December 2018 Archives (all archives)
December 31
It’s 2019, I want to start my year expressing my gratitude to my family on MetaFilter. Over the years you’ve comforted me in sorrow, laughed with me, answered my questions, shared your dogs and your cats, let me into your own lives, made me smile, brought forth tears, listened to my music and shared your music with me, educated me, and enlightened me. Thank you! I turned 70 years old this year, survived a fall down the stairs that should have killed me had it not been for my wife and son’s quick response, it made me step back and evaluate what I truly value. We’re all here on MetaFilter for a reason. My reason is this community and each of you. I hope this new year brings each of you peace.
Pest Bost Contest for January 2019!
Happy New Year! We've swapped months for the annual contest; out with December and in with January. So now it's time for the Mefite's Choice Best Post Contest! As always, Vote by flagging posts with the Fantastic Flag -- all month long, as many as you want. We'll have winners every week. Mefites can offer individual awards in categories of their choosing too. [more inside]
Let's Do A New Year Call-In Show
Just like in 2016 and 2017, let's do an end of year call in podcast! Just call the MeFi voicemail line (505) 663-6334 and leave a New Year message, or a holiday greeting, or a just hey hi howareya message in the next couple days, and I'll cobble them together for a podcast ep in early January. [more inside]
December 29
Metatalktail Hour: Resolved!
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I'm wondering about New Year's resolutions -- do you make them? Do you hate them? Did you succeed at any last year? And also, how do you welcome in the new year? [more inside]
December 24
'Tis the Season
Happy Christmas! Happy Hanukah! Happy Saturnalia! Happy Kwanza! Glad Yul! Happy just another day of work or rest! Whether you celebrate the Christian religious holiday Christmas, or not. I wanted to have a place for us to share some happy with each other. Stay safe and warm. Hug your loved ones and know that you matter. Cheers!
FUCKEROOO the latest fucking fuck thread
Vent thine despair within
December 22
Metatalktail Hour: Happy Things
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week has been a bumpy one in the McGee clan, so tell me something good. Something happy. Whether that's holiday plans/traditions, a wonderful gift you gave or received, something you're looking forward to in the New Year, a dopey dad joke you just heard, a cute otter picture -- just something to make us smile and to share the warmth of the season. [more inside]
December 21
MST Club Christmas Video Marathon 2018!
"That's a number five!" As in, this is the FIFTH YEAR MST Club's been doing this! I guess the secret's out that we show far more than just MST episodes there, we have a huge collection of old and new, good and bad specials, movies and Very Special Episodes, in addition to other videos and riffing of multiple flavors. This year we're doing it for THREE DAYS, staring Midnight (Eastern time) in the morning of December 23rd and going through to the end of Christmas Day. It's all taking place here. [more inside]
So, 10 Years Ago...
...Kattullus gave me a membership as a Yule gift, apparently out of grave doubts that I would never get around to it on my own. This is my 10th Longest Night of the Year with all of you, and I just wanted to say thanks for all the posts, comments, retorts, favorites, flags, mod deletions, card clubs, meet ups, memails, and general hijinx. You’ve made my life richer.
December 20
Were you the secret quonsar (2009) who gave me this ornament?
I received this lovely ornament for my Christmas tree from my Secret Quonsar. I believe it may have been 2009 or thereabouts. I'm making an album of my ornaments and there origins, and I'd like to give credit where credit is due. Did you send me this? I believe it was just signed Secret Quonsar at the time but I'd love to know who it was.
MeFi Card Club Appreciation Part III: Beyond Thunderdome
I just had a fun exchange with my mail carrier. [more inside]
December 19
Unexpected MeFi Outcomes
We recently discussed resolutions to AskMes. This got me to thinking...I would like to hear about the strange and wonderful things that have happened to you that are related to MetaFilter in some way. A post that led you to study a new topic, a comment that connected you with someone that's now your best friend, could be anything. [more inside]
December 18
AFIK, this band has never had a FPP. And at the same time pretty much everyone here (ok, maybe 10%) would love the hell out of them. And yet there is no recent "news" to hook an FPP on.
So, as someone who has suddenly found this question, um, urgent... How do I make this (first! FPP worthy?
Or is that not a thing? [more inside]
December 16
MeFites on Find a Grave?
