October 7

Cardoso's 2nd Law

A Possible New Law: The fewer the comments, the better and more generous the post.[More Inside]

Looking for a fake phone number post

I'm almost certain that I saw this website posted to metafilter maybe 8 months to a year ago - a girl goes to a bar and guys are asking her for her home number. Rather than give them her real number she gives them the phone number from this website. When the man(they had a number for women too) calls he gets the answering machine message saying that they aren't interested in that person and not to call again(or something to that effect). The great part about the website is that a lot of times people ended up leaving a message and those messages were on the site to listen to in mp3 format. It was hilarious. I think I remember the number was a NYC 212 number and it was designed in a purple/pink/blue. I've searched all over metafilter and even tried Google but I can't seem to find it. I bookmarked it ages ago but several HD crashes later it's no longer around. If anyone can find it w/your great skills it would be very much appreciated.

Did we all stop reading this blog?

Wierdest thing. Checking the site meter for the weblog mentioned in this thread, it doesn't look like anyone is visiting from here. How does that work? Is there some kind of block in place? Are we the 'unknown' quantity?

How can I fix my misspelled user name?

I am an idiot and misspelled my user name. I ignored it first and now it is really bothering me. I need to add another L in the middle, it should be Woollcott'sKindredGal. Any idea how I can fix this without being a pain in the ass to Matt?

Take it to Sportsfilter

Here's a fun brain teaser for ya. Wouldn't sports oriented front page posts like this and this be better suited in SportsFilter? And if not, why not?

UI issue in MeFi search

Hardly Life Threatening......but..........

Orwell's Notes on Nationalism and... Metafilter

I'm re-reading Orwell's Notes on Nationalism and I couldn't help thinking of Metafilter- more inside


Item! (just kidding) Why don't we keep simple one-word posts to the most provocative current events on the sideblog? [more inside]

October 5

How long do we wait for what's inside?

So here's a minor issue, strictly for decompression purposes: How long should we wait for someone to post his/her "More Inside" supplement? Matt recently rebuked ZachsMind and indeed deleted his offending comment because he leapt too soon, saying: "(...)you didn't wait until I had gotten my chance to finish my "more" post(...)". Yesterday y2Karl played the same trick on me.

Should it be ten or fifteen minutes? Or doesn't it matter? My own opinion is that one should just wait until the supplement is posted - unless it's demonstrably not forthcoming. Isn't jumping the gun just another version of annoying, pre-emptive thread sabotage? Or is it, somehow, fun?

Cool it with the "NewsFilter" shit, ok?

Cool it with the "NewsFilter" shit, ok? [more]

Fat through Short: Metafilterists as Common Populace

Fat or short , it seems like Metafilter is the internet's answer to the island of misfit nerds. As a short guy (we prefer the term "diminutive"), I'm curious about how many of the 16000 of us would be condidered "average" people. Can the members of MetaFilter be considered a fair cross-section of the population?

October 4

But, I thought MeFi was *about* the news


I'm new. Been here a month or so. I'm not even sure if it's appropriate for me to post this here, now, but damn the torpedoes, or whatever. I bought my account, because I had been reading metafilter for almost a year and wanted to join in the discussion.

I'm seeing a lot of discussion about too much news, too many links posted to the front page.

But, I thought MeFi was *about* the news. If it's not, what is it, then?

And it occurs to me that the whole point of having loose guidelines with anyone being able to post to the front page is so that the site can grow and change.

That's organic, and that's the point isn't it? That it's not plastic with karma whores and it's not a newsgroup with trolls and spammers.

Do you want the group to evolve over time or not? And if not, what do you want? I think I've read all the faqs and things I'm supposed to read, but apparently I still don't get it. Because I don't understand what the oldtimers are upset about.

And this isn't to stir up controversy, but I'm looking to be enlightened. Have the few things I posted to the main page been out of place? How about some new guidelines for us newbies?

Double? Where was the first?

This was apparently a double-post, but I can't find the original post anywhere on the FP. Was it deleted, or is there just a problem with my browser?

if you could filter mefi, how?

if you could filter mefi, how? more inside.

Is it really true that older MetaFilterians are leaving in droves?

Reality Check Time: Is it really true that older MetaFilterians are leaving in droves? Apart from Evanizer [Is there anything we can to do get him back? Like compiling our favourite Evanizer moments?], my own perception is that they're not. At least one valued member (y6y6y6) has returned. Although it's increasingly repeated, here and elsewhere (and in danger of becoming a blotter-meme for every random drop of dissatisfaction leaked by users everywhere), how many older members have actually upped and gone since the recent influx of newbies, as the proto-meme pretends? And, if some have indeed left, does anyone know in which green pastures they now roam?

October 3

MetaFilter And Metatalk Taglines

The Hopefully Somewhat Complete As Of Right Now List of MetaFilter And Metatalk Taglines, as tirelessly collected by dg. These are fabulous! We have such poets amongst us.

Already read the NYT today

Of the 20 posts made to MetaFilter today, the majority are based solely or primarily on 17 links to major newspapers and/or other news sources on the Web. Three Yahoo news links, two Washington Post links, yet another dead-or-abused-child thread. [More inside.]

Post meh, discussion makes it worthwhile.

In the interest of having a positive example in MetaTalk (rare, I know), I put forth this example. I thought the phrasing of the original link was sub-standard, but after the first few comments the discussion was positive and, as so often happens here, a member with a more in-depth knowledge of the field helped the understanding of others.

I also thought it might be worth mentioning so that those who are upset by his politics and (debatable) trolling can see that fold_and_mutilate does contribute positively in other ways.

"an average day in the life of mathowie?"

Matt, have you ever thought of detailing "an average day in the life of administering MetaFilter?" [more inside]

October 2

I wanted a themed profile

So, there doesn't seem to be anything in Metafilter policy *banning* it- how does one "theme" one's user page like Danelope ?

BTW it's wacked yo in IE 5 for Mac

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