February 1

Deleted but still on front page

This thread still appears on the front page (after several refreshes), but clicking on the comments gives you the standard "Nothing to see here" thread deletion page.

Delay of allowing comments pony?

Stop me if you've heard this one before...

A lot of angst/anxiety/breast-beating/whining/etc. has been made over the apparent knee-jerk quality of the responses to FPPs. People rush to get that first (usually obvious, especially if obvious) witty/snarky comment in, often resulting in thread hijack. This can happen within seconds of the original post, making the likelyhood that the commentor has actually looked at/read the FPP's link(s) highly questionable. Perhaps this could be remedied by instituting a "No Comment Period"? A delay of say an hour or so before anyone was allowed to post a comment, during which time people who were interested could read the links and assemble their responses/comments. (More inside)

Manila Meetup

Sorry for this super last minute invitation, but: if you live in or are visiting Manila and have a blog or journal, a bunch of us (most of whom are MetaFilterians) are getting together for lunch tomorrow -- February 2, 11:30 a.m. at Press Cafe (inside Page One bookstore) at the Power Plant Mall in Rockwell, Makati.

mefi channels?

Is this an old idea? Make a series of littler mefis, maybe mefi channels, run by Matt-designated hosts.

January 31

Imminent demise of Metafilter predicted in 2002....

Imminent death of MetaFilter predicted.

penalty box

Penalty box, if not outright removal from the playing field?

Possible double post. The same topic if not the same link.

Possible double post. The same topic if not the same link.

This post of January 23rd seems to be the same as my post of December 10th.

Does anyone know why my post was deleted?

Does anyone know why my post...

"YayDir Blog Directory down until further notice. Not that anyone would notice (except me apparently)."

was deleted. Thanks!!!

LJ/MeFi active users?

crap! don't know if this goes under 'general:weblog' or 'metafilter:metafilter related'.

anyways, i'm one of those filthy, filthy livejournal users, and listed in my interests is 'metafilter'. out of the thousands of people who use lj, i've found there's a total of 8 people that share such an interest. but... i'm not sure if they're actually active members. so my question is... is there anyone here that IS both an active user of both mefi and lj, or do they cancel each other out?

counting own comments in new comments?

I think not counting own comments as new comments is actually big of a deal.

What are you doing with your blog?

A question on new web technologies: What new stuff are you guys implementing in your blogs. On my end, I've been dealing with moving my site to an XHTML code-base and looking at stuff like RDF, but I'm wondering what the rest of the community out there is doing. Web Services? SOAP? Any other stuff? I'm trying to figure out new stuff to add to my site and was wondering what the rest of you were looking into.

how to send a ping to changes.xml

Having recently switched from Movable Type to b2, I was wondering how I can send a ping to changes.xml over at weblogs.com. b2 is flexible, easy to edit and most of all, a good learning tool for PHP but no ping option.

I have my head up mu culo.

I have my head up mu culo. I have only just learnt of Blogger.com from todays post by Mr.Howie. I think I will make use of something like this, probably for professional promotion, touting my CV etc. Are there other sites more practial to my application? Any pitfalls i should be aware of?

January 30

Can we have a better 404 page?

404 grammar flame? Well, hopefully a little more proactive than that. Considering the possibilities, couldn't MeFi have a more interesting "not found" message?

Local News Links... why????

I don't like the idea that Metafilter has turned into a news portal. But I'll learn to live with that, it seems to be what most people like. But now we're linking local news? Isn't there a better place for residents of Bradford to discuss pending bus stop proposals? In the name of God, why? Why why why?

The Grand Liberal Metafilter Conspiracy

The Grand Liberal Metafilter Conspiracy. Step inside, won't you?

I miss you

This thread made me think about members who no longer participate in MeFi. Which AWOL member do you miss the most?

Should I show customers MeFi?

As some of you might know, I sell PC's for a living. Often in the course of my sales presentation, if the customer seems the type who would be interested, I'll show them Metafilter. I try to give them a good run-down of what the site is about and the general tone of the place. I don't know if any of them have visited or joined up as of yet, but if they did I hope they enjoyed it. I just wondered if this was cool with Matt, or if any of you had requests for things I should tell these prospective MeFi newbies?

Is there an insider word for this yet?

What's the jargon word for a doublepost thread that's obviously doomed, and which gets quickly taken over by a cheerful bunch of people with absolutely nothing to say, and no fear of MeTa reproach because the thread could disappear at any moment? I must say, posting in these threads, I've never felt so alive.


Appropriation of well-researched links

This irks me: I post this on Friday and today--Monday-- I find this via my show's counter. Now I better understand the phrase content provider.
Rant continued within.

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