October 2

Posted old material - is this OK?

After I posted this link, I noticed it was a year old. It's not a repost, but is this bad form?

any similar paper/screen elevatory quirks as they write?

I have a theory about my own laspes in grammar: whenever I'm applying text to paper, I can easily iron out my flubs with a high degree of accuracy. But once I begin typing onscreen or with a typewriter, my proofreader's eye is more prone to falter.

I suspect this is due to the differences between horizontal and vertical perception; while focusing upon the words as they are produced, it seems that anything beyond a 45 degree angle triggers off an odd left/right hemispherical conflict. But it would be just my luck to have an "shielded" LCD screen for my web work.

Has anyone else notices any similar paper/screen elevatory quirks as they write?

October 1

Is a Single Product Link Okay?

So a single product link (that's been linked before) is okay now? Or is it only because its "benbrown"? Curious.

Biased reading of article?


Some people are letting their politics get away with them. And it's not like they're a newly minted user either.

What's up with that?

turlyming drive failure

turlyming.com (metafilter.com's primary mx, primary/secondary ns, and #mefi host) suffered a drive failure yesterday. while matt has his bases covered, you may still experience minor delays in ns lookups for metafilter.com addresses and of course, the irc channel is unavailable until i can rebuild the box.

September 30

self-link in comments crosses line to self-promotion

When does a self link inside the comments of a post every now and then border on sheer un-adulterated pimping of your personal site? More than half of this guy's comments are links to his own site.

I know what's with the boxes

If you thought I was going to be a typical neophyte/scumbag and ask "What's with the boxes?" then you're sadly mistaken, my friends. I know full-well it's old hat, and that's why you won't hear a peep out of me.

September 27

Userpage Error

I am trying to add information to my userpage and I get the following error:
Variable USER_MATCH is undefined.
The Error Occurred in C:\metafilter sites\www.metafilter.com\contribute\customize_action.cfm: line 59

Why was my post deleted?

I'm confused. I posted what I thought was a typical interesting link, but I guess it didn't pass muster, since it was dumped. What gives?

(I linked to it from my K5 diary. Now I have cleanup there to do.)

Welcome New Member banner?

Now that membership has opened again, how about greeting new members on the front page just after they've joined with something like, 'Metafilter welcomes [insert link to username and profile'. It's always good to get a hug when you arrive at a party.

Is crackheadmatt matthowie's alias?

Is crackheadmatt matthowie's alias?

moratorium on all the internal squabbling?

Please can we have a moratorium on all the internal squabbling? I thought that was what Metatalk was for. This morning there are two posts (so far) in which the comments have devolved into little more than how bad the original post is. Can't we just let Matt delete the bad threads?

MetaFilter has been included in MSNBC.com's "Best of Blogs"

MetaFilter has been included in MSNBC.com's "Best of Blogs" on their new Weblog Central page.

MeFi Swap

Another MeFi Swap anyone? (more inside)

September 26

Dead friend hot-or-not over the line

Culling of the heard. Can somthing be done about crackedheadmatts post to someone whos friend just died. "Was she hot?" -- over the line.

September 25

Problem with MeFi displaying really large text.

In Windows XP version 2002, using either Mozilla 1.1 or IE6, renders Metafilter with really big letters that make reading the site difficult. Anyone got any solutions?

Two self links in one post.

Two self links in one post. And they're kind of creepy, to boot. Not a particularly auspicious beginning for the 16K club.

Speed issues and Fark

So I noticed Metafilter was sloooow today, now I know why.

Should fictional posts be allowed to stand?

It's not a hoax, it's fiction. Marquis has apologized for any potential offense, and hey, it was cleverly done. Going forward, is a "fictional" post more appropriate for a blog? Does this exploit the membership for one's own purposes, however artistic? (But don't all posts do that?) Or is it a question of trust?

Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!

Being trolled from the outside

Is he baiting us? Noted ex-Mefite Steven Den Beste, in self-imposed exile, says he left because we got "stranger and stranger" and, according to him, the inmates are still running the asylum. Are we guilty of lefty groupthink, or is SDB focusing on the posts that annoy him and ignoring the diversity of opinions here, and quit in a huff because we wouldn't all agree with him? (Note: we've talked about him before on Metatalk.)

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