July 2012 Archives (all archives)
July 31
Tina is rescued!
August best post contest
August 1st is tomorrow, and that means a new BEST POST CONTEST!!! [more inside]
July 30
MeFi Olympians?
Are there any MeFi Olympians? Olympics involved MeFites?
Interesting Profiles?
Is there a good collection of recent interesting/informative mefite profiles? If not can you all suggest some to me? [more inside]
July 29
How does the 'Related Posts' widget work?
Blockquotes being stripped?
It looks like <blockquote> tags are being stripped from comments. New Thing, or? [more inside]
July 28
Missing comments
Why are there comments (presumably undeleted) missing from this post? [more inside]
July 27
2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony
I just wanted to say to all US mefites: the 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony is a must watch. Danny Boyle has done us proud. [more inside]
Is My MetaFilter In My YouTube?
I thought there was a way to view a removed FPP? Do those land somewhere?
I was just enjoying a link that was posted, but now the FPP is gone! I assume it was removed.
July 26
The conservative mom comment
Where is that comment which wonderfully explains why women from conservative American families tend to have children much earlier than other women? It's probably at least a couple of years old, but I think it was heavily-favorited.
favourite songs in little known music genres
somewhere, I saw a post where people suggested their favourite songs in little known music genres. It was either here or I was reading http://youareasleep.thisisjustadream.metafilter.com. If I wasn't asleep, do you know the post? I can't google it down.
July 25
The Mefi guide to Reddit
Some mefite has a great guide to reddit on their user profile, that talks about getting rid of the default subreddits and a bunch of other tips that are good for a new reddit user. In fact I want to point a new reddit user to them, but I can't find a link to that user! Does anyone recall who it was?
I know, write it in a word processor, then copy/paste if you don't want to lose it.
Bug (or at least unexpected behaviour): deleting tags sends half-written comments to the aether. [more inside]
La la la la etc.
Tikirific's translation of "Excellent Horse-Like Lady (or: Well-Bred Horse Maiden)" was just published in the Atlantic as part of a story about Kim Jong Un's (rumoured) wife. [more inside]
Easy on the ostracism
I think this thread contains some needless personal attacks against Ironmouth, and this isn't how Metafilter should handle people with viewpoints that are against the grain. [more inside]
Health Month August 2012
July 24
Quelling ones Jobs-like tendencies
He displayed a graph of his mid-twenties existence, with the bar representing work towering over the one for personal life. Now that he’s 40, the bar heights are reversed. Mathowie, family man/firm rejector of corporate villiany, is featured in this month's Wired cover story.
As Balzac said, 'There goes another novel.'”
Last year, cortex went out of his way to quantify our participation on MetaFilter. I asked if he'd be willing to do it again, and he agreed. So if you want to know how many words you've typed into MetaFilter instead of that dissertation/novel/revolutionary manifesto, now is the time and here is the place.
July 23
One of These Things is Not Like the Others
Date Font Bug [more inside]
MeFites in Real Life: Acknowledge or No?
If I meet someone whose unusual real name I recognize from their profile, is it creepy to say "hey, I think I know you from Metafilter"? Or is it Not to Be Mentioned, like meeting one's therapist on the street?
Flag it and mov... errr.. different flag
I was reading through a thread about health care and thought how nice it would be to have a script that would put a national flag next to the user's name so I could keep track of what country they live in. Wondering if anyone out there with such skills would help make my wish come true IF it is even possible based on the information currently in user profiles.
Metafilter Fantasy Football Challenge 2012/2013
The stars are right and the signs have manifested, the annual ritual of the MetaFilter Fantasy Football lives again! If you had a team last year, just log back into it and you should automatically rejoin the league. Putting on your Premier League gaffer's shoes for the first time? Go to the the official site, create a team (it's free!), and join the league using the code 31925-10953. [more inside]
July 22
Malformed URLs get "fixed" in a weird way.
I've noticed that links that are incorrectly written seem to lead back to the thread rather than to the (usually easily guessable) URL. Is it possible to modify the behavior to enable the links to (usually) point to the right place? [more inside]
De mortuis nil nisi bonum?
I can understand closing a thread that becomes vitriolic, but there doesn't seem much point having obituary posts if we have to shy away from controversy - especially when the decedent notoriously embraced controversy himself.
Metafilter: Making Thing Better For A While Now™
This has been a crappy week, personally and (U.S.) nationally. But then I come to MeFi and see this Time Slip post and the comments, and things get a tiny bit better. [more inside]
July 20
I can't find a post from long ago...
