February 9

Email links encryption and comment count questions

I have two issues. First, shouldn't the email link on the user pages be encrypted to make it harder for spam robots to collect the address? Second, why isn't the comment count on user pages updated when threads are deleted? I have 4 Metatalk comments listed, but only two of them are still online.

Distilling Metafilter

I have an idea for a blog and wanted to get some feedback. Metafilter often creates great threads with each poster adding additional links and insights but one has to dig through the noise and do a lot of reconstruction to get the good bits. The idea for the blog would be a meta summary of certain threads pulling all the good links, quotes and ideas together in single post, a sort of "best-of" with appropriate footnoting for recognition of contribution. This would take some writing skill. The summary thread can then be TB'd on a separate blog so readers of metafilter would have access and because it is a "best-of" it would have more permanence and a chance for additional contributions. Thoughts?

February 8

HTML problems

Bold tag does not close if within an anchored link.

Bug with italics button

Italics button inserts italics into text instead of comment box.

MeFi keyboard shortcuts in Mozilla

If you're using a nightly build of Mozilla (anything released after Jan. 8th) you should now have keyboard and iconic shortcuts at MetaFilter, just like in IE for windows.

February 7

Problems with NetNewsWire Lite RSS

Has anyone else noted that as of this morning NetNewsWire Lite (Mac OS X RSS reader) can't parse Metafilter's RSS feed?

Unfortunately all I get from the app is "The XML parser could not parse the RSS data." It worked yesterday, though.

Congratulations on being civil.

Congratulations to all who participated in the recent thread on evangelical Christians and why people dislike them. The level of constructive dialogue on all sides of the issue was truly miraculous ...hehe. Why did this thread succeed when so many other religious threads quickly degrade into vicious flamewars?

The link to this loud website needs a warning!

Warning: this link involves music/sound/voices/heavy breathing that will make you jump and scramble to close the window before your coworkers hear.

February 6

What ever happened to quite rational discussion?

I'm slightly disturbed by the vitriol suddenly on display here. What ever happened to quite, rational discussion? [more]

What is the policy re accesing previously deleted posts and their deletion justifications?

What is the policy re accesing previously deleted posts and their deletion justifications? Is there a listing somewhere ? (Could be good for learning by negative example, although certainly defeats the purpose since accesing previously deleted posts means they have not really been deleted.)

stupid "smartquotes" in this thread are breaking Metafilter's RSS feed

It looks like the stupid "smartquotes" in this thread are breaking Metafilter's RSS feed (or at least Syndirella's ability to parse it).


23324 - The Grand Cabaret : apparently deleted because "It's just you. Really." Are we saying that it was deleted because everyone disagreed with the poster (they didn't) or because it was likely to offend people (which many other threads risk).

Personally, my brain can't cope when The Sun can run a sensible article about bigger women while MetaFilter responds with "yuckkkkkkkkkkkkk".

February 5

NYC Karaoke meetup

MeFiNYC - Karaoke on March 22nd. Please pick a karaoke place. The date and type of venue are set.

23328 deleted becuase of "real time" wth?

23328 deleted becuase of "real time" wth?

February 4

Nothing is being posted?

I've "previewed"... hit "post", the button reacts, the aura around the button glows, but nothing is sent as far as a reply is concerned.


Halfway down the thread, the indent disappears and the remainder replies are flush hard left.

Could this be my problem?

er, our problem?


Calling Out Doubleposts





read the instructions!

On preview: who cares?

On preview: who cares? [more inside]

Los Angeles Meetup

There was previously discussion of having a MeFiLA gathering on February 15. Shall we make this happen?

February 3

Interesting gimmick, but not sustainable

I understand the point of the Enduring Freedom casualty count thread and admittedly admire its style. But I'm not sure trivia questions are appropriate as Metafilter posts, if only because it necessitates moderating one's own thread, which we are generally discouraged from doing here.

What if you get someone else to post your otherwise-self-link?

Aladfar makes an interesting point:

And here's the thing about self links: This was an interesting project that, were it linked by someone other than the author, would be absolutely fine on MeFi. Would it be better to ask someone else to link for you in an effort to circumvent the "rules"?

How do we feel about logrolling?

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