June 9

RSS: next big thing, or nothing?

Recent thread on RSS was a real eye opener. The ever growing mass of great blog material to read is making it impossible to keep up. With abundant tools now available for the blog writer, more and better tools are needed for the blog reader, or one will be forever swamped. (Another good summary on how RSS can help here, another good aggregator/reader here. , don't think either were mentioned in recent thread)

June 7

A-list drama

Matt Welch hauls Ty Webb to the woodshed. A few weeks back, Matt wrote an article for Reason magazine, in which he discussed his observations of the Nader campaign on election night 2000. Ty has twice now claimed the story is but a figment of Matt's imagination. Matt is none too happy about the accusation. Apologies? Explanations? And when we are personally involved in the subject we're discussing, what is/should be our duty to get all the facts before posting?

June 6

One of our favorite words

One of our favorite words.

Some people use it on Metafilter and get called on the carpet for it in MetaTalk. Others write songs about it, create newsgroups about it, or even (Miguel, I sense your hand in this) name cocktails after it. These guys get it. These guys, I'm not so sure.

is there any way one can delete a thread one posted?

is there any way one can delete a thread one posted? i am the idiot behind the daniel pearl video rationalization thread that's clogging up the front page and had i realised the page i linked to included screen grabs i would have marked it as such. i shouldn't have linked to it anyway and i would really like to end my own embarrassment by taking it down.

Weblog FAQK

As always, the Brunching Shuttlecocks nail it, with their Weblog FAQK (spelling theirs.) Excerpt: "Weblogs cover a wide range of topics, such as other weblogs, what the mainstream media are saying about weblogging, new weblogs, advances in weblog publishing, books about weblogging, the future of weblogging, and that one naked guy painted up like Spider-Man."

Toronto Meetup

Anyone in Toronto? I'm going to be there at a business conference June 9-12, so you could have a party for me.. uh, I mean a Metafilter gathering.

Argh, another Israel/Palestine post!

The I/P FPP nightmare is back with a vengeance. Three of them only yesterday. Even Evanizer can't stand this anymore. I know it's been discussed before, but what about a limit of let's say 2 I/P threads a day? Since they become painful flame wars anyway, 2 is more than enough isn't it?

I do not care for the recent upsurge in images being posted to threads.

Am I the only one who does not care for the recent upsurge in images being posted to threads? I hate to sound like my grandfather yelling at the kids in his yard, but it really irks me. I come here to read, not look at stupid images of Barney, fox medals and purses. Although, looking for the specific examples of the last two, maybe Matt has been deleting them?

June 5

Vancouver Meetup

Calling all Vancouver MeFites! Are there any? [more inside]

Seattle Meetup

MeFiSea -- Metafilter Seattle get together, this Saturday, June 8th, at Gasworks Park. We have two picnic tables reserved starting at 10 am, but I figured we could show up around 5 or 6, have a little potluck and maybe retire to a nearby bar afterwards if the park rules against alcohol [and nearly everything else] seem too meddlesome. Sound good? See you all there.

Forbes Best of the Web

"The Good Life" - In there among Angling, Summer Camps, and Dating are "Web Logs". Forbes Best of the Web.

ReadMe link

ReadMe is your standard warning regarding the do's and don'ts of how readers should respond to blog output. Granted, MetaFilter promotes discussion, sometimes quite heated, but perhaps these are good rules of conduct for MeFites?

June 4

two requests

1. How about a standard notice when a comment is deleted from a thread? Replacing each deleted comment with "[comment deleted]" might make threads like this more understandable.
2) MeTa doesn't notice that I've set MeFi to open external links in a new window. External links don't always open from comment preview pages, either, which causes a tiny moment of angst when I double-check links before posting. Am I missing something?

I want to be more Plastic

Since the proverbial "MeTa seal" has been broken, and posts are flowing freely again, I have a request for management. I frequent Plastic, and their commenting structure intrigues me. You have the ability to comment to a specific comment within the thread, or create a free-standing comment. Is it possible for MeFi to have the same/similar structure? That way, when a poster would like to comment specifically to another poster, there's no need to search the entire thread for responses.

please don't do this

[Yes, here I go again]
So, now it's album announcements with uninformative links? I realize that there really aren't any more blockbusters that people have been waiting 20years for, at least until Christmas, but do we actually need a replacement?

And yet MetaFilter is a joy to read

Piling on clavdivs; piling on riviera; piling on fold_and_mutilate; piling on stavrosthewonderchicken; piling on rodii; piling on evanizer; piling on rcade; piling on bluetrain; piling and unpiling; back and forth; predictably lashing and then cuddling; the pack mentality rife; the mob rule always subjacent... This is what MetaTalk looks like after two weeks away.

And yet... and yet MetaFilter is a joy to read. I'd wished personalities weren't made into issues at the cost of issues themselves - issues are, after all, what MetaFilter does best - but then it struck me that perhaps MetaTalk is fulfilling its role as a sort of blotter-paper, soaking up all the displaced aggressiveness and natural human attrition and rivalry. And keeping MetaFilter clean, so to speak. Is this perverse or healthy in a leeching, purging sort of way? So - can this be talked about without thinking it's about somebody or another? Has MetaTalk been efficiently used so that MetaFilter can be MetaFilter? Is it being dumbed down and fouled up? And does it matter if the result over in the blue seems so successful?

June 1

E-Online is scraping MeFi for comments.

Remember when reporters used to contact general people and ask opinions? Well now it appears E-Online is just scraping MetaFilter for their comments.

So the question is... is MetaFilter a good venue for quick comments about news, or should reporters still be doing the leg work on their stories first?

Italian weblog directory

A nice Italian Weblog Directory if you feel like traveling. How much longer before it all becomes truly global?

May 31

interview of a nice young man we know

interview of a nice young man we know: "In many ways, I'm on the web today trying to capture that feeling of amazement seven years ago."

Domain Hijacking and Metafilter

It turns out that MacSlash.com was no more "hijacked" than succaland.com was "stolen" (despite what it says in the MetaFilter sideblog). Like k10k.com and poetrysoc.com, they let their domain expire and it was snapped up. Leslie Harpold says that hoopla.com and smug.com hadn't expired, and Verisign has not contradicted her, but true domain hijackings don't seem all that common, do they?

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