Facebook and Metafilter comment pranks [more inside]
MeFiSwap 2012-2 The Swappening Mailing Deadline is Saturday July 21! Do it!
MeFiSwap 2012-2, The Swappening, is almost over! I'm on my way to the post office this afternoon to mail out my mixes, and I can't wait to dig in to all the mixes from the (put-together, ahead-of-the-game, super-awesome) swappers who have already mailed out. If you're signed up to swap, the mailing deadline is tomorrow, Saturday, July 21! [more inside]
Screamotron3000 maker shows up
Billy Hunt, the maker of the Screamotron3000 shows up in the thread to speak briefly on his creation and post a photo of it.
Fifty Shades of Eh?
I think there was a thread the other day where people started making 'Fifty Shades of Grey' jokes along the lines of 'Fifty Shades of Cray - the sexy supercomputer' and 'Fifty Shades of Tom DeLay - they don't call him The Hammer because of his statesmanship.' But now I can't find it. Am I hallucinating the whole thing?
Greatest weakness is baloney or bacon or actually a thoughtful answer
Someone once posted a link to or description of a good response to 'what's your greatest weakness' that remained polite while pointing out to the interviewer that it is maybe not a great question. [more inside]
U.S. Gun Control Policy Debate Thread
U.S. Gun Control Policy Debate Thread [more inside]
July 19
Metafilter: More people have been to Russia than we have
Let's collect a list of our favorite variants on "Metafilter: the mental equivalent of blue balls" that've been posted on the site so far! [more inside]
July 18
This isn't the advice you're looking for
Help me find AskMeFi questions where posters get advice that is nothing at all like what they would have expected. [more inside]
Finding out which airline has this issue
Would this be an appropriate AskMe? If not, do you know an alternate way to pursue the info? (The "doctors can't be women" airline thing.) [more inside]
Whoops! You've Been Flagged!
I use Metafilter on my phone a lot, and sometimes I mean to favorite a comment but I flag it by mistake, because the buttons to click on are tiny and right next to each other on the touchscreen. Oops! [more inside]
July 17
They had the web in 2004?
Is there a statue of limitations for something being a double post? [more inside]
I don't see what was wrong with my post, and I'd like to know why it got deleted.
Why was my post regarding the interview with the lifeguard working at the pool in Brooklyn deleted? I don't see anything wrong with it.
Return Of The DNS Bugs
I've tried deleting cookies, but I'm still getting DNS issues connecting to the blue today; it's been buggy all day. (Kind of like with this MeTa a year ago.) Am I the only one? (Hope not, because I'm at work....)
It's raining.... babies.....
July 16
Make all links a hole in one. (sorry, that was terrible)
Pony Request - is it possible to automatically fix broken URLs that omit the "http://"? [more inside]
Romney/Wenlock 2012
Are we going to approach the Olympics the same way we approach the US elections? [more inside]
The only thing it lacked was a Chris Elliott cameo
July 15
Too much of a good thing
At what point does frequent posting devolve into spamming a thread? [more inside]
July 14
Also shares a birthday with France and Gustav Klimt.
Sharing a birthday with MetaFilter itself... saturnine's son, Henry! Welcome to the world, baby!
THIS Is when it starts to get awkward? Oh my....
Welcome to your teenage years, MetaFilter! [more inside]
July 13
Searching for a b&w short film posted to the blue
I'm looking for a short film posted on the blue sometime in the last 3 years featuring light projections and miniatures. [more inside]
You only have to realise the truth. There is no pan.
Following up my questions about a vanishing pan and a very odd modelling contract... [more inside]
why was my post deleted?
I wrote a post to AskMeFi asking if anybody wanted to translate some song lyrics into Spanish. My post was deleted and the deleter said it was really for jobs. I just thought somebody for the hell of it would want to do this. Did my post really require deletion?
Romney threads
Welcome to earth baby pinkstynxnohero
Congratulation to ThePinkSuperhero and stynxno on the birth of their first child yesterday. Their son could not have chosen better people to be his parents.
July 12
Anyone interested in creating a spin-off board for NYC MeFites? [more inside]
July 11
IRL alerts still buggy?
IRL alerts still buggy? I proposed a Los Angeles meetup earlier today, and just received a MeMail from a fellow L.A. Mefite to tell me that he didn't receive the usual IRL notification. [more inside]
Can we get notifications for deletions?
