April 24

NYC Meetup

Reminder: NYC MeFi gathering *tomorrow night* at Pioneer (218 Bowery btw. Prince & Spring. 212.334.0484) 8PM.

MeFi mirrors Blogdex

Has anyone noticed that more and more Metafilter threads can basically be guaranteed to reflect Blogdex? I guess it's to be expected, but for some reason the predictability irks me.

web community admin for prez!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, but world leaders could take a lesson from the firm yet benevolent way in which Andrew admins his web community. And I'll save you the trouble, the "tractors are sexy" link is here.

No more I/P or P/I words from me for at least 10 days.

No more I/P or P/I words from me for at least 10 days. My quota has been exceeded.

April 23

MeFi on the Today show

Today on Today the guy who runs modestneeds.com talked about his site said he got thousands of hits after it was posted to Metafilter. I can't find a transcript though.

What did other mefiers do during the outage?

I'm curious, what did other mefiers do during the outage? I'm 1/3 through the first volume of a certain story by Proust, although to be fair I've had a lot of free time these past few days.

downtime ends

We're back!

Now what the hell happened?

April 21


Why not a Metatalk category for double posts. Apparently, some people get off on recognizing them; refering to a post being a double shouldn't be on Metafilter ever.


I have been reading about cookies, persistent logins, and session management lately and was curious how the MeFi code handles this. (Specifically, persistence of user information across sessions.) I couldn't find a description of this in any old MeTa threads.... [more inside]

Best of MeFi

Best of MeFi, would it be possible to revive it? Matt pointed out it was too much work to do it daily, and he already puts in way too much time and effort running this place. Perhaps it would be better if it was a weekly or a bi-weekly email, with a volunteer guest editor picking the threads. What do you think?

April 20

Mefi Poll on User Weblog

She's to modest to self-link to it, but the iconatrix has a fun mefi-related poll going at her own weblog(scroll down). So far only 5 people have answered and you know that ain't enough brothers and sisters...

Can we please have some mechanism to prevent double posts?

Can we please have some mechanism to prevent double posts? it's pretty simple to implement, and should'nt increase any load on the server... For example, this post has many double posts...

At the moment I can log into MetaTalk, but not MetaFilter

At the moment I can log into MetaTalk, but not MetaFilter. Is this a odd occurence on the server, or more likely, is my computer messed up?

A William Carlos Williams poem, with every line as a link?

A William Carlos Williams poem, with every line as a link? Apart from wasting a dozen lines of front page space, it strikes me that the contribution didn't engender much discussion aside from debating how annoying the post was.

April 19

Strong stuff!

"Strong Stuff" 2X? (Is this a subtle form of flaming?)

Where'd that post go?

so what happened to the asians offended by the A&F clothes story? There were 18 comments, but I never got to read them...

What would happen if you split MeFi into two "teams"?

What would happen if you split MeFi into two "teams", each a community of its own? This isn't a serious suggestion, but it's a fun possibility to entertain. More inside ยป

April 18

MetaFilter IRC chat.

Is the MeFi IRC chat still in use at all? (server: irc.metafilter.com, #mefi)

I've checked that and the old EFnet #metafilter channel a few times over the past week and no one seems to be hanging out in either.

Shoutout for Projects

I'd like to congratulate Jerry Kindall for his service to the Metafilter community: He runs the MeFi Projects Announcement list, which has recently begun announcing people for hire once a month. It was a year old on April 16. Thanks, Jerry.

Thread blending?

Would it be possible to "melt" some threads? Right now there are three threads all relating to the plane-hit-Milan-tower. Which one should I put my comments in? The first? The last? Malcom in the middle?

I have no idea on what the code behind Mefi allows (PHP?). Just an idea for similar cases that are bound to happen.

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