December 15
Metatalktail Hour: Mnemonics
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, miles per flower asks: "Tell us your favorite mnemonics, rhymes, & acronyms for gathering untidy information or remembering multistep processes. Ones you learned in school that've stuck with you, bits of internet shorthand, or (especially!) idiosyncratic ones from your neighborhood, family, field, or day-to-day needs." [more inside]
Long Time, No See
Hi, it's been a while. Just wondering if Metafilter still has a thing for pancakes. If so, y'all might be interested in this.
December 14
What's one change to Metafilter that you'd like to see made, or tried?
What is something that you wish worked differently, and how would it work?
December 13
Mefites on Patreon
This AskMefi question about supporting people on Patreon made me wonder: do you have a Patreon? Where is it and what kind of work do you do? Let's support each other!
What does your digital space look like? What type of wallpaper do you use? Do you have a lot of shortcuts/icons scattered everywhere? Or maybe you're more minimalist and you need everything pinned to your taskbar or dock. Or do you consume MetaFilter from your iPad or mobile device? We all type/tap from different places, for those who are game, please share a screenshot. Just being curious. Cheers.
Should MeFi have the capacity for geoblocking content?
Though I know we typically rail against its use in the overwhelming majority of cases, I only ask because this post being viewable from a location where the news it involves is subject to a suppression order is... troubling.
An impatient pony: queuing FPPs?
I find that a lot of why I don't post as many FPPs as I used to is that I prefer to post them in the earlyish morning, although I might write them at other times, and in the afternoon I wind up going "well, I'll just submit it tomorrow." I also tend to get into spates of writing FPPs, and when I've just submitted one is (bar none) the time most likely for me to get excited and want to write another one. I would love the ability to be able to submit my FPP of the day before the 24-hour delay is up, so that it will be posted either at a time of my choosing or else when the 24-hour delay has ended. I think this would be something that would make posting FPPs easier, at least for me. Thoughts?
December 12
Barking Jingle Bells
Hi, Mefites! I have a need to see your pets in their holiday finery - sweaters, headgear, what-have-you. Have a picture of your cat in the tree? Need to see that too.
The TENTH Annual Winter Wishes Gift Drive! MeFi Cares!
It's here! (Finally!) This year's drive marks a decade of MetaFilter's donations to New York Cares' Winter Wishes program. More details are inside, but for those in a hurry, here's the link right to the wish list. [more inside]
December 11
Winter Wishes Gift Drive - Coming Soon
Update today from houseofdanie, fearless organizer of the Winter Wishes Gift Drive: she's had some real-life setbacks that delayed the start this year, but it is happening. [more inside]
December 10
Fanfare and a Tone (?) question.
I don't mean this to be Tone policing, but there are two Book posts on Fanfare about Jodie Picoult and the framing of the posts feels .. off? [more inside]
Ask MeFi - follow up edition
I'm sure that I'm not alone in wondering how things work out in the case of particularly interesting Ask.MeFi posts. [more inside]
December 8
Metatalktail Hour: Stranger Things
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter – Euro Time Shift Edition! I'm filling in for Eyebrows to pose a topic suggested by holborne, who asks, "What are some memorable or funny (or both) interactions you've had with [non-threatening] strangers in public? (I thought of it mostly because I've had kind of adorable interactions with guys who handed me their newspapers on public transport after they caught me reading over their shoulders, although since no one really reads newspapers anymore that makes me old.)" [more inside]
December 6
The holidays are here and whether you celebrate Christmas or not, it's a time where people often spend money buying gifts for friends and family. I thought it would be cool to have a place where we might think of others. It'd be nice if we could share some links to places on the web, local organizations and communities that we can donate money to. It would signal boost these places and provide an opportunity to share some joy with others less fortunate than ourselves.
Fanfare Images?
A fair amount of the time, when I post something a little lower profile on FF, it does not properly load the poster. This is particularly true in the case of films. Is there a way we could verify the poster image (and/or upload one if one doesn't autoload) while making the post?
December 5
books section here?
Could we have a books section here that's not Fanfare (for nonfiction/history/deeper reading on things discussed in FPP for instance)? [more inside]
December 1
Metatalktail Hour: Local Food
Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, theora55 wants to know "what foods people love that are local. For instance, Columbus, Ohio, has sauerkraut balls, which are hella tasty, also, the jokes write themselves, albeit badly." [more inside]