I would like to get memail notification of deleted comments which include the original text. [more inside]
throw apologetic in there
Comedian Myq Kaplan has joined metafilter to comment about our comments on his latest project! [more inside]
MetaFilter Shirts. For real, this time. Let's make it happen.
In March, we talked about a new round of t-shirts being made, Mat said that he'd "found a new printer/fulfillment operation that could do it." and then radio silence.
What needs to happen to make these a reality? Should we set up a projects to lock down/crowdsource design thoughts or slogan ideas? Matt would you consider delegating the creation to someone, if you don't have the time to make it happen?
What needs to happen to make these a reality? Should we set up a projects to lock down/crowdsource design thoughts or slogan ideas? Matt would you consider delegating the creation to someone, if you don't have the time to make it happen?
The Lethal Thread of 117781
Can't for the life of me figure out why this was deleted. Perhaps a less cryptic reason would help because this one was totally not obvious.
July 10
Best Of v. Sidebar
Given the existence of the BestOf blog (which is lovely) what is the current role of the (also lovely, of course!) Sidebar? Is the Sidebar now like the Best Of BestOf? Or are they for featuring different sorts of things?
July 9
Login issues on the iPad
When I use MeFi on my iPad (a first year model, non-3G variety), and do anything from search to post a comment, I am prompted to retype my login credentials, even though I am already logged in. This started about a month ago. This doesn't happen on any other devices. Help?
High heels are a physiological disaster.
I am surprised that the "are high heels sexist?" question was deleted as chatfilter, but the "what is 'female energy,' when it comes to cities?" question is staying up. [more inside]
July 8
MeFi's own? Really?
Who are "MeFi's own"? [more inside]
Nearby Users && Social Explorer
Can we combine nearby users with the social explorer? [more inside]
jscalzi: we knew him when
Batman tickets in NYC
An odd giveaway. A New York Area MeFite writes to us "I have two tickets to see the AMC Batman triple feature on July 19 in New York City. Unfortunately, due to personal circumstances I can't go anymore, so I thought I'd give them to you guys if you want to give them away." [more inside]
July 7
Nuts to you!!
So suggesting castrating male bankers is acceptable now? Good to know. I'll be sure to suggest similar solutions to other problems. [more inside]
'x new comments, show' - time elapsed?
When viewing threads on the mobile version of the site, how much time elapses before the 'x new comments, show' thingy displays? Same question for 'No recent updates. Reload to check for new comments.' (unless the time elapsed is the same for both).
July 6
Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!
Has a thread ever hit the wall? That is, still been active and chatty (with more than two participants) when it was time for auto-archiving?
Anyone home?
Feature request: "last active on:" or "active member" field on user profile page [more inside]
July 5
Does responding to a comment automatically make something "chat"?
Does responding to a comment automatically make something "chat"? [more inside]
Why am I being logged out?
When I go from one area of the site to another- for example, from the AskMe front page to the MetaTalk front page- I suddenly find myself logged out. Is this a Known Issue? What can I do do fix it? [more inside]
July 4
Balsa aeroplanes
I remember seeing a very pretty video of model planes made out of clingfilm and balsa wood, and driven by rubber bands, flying around in an indoor hall for as long as 30 minutes. My search-fu fails me, though. I can find some videos of these "indoor duration" planes, but what I'm looking for is a particular one with fairly high production values. Anyone remember this?
Bug with IRL alerts?
Bug? At last night's meetup in Hollywood, multiple attendees remarked that they did not get an IRL alert even though they've enabled it and have (sometimes) gotten alerts in the past. (More than half of the attendees showed because I memailed them about it.)
Thread disappear? Halp?
Can't find a very recent post about kindle allowing amazon and / or publishers to see exactly how people are reading books - can anyone point me in the right direction? Am I just going crazy?
July 3
I'm afraid of Americanisms
This comment got me thinking about regional slang and different dialects of English on MetaFilter. [more inside]
this is not a chawade
What was that tag where... [more inside]
July 2
What more was there to say?
I said "fuck you" and got deleted. [more inside]
The purple.
demographic mismatch, or possible meetup activity?
Hey, that's my song!
Mefi Music appearing automatically and streaming from Hype Machine -- what's the deal? [more inside]
Facing the Auditors
Metafilter's own Charles Stross: Ask him anything (Previously on the blue, seems like it might be a better fit here)
July 1
Moving the "Older" and "Newer" navigation bar to the top?
Possible pony: Moving the "Older" and "Newer" navigation bar to the top? [more inside]