and have a drink? When's a good night for you?
NYC Meetup reminder
Reminder: MeFiNYC Sunday, June 26, 7ish, The Ginger Man (midtown). I can't wait to see you! (You can always email or IM me, too.)
NYC meetup June 2005
Hey NYC: Why wait for scody when you can drink with ME on June 26th?
Upcoming.org entry for Seattle MeFi meetup (May 2005)
Upcoming.org entry for Seattle MeFi meetup, May 8th (Sunday), in the evening. Take your mom bowling!
Meet me in San Francisco
MeFiSF: Couldn't be at SXSW this year? Come cry in your beer at at Martin Mack's! This Irish bar has food and is located at 1568 Haight St (between Ashbury and Clayton). Come on over anytime after 6 PM.
There's a meetup for St Patrick's
MeFiSF: There's a meetup for St Patrick's (well, on Friday the 18th), and there will probably be a more "organized" meetup at the end of the month or beginning of April for those who wish to avoid the drunk fest that will be the Friday after Paddy's Day. [+]
MeFiSF Reminder and Date Change
MeFiSF Reminder and Date Change (due to special guest's travel schedule): Wednesday, November 10, 7 PM, at the Phoenix (Valencia and 19th). More BARTable than Lucky 13! Nice area with good seating in the back! Food available! And actual living, breathing females! Email me if you want an email reminder.