February 6

Improved title element

If you have the poster's name when printing the TITLE element on a post's detail page, it'd be nice to have the window title be e.g. "MetaFilter | Comments on ParisParamus's post" instead of "MetaFilter | Comments on 14703". It'd let the browser's history list be more useful...

(Although of course you'd have to implement a sophisticated possessive-forming engine to avoid "s's" as in my bad example...)

Think of the potential power of MetaFilter

Willnot's pledge drive idea below got me thinking. Think of the potential power of MetaFilter (more >>)

February 5

So how about a Pledge Drive?

So how about a Pledge Drive? My local NPR station is begging for money again, and I was thinking - you know I'd rather give my $1/day (why that's not even enough for coffee) to MeFi. Currently the donation kitty is at $3,597. I bet we can get that up to $4,500 in no time. What do you say?

Comment Count Mismatch

Front page lists more comments than are actually in the thread. As of this writing there are 13 comments, according to the front page, but the inside page only shows eight.

pancakes are no longer funny

oh stop it with the pancakes already.

unicom followup

A while ago, chipr's fight to save his domain -- Unicom.com -- was linked to on the sidebar. Slashdot is now reporting that the judge on his case has decided in his favor. (Congrats, chip!)

Here is an article from John Dvorak from PC Magazine about blogging.

Here is an article from John Dvorak from PC Magazine about blogging.

February 4

Has the newly revamped WSJ online adopted the Metafilter post and comment process?

The newly revamped WSJ Online devotes much more individualized space for each of their columnists, including a detailed "About" biography, a "Personal Comment" space for each columnist, a "Recent Columns" section, a "Readers Response" section and weekly hosted "Online Debates". Said differently, it seems the online articles and commentaries are being treated by these journalists and their readers more like the Metafilterian post and comment process. Was the relaunch in part inspired by this place and others like it, and is this what professional news organizations now aspire to ? Maybe I'm just imagining things.

Time magazine columnist gets weblog.

oh, goodness, now even my mother will know about weblogging. Time magazine columnist gets weblog.


What would you who want a buffyfilter want? (I've got the url, a hosting provider and matt's permission...) i want to write it in perl/mysql, because i think that that would be fun. i have some ideas, but they are in my head.

Personally, I like news links.

It has been discussed. But can we do anything about it?
Personally, I like news links. And I'm guilty of linking CNN. But this is too much. I prefer slightly more obscure news sources when visiting MeFi.

February 3

Superbowl Spoilers

A plea from those of us in other countries - could you guys not give away the Superbowl results in a FPP next year?

About TextAds

I looked on the about page, the front page, and elsewhere, but could not find a single link to the adwords page. Big barrier to entry that.
Also, would it be possible to use the adwords on other sites by including a piece of code, etc?

Couple of obscure browser bugs

couple of obscure browser bugs

MeFiSea -- Bowling

MeFiSea -- Bowling, Sunset Bowl, February 10th. If last time is any indication, we are all of varying skill levels, so don't let lack of bowling know-how keep you away. What time works for everyone?

February 2

E-Z Trolling: What are the rules?

E-Z Trolling: What are the rules? [Nothing else inside, fuckwits!]

freerepublic is watching

Oh jesus, god, no. The worst has happened.

Is MetaFilter/MetaTalk's blue/gray color scheme an allusion to the Civil War?

Is MetaFilter/MetaTalk's much-beloved blue/gray color scheme a subtle allusion to the Civil War?

Remixing the pancake batter

How to fix what's wrong with MetaFilter

February 1

Deleted but still on front page

This thread still appears on the front page (after several refreshes), but clicking on the comments gives you the standard "Nothing to see here" thread deletion page.

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