January 29

More live play-by-play threads

"State of Union play by play " post triggered a probably unoriginal thought - scheduling more events/times in advance for live play-by-play threads, something for everyone, eg Oscar or Grammy night, Super Bowl, other big bang televised events. Wouldn't it be a blast to rant and rave all together about this and that on TV? (this probably a double post, but since searching didnt bring it up, I will patiently await the first comment post alert)

WinerLog has moved.

WinerLog is no longer being hosted on EditThisPage. Film at 11.

Chairman MaOwie

Metafilter -- dictatorship, monarchy, autonomous collective or religion? [more]

Macho bullshit posturing derails a thread.

Macho bullshit posturing derails a thread. I'd expect this kind of rubbish on kiddie forums, not MeFi. Yes an apology was made for the derailing, but what was the point of the comment?

I saw it on Fark but want to discuss with MeFites

So there's interesting story (or two) being prominently linked on another site with known readership overlap. I'm interested in hearing the comments of the MeFi community on either. Is that reason enough for a FPP?

January 28

what is wrong with this picture?

W hat is wrong with this picture?

Pony: A MeFi This! link similar to Blogger's Blog This! feature

Feature request: a MeFi This! link similar to Blogger's Blog This! feature. The upside: easy to post. The downside: more FFPs on Metafilter. Good idea, or really bad?

consensus on multiple-topic posts?

Do we have a general consensus on multiple-topic posts? While there is a relation in that Beast was mentioned in the Casciano essay, I really wonder if one or the other should have have been linked, as the space for discussion ends up too open.

Double Posts Must Stop Or Else

I'm sick of double posting. I want to stop double posting. How can I be sure, without manually searching the source codes of every month in the archives, that I'm not double posting? And is there any point in telling someone they've double posted when there's no way they can avoid it?

January 27

racism and land rights go hand-in-hand?

I believe some of the comments in this thread are completely out of line.

Double-post call-out bar raised.

Double-post call-out bar raised. Thank you, SJC.

More Flash!

I just adore games and animations but they're few and far between on MetaFilter, though the standard, when they are posted, seems pretty high. Ashbury's superb contribution yesterday was a welcome exception.
The few that are - most of them, in my opinion, worthy of a FPP - tend to turn up buried in threads. Why is this? Looking through the archives I get the impression that in the past there were far more games and animations.
Are less being produced nowadays or are they considered too childish or something? They're certainly very difficult to find. Woe is me. What are we games junkies to do?

SXSW 2002

For those lucky enough to be going, what bands are you excited about seeing at SXSW?

January 25

Love y2karl's Vivian Girls Post

I love, love, love, love, love this post. Love.
With so much trash-talk being thrown around this site recently, I just wanted to point out something good. Thanks, y2karl.

You were nice when my post was wrong, thanks!

Thanks for the heads-up on my post to MeFi. The fact that people were nice and not abusive proves that self-policing sites can and do work =]

This is the greatest meta ever

Case study: A post which declares something "the greatest ever," regardless of the intentions of the poster, is bound to wind up with a discussion not of the linked piece, but of the poster, his motivations, beliefs, and interests. In this way it can be understood as a MetaSelfPost, a post whose essential link is the poster's MeFi profile.

Bad link formed, fixed

Hey there - A post I made about a WA state Bill has had its link text munged - was this deliberate, or a bug? The original text said 'WA Lawmakers try to remove "repugnant" Theory of Evolution from schools'. It now just reads 'WA Lawmakers try to remove'. Just a curious thing - maybe quote-related. Thanks.

sidebar could be used for "hot" topics

Is the sidebar able to list "hot" topics that are more than likely going to be a) a double post news item of the day b) a thread that reachs say more than 80 comments or c) a user who wants to keep a thread accessible without having to remember the day, topic, or events that seem to push a link off the page and into the archives before some have a chance to comment or view the link?

I still can't figure out how to put a link in a response; can someone help me?

I feel dumb for asking, but... after being here for a few months I still can't figure out how to put a link in a response. Can someone tell me? Or is there a "How To" page here that I haven't found? Thanks in Advance.

January 24

SXSWbaby is back.

SXSWbaby is back.

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