April 10

MeFi Swap

So I've sent out my MefiSwap mixes... has anyone else done the same? Or did this idea lose all accompanying interest?

How do you feel weblogs have changed the way that people interact with "news" and "the media?"

Hullo. Hate to bother you all like this, but...

I'm a student currently in the first part of my sophomore year at Northern Kentucky University. In my English class, we were given a very broad research paper, and I decided to narrow mine to weblogs. In particular, one aspect of weblogs: weblogs & the media. So, I'd like anyone who has an opinion on the matter to answer this one question:

How do you feel weblogs have changed the way that people interact with "news" and "the media?"

Thanks for reading this far.

Will MetaFilter soon be illegal?

Will MetaFilter soon be illegal? (or more likely Fark.COM)? The Ninth Circuit Count ruled in February that linking to copyrighted material was illegal. The actual ruling was that inline linking or framing of content (like Google Image Search) infringes on the public display rights for copyrighted material.
(more inside)

Are weblogger's really this interesting?

"He's a starving Unitarian librarian who just got married to the love of his life. She's a casual bisexual computer programmer suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. They have blogs"
Are weblogger's really this interesting? [from Green Gabbro, via LMG and kookymojo]

Weblog Nation

Wow! MetaFilter's Nikolai Nolan has put up a terrific web site called Weblog Nation that presents the weblogging dynamic and community in a fresh, uncomplicated way. MetaFilter gets royal treatment, of course - which is only fair. But the whole presentation is truly impressive, almost luxurious. The question is "Does it present too rosy a picture?". My own answer would definitely be no. We need uplifting stuff like this more than ever.

Why is this happening to me?

Any idea why this is presently happening on the front page? Is this caused the post, MetaFilter, or my browser? (Moz 0.9.9/Win2k.)

Tagging users with "warnings"

In AOL Instant Messenger there is the ability to 'warn' other users. Perhaps the ability to tag someone with a 'warning' and the subsequent monitoring of how many warnings people accumulate in a time frame could be an idea?

April 9

The sidebar page has a case of indentitis.

The sidebar page has a case of indentitis.

What would NewsFilter look like?

What would NewsFilter look like? [More inside.]

April 8

One word posts are annoying.

One word posts on the MeFi front page are in my opinion more annoying than those that are over 100 words long. I'd rather have too much information about what I'm about to click on rather than not enough. Discuss? Which do you prefer? Are there ever times when one word posts are acceptable?

Product Announcement Threads ...

Product Announcement Threads ...

April 7

How do we feel about opening new user sign-ups again?

Since Matt is getting a new server, he mentioned turning new sign-ups back on. How do we feel about this?

Human cloning story cloned from prior post

Apologies in advance to Matt but I'm curious why my human cloning story got pulled. Is it because it was a double post? Or is because it has been conclusively debunked? Or did it cross some other line?

Server Upgrades

Hopefully, this will mean the end to the server time-outs: I'm finally upgrading the server [more inside]

April 6

Web Hosting Question

Not really happy with Burlee, so I'm looking for a new web host. I've read the Web Hosting Talk forums - a bit too much "noise" there. (And yes, I've read this posting on Metatalk.)

Specially, I'm looking for a UNIX based host that will allow me to host several domains (including my weblog) with one account. (Separate domains/urls, no URL redirects, sub-domain forwarding, or other database tricks.) Not necessarily looking for a cheapie "unlimited bandwidth" type of host, just reliable and up-front (unlike Burlee).

So anyone care to offer another round of web hosting recommendations (or warnings)?

Montreal Meetup

While I quaver at the thought of beginning a thread doomed to be empty, perhaps some people will surprise me. Anyone interested in a Montreal-Ottawa-ish MeFiMeet? Toronto's a bit too far for me, but...

Boston Meetup

Feeling restless as the New England SpringTime (?) flirts with ya? Any Boston MetaFilterians up a for a Gathering?

How real-time blogging could change conferences

How real-time blogging could change conferences - thoughts from Esther Dyson.

Guidelines for contenious or inflammatory topics

All mapalm's posts this year have been about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; all of them pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli. The problem is that his editorializing is getting more and more heavy-handed. Today's post is downright inflammatory. In the thread, Sheauga's valiant attempts to provide background material were in vain. Can something be added to the guidelines asking posters to reserve their more contentious opinions for comments made in the thread?

Metafilter in The Guardian: "She's Dead! Yes!"

"Meanwhile the internet, as always, provided a sceptical alternative to the reverent coverage of the Queen Mother's death. Too sceptical for some, actually: Americans were among those revolted by certain threads on our own Guardian Unlimited website, where conversations began "Queen Mum Snuffs It" and "She's Dead! Yes!" Over at Metafilter one reader commented acidly: 'You have to be pretty sick to get off on the death of a 101-year old woman. But then, they are Guardian readers...' Oooh get you!"

Metafilter mentioned again in today's 'Web Life' section of 'The Guardian' [more inside]

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