May 31

The jbushnell Challenge

Last year and the year before, in May, jbushnell started a MetaFilter thread asking what the coolest thing you could find on the web for X amount of dollars was, and offered to buy the thing he himself deemed "the coolest". jbushnell hasn't contributed to MetaFilter since last October, and May is just about over, so I doubt he plans to show up to post this challenge again. (more inside)

May 30

Mefi sending traffic my way

Huh? Here's this week's top ten referrals from my station's counter:

1. no referral

I've had people click on my show from my user page or comments, or even someone else's comment linking my show, but a no comment post from a year and four months before I found this place? And I can't see it having anything to do with any other show in the station, either, though some there do lurk here. What is up with that? Any clues?

NYC World Cup Meetup

I believe I'll be watching the France-Senegal World Cup match at 7:30 a.m. at Nevada Smith's on Third Avenue in NYC on Friday 31 May. Would anyone like to join me?

May 29

a 'news-oriented weblog'

While Googling around, I found this project, done by someone at Berkeley, using a Metafilter thread to point out various types of 'audience'. It seems to have been done to fulfill one of the assignments in this course, whose professor calls Metafilter a 'news-oriented weblog' in the syllabus (scroll down near the end of the page). Are you a "Sharer of News"? An "Idea Generator"? A "Quoter"? Or could you be a "Contrarian", or perhaps a "Humorist/Summarist"?

immense catalogue of samples and songs sought

Missing link. There once was an amazingly comprehensive website called Encyclopedia Breakanica (or some variation thereof), but a search on good ole Google just redirects me to Brittanica. The beauty of the site was the immense (and searchable) catalogue of samples and the songs in which they were used. I think it was even mentioned on MF in the last year or so.

If it has moved, has anyone seen it? If it is gone, I will sorely miss it...

fake tags break css

Fake tags break CSS. I assume it has to do with automatic tag closure. If it must be done, using [faketag]brackets[/faketag] seems safe.

Is anyone else having trouble posting comments today?

Is anyone else having trouble posting comments today, IE5/Mac, the preview works, and when I hit post, nothing happens?? Got rid of my cookies and relogged in, still does not work, any suggestions?

How do I deal with a cease and desist letter to my blog?

After 5 years online publishing hundreds of pages of content, my personal site has received a cease and desist letter from Barcelona candy company Zeta Espacial. I write about pop culture, and I am identified with the domain, personally and professionally. I have never tried to sell the domain to anyone, nor have I ever had its value appraised. Do I have any hope?

May 28

Don't Link to Low-Bandwidth Sites

A suggestion for 'what makes a good post': one in which the main link isn't to a highly bandwidth limited site, such as Tripod or a similar free host, unless you are able to mirror it to another, higher bandwidth site. Here's the most recent example, but there have been many. An hour after this was posted, it was already slashdotted, before the first comment had been made. This is just annoying and frustrating for those of us who weren't among the N lucky guys first at the gate.

Language callout

Or, more politely, shut the fuck right up.

Maybe you should tone down that language, it is uncalled for and i'm starting to think you might have a problem.

Is anyone else unable to login to MeFi, or am I just on Matt's shit list?

Is anyone else unable to login to MeFi, or am I just on Matt's shit list?

Spam the spammers!

In response to email-harvesters, how about implementing this as an invisiible link on each metafilter page. It generates an unlimited stream of bogus email addresses, thereby poluting the email list. Spam the spammers!

imminent death of Metafilter

Posited : that the 'imminent death of Metafilter' that has been so long and often predicted is finally beginning to happen. Exhibit A : A tiny truncated little MeTa flatpage. Exhibit B : An average of about 12 comments each for the limp and lackadaisical posts in the blue in the last 24 hours... Is the Fat Lady singing? Is that a croco-tear in my eye?

May 26

Deletion: ask and ye shall receive

Is it appropriate to ask that clavdiv's moronic, homophobic, 4-post dump on this thread be deleted?

May 24

Formatting gets messed up

On some threads, at the bottom usually, the formatting gets messed up, i guess it's some tag people put in, but i don't see it. after the switch happens i can no longer post in the thread, although i have seen other people continue a thread with bad formatting. just wondering what it is, and, if it's a bad tag, maybe people can start closing them.

Why was my post to deleted?

I posted a link on MeFi today to It is a website that features tons of buddy icons for AOL IM. Matt took it down and I can't figure out why. Any ideas?

I don't know about you, but I'm curious

I don't know about you, but I'm curious. The membercount has been hovering at 14000 for the last week (?) or so, and just this evening went to 14001. Strange that the profile for user 14001 says "member since: March 15, 2002." Is there an interesting story here, or do I just need another hobby?

May 23

Please delete the link to the Daniel Pearl video

Out of respect for the dead, and in the interest of keeping this community a respectable forum, could Matt please delete the link to the Daniel Pearl video . . . And perhaps place a moratorium on this kind of posting in the future? MetaFilter isn't Stile or, and I'd prefer the site not sink to that level.

What is RSS for, exactly?

So, I'm digging mefi's RSS feed, and it finally inspired me to find out what RSS is really about. The whole idea seems so strange to me, though -- can I really just grab the feed and put it on another website? My problem is that I've seen more examples of RSS feeds being offered than examples of RSS being used. I tried to check out Ben Brown's thing, but it looks broken. None of the other mentions of RSS here on MetaTalk helped answer my question.

Tired of the prison rape discussion

The next time someone posts with glee about a criminal being subjected to violent penile colonization, turning the discussion immediately into a referendum on the subject of prison rape (#1 #2), I hope that person has to spend quality pound-in-the-ass time in MetaTalk as rodii's bitch.

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