February 13

Title bug

Slight problem with the new titles. In Moz (1.2.1) When you center click the link while the title is up, it doesn't go away.

They aren't perfect, but they are out there.

Resources. They aren't perfect, but they are out there. Problem is, nobody knows about 'em. Might I ask the relatively simple pony of a front-page resources link?

Why was my post deleted?

Can I ask why my post about Pat Robertson having prostate cancer was pulled?

You can get in the Australian newspaper for calling judges "stoopit assblankets" on MeFi.

Oh sweet jeebus. I have nobody but myself to blame. Enjoy.

February 12

The title attribute should probably not be used as footnotes or for excerpts.

The title attribute should probably not be used as footnotes or for excerpts. Discuss.

I just updated Surfari and Mefi has gone all big on me

I just updated Surfari and Mefi has gone all big on me. The first beta meant adjusting to a smaller font for Mefi when compared to IE; now the two are identical in appearance. I miss that slimming look but a change to my user settings on Mefi has no effect nor does a change to Safari's preferences. Should I just move my chair back?

MeFi in Nashville Scene

Nice mention of Metafilter in the Nashville Scene.

white on blue, black on white

When viewing Metafilter's home page using Mozilla 1.3 or Netscape 7.1, the background/font colors change from white text on blue, to a white background with black text when I log in. This is very painful for me to view. I've tried deleting cookies, resetting preferences, etc. Or is this is a new "feature"?

External links in new tab

Would it be possible to have external links open in a new tab in my browser, instead of a new window or the same window? I don't know if this feature is available outside of Mozilla/Netscape, but it would save me a lot of right-clicking. Or am I the only one who uses tabbed browsing?

Bomb the fuck away.

Is this acceptable? I tried to levy what I thought was a reasonable, if salty, criticism against this member for a previous comment, and I get called some colourful names. I thought the majority of the comments in the thread were a civil and rational blend of discussion, agreement and disagreement, so it made me a bit sad, though not really surprised, to see such a response, and to see it supported by another member.

Nice posts, but extremely aggravating titles.

Nice posts, but extremely aggravating titles.

February 11

one doozy of a page

I got sent here in trying to find the post on stupid baby names, and got one doozy of a page as a result. Does this look extremely messed-up to the rest of you? I'm on Netscape 7.0 on Mac OS 9.

What do y'all think about mouseovers in fpps?

Grab a modern browser (looks best in mozilla) and try hover over some of the links shown here in y2karl's posts. Is this annoying or informative? [code from here]

[This Is Good] script bug

This may not be strictly a Mefi bug, but...
I wanted to use the [This Is Good] script for the first time today, on this thread, and found the following error message:

"Sorry, something's broken.

Don't know why, but this script has stopped adding new posts to the database, and I'm too busy with Christmas right now to figure it out. I'll work on it soon after the Holidays, I promise. Sorry!

So, all the other users of that script - in that thread and others - I guess it ain't doing what ya thought, sadly. Is it something on the Mefi end thats causing it to freak out?

Weird TB ping problem

Ping ping ping! Weird TB ping problem, couldn't find anyone else having the same problem here in MetaTalk. I tried Trackbacking the thread (I linked to it in my post, and MT (yes, version 2.51) automatically found the TB URL) instead of cut and pasting the URL in the "URLs to Ping" post area, or using the MT bookmarklet.

Found a typo, deleted the MeFi TB URL in the "URLs to Ping" area when I re-saved, and it repinged Metafilter. Also strange: when I click on Previously Sent Pings in MT on the entry, it doesn't list that any were successfully sent. Haven't had this problem Trackbacking any other blogs, because when I send a ping to other sites, it appears to get sent "successfully," and no longer appears in the "URLs to Ping" area, it moves to the 'Previously Sent Pings" locale. Anyone else? I think the shuttle thread had this problem, too.

the ColdFusion finger

Weird. I can access MeFi just fine through status.metafilter.com or metatalk.metafilter.com, but www.metafilter.com has only been giving me the ColdFusion finger for a few days.

Error Occurred While Processing Request
The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a programming error, either in your code or some system code.
The error occurred in C:\metafilter sites\www.metafilter.com\Application.cfm: line 4

2 : clientmanagement="Yes"
3 : sessionmanagement="Yes"
4 : setclientcookies="Yes">
5 :
6 :

Anyone else ?

Someone posted using my handle!

Someone nicked my nick {more inside}

Enough of the Iraq posts already....

Enough is enough.

February 10

Last one left turns off the light

Despite MetaFilter's honourable roots and tradition, I get the feeling that a significant and increasing amount of members has no interest whatsoever in web design, computers, blogs, programming or, in fact, anything remotely technical or even geeky. A few seem to be unimpressed by the Internet itself. Are we witnessing the secularization of MetaFilter? Is our future broadly cultural and political rather than Web-specific?

Gay intolerance in threads?

I wonder where this is going?

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