October 15

furthering marginalization

im not happy with the fpp treating the homeless as though they were vermin. out of order.
(dont know how to link to it)

help me with posting a link in a thread

I'm new to this so I was wondering if someone could help me with posting a link in a thread. When the prompt comes up for the url, I copy and paste it. But when I preview it, it doesn't come out as a link but the whole thing with the brackets and all. (I don't know what you call that) I figured it would come out ok as the link when it was posted, but it didn't. Could someone please tell me with what I'm doing wrong?

October 14

Textad for porn site

Not that I want to question Matt... and not that I want to seem like the cranky old fundamentalist complaining (and it be far from the truth), but there is a TextAd for a porn site, and I am just wondering about the appropriateness of that.

Why did you remove my post?

i don't get it. my link to this site and my commentary about tasteless domain squatting was removed. not that i'm complaining (much), just wondering what's up.

br clear bug

Posts which contain [br clear=all] (but, you know, with sharp pointy brackets) cause the following text on the front page to drop below the side bar in IE6 (Win XP).

Also, how does the 'clear=all' benefit the 'br' tag?

October 12

MeFi projects archive (mailing list)

mefi-projects (a mailing list for members to anounce their own pet projects) now has an archive [various apologies + caveats inside].

This is definitely now how we do an update

Something really got your knickers in a knot? Well, then, don't just put it on the front page once. Wait one day and post an update. Note that in this case, the update's new information is a week old and was already posted in the original thread.

October 11

Can we stop with the ad hominem comments, please?

Grrr. Can we stop with the ad hominem comments, please? You don't need to repeat someone's "It's ugly!" comment over and over again. And over again. And then again. And then repeat the last person who said it again. And then repeat the repeat. And quote the last repeat to agree with it. And then say ditto. (See how annoying that gets?)

Probably a better question: Do we have guidelines for posting a good comment? Should we?

What is the MetaFilter styleguide on capitalization of titles?

Looking at MetaFilter's front page, one finds an awesome variety of styles regarding capitalization of titles. Is there a preferred style? Which one better enhances readability? I'm not proposing uniformization - just asking what fellow members find most congenial.

October 10

happy birthday matt

happy birthday matt... i tried so hard to find you a pony...

Bookmarklets: secret knowledge sought

Does anybody know how to make bookmarklets? (Also here.) I have an idea for a great one for Metafilter users.

I, like many, use lo-fi me-fi almost exclusively. It's easier on the server, it's easier on my eyes, and it's not so obviously "not work." But when I want to post a comment, in lo-fi, I have to go up to the URL bar and delete the string "comments_deleted." from the URL and click Enter to bring up the comment window. A bookmarklet that did this would allow me to bring up that comment window with a single click to the links toolbar (IE6) -- and perhaps strip out the color at the same time? Anyone?

Spooky. Senile? Deleted.

Pretty sure it wasn't a senior moment. Rather, I think I just had an Orwellian moment. What happened to the thread at www.metafilter.com/mefi/20692, regarding Kuwaiti opinions? It now says "...a non-existent post, or one that was deleted for various reasons."


Is this a self-link?

Is linking to your employer's site within a post a self-link?

October 9

Be careful what you wish for

Bug: If you set your prefs to show 99 days of posts, the front page shows 99 days of posts, thereby taking forever and making the server pretty unhappy, I bet. There should be some max built in there.

Suggestion: Set login cookie domains to ".metafilter.com" (note the two periods), so logins will work at metafilter.com, www.metafilter.com, and metatalk.metafilter.com.

Server Outage?

MeFi outage last night from about 8 p.m. PDT until 10 when I logged off and went to bed . Just me or anyone else?

Time to cry FridayFilter?

The news posts have pretty much dissapeared (huzzah). But what's taken their place? I know "we've already discussed this" already, but there have been a few "Friday" posts in the past few non-Fridays. They're usually great fun, but I'm not getting any work done. Time to cry FridayFilter? But seriously folks, what makes a "Friday" post? Sillyness, flash, fun?

Internal errors in MetaFilter and MetaTalk

Ehh, what's up, mat? Both metafilter and metatalk seem to be internal-erroring at random places, sometimes all you get is an error, sometimes it shows part of the page and then prints the error and quits half way through. This happens both with opera and lynx.

October 8

Special characters

I “think” spéciàl chàràctérs shöuld wörk nöw, thöugh it's pröbably töö éàrly tö sày the böxés and quéstiön marks will be göné. That'll be £5 or 1000¥ or €3.5.

MeFi user survey about MeTa topics?

How about a MetaFilter user survey about some of the ideas that have been bandied about in MetaTalk lately: recommending or rating posts, enforced posting delays, giving better posters higher posting frequency, etc.

October 7

Why so much Nazi referencing?

So, when do Nazi references become gratuitous